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Staff Meeting

Posted on Thu Feb 3rd, 2022 @ 1:15am by Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sick Bay-Office
Timeline: MD 4, 0830 Hours
467 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Immediately after her arrival, Dr. Lamont had asked to see her staff. She sat behind her desk, her chair angled to see everyone in the relatively small sickbay office, normally just used for record-keeping and administrative purposes. "Good afternoon, everyone. I am Dr. Karen Lamont. I'll be your new CMO. I'm looking forward to working with all of you."

Cadet Mika Petrova stood with the various nurses and the surgeon and dentist assigned and sighed again in relief that she was no longer serving as their leader. Her rank, of course, gave her no authority whatsoever, but her position had as the Chief Medical Officer and the Assistant Chief were not yet aboard. She barely knew her medical duties, let alone how to run an entire warship department.

The ten people gathered, including Lamont, were almost incapable of fitting in the office and she felt one of the nurses brush up against her back, setting her off balance a bit.

"Dr. Lamont, I think I speak for everyone here when I say we're very relieved to have you here." she said, smiling in spite of herself. The medical staff around her nodded and a few claps were heard as well.

"Thank you, Cadet," Karen said warmly, certainly appreciating the welcome. "In deep space service, there is always the potential for conflict." Potential was too mild a word, really. "The odds are good that we will be dealing with our own wounded as well as with prisoners of war should the captain decide to take any." Not remotely a given in Terran service. "We will be responsible for maintaining services in sickbay even if the ship is under heavy fire, potentially providing emergency medical services on dangerous Away Missions, and continuing to operate even should we be boarded. We are not the Empire's frontline soldiers. We will not likely be asked to take the risks that will be asked of our Marine detachment but medical service does not remove us from the dangers of serving in wartime." Like there was ever peacetime. "We do this gladly for the glory of the Empire!" She paused and then said, more softly, "We also do it for the welfare of countless Terrans now forced into servitude by the likes of the Cardassians and Klingons."

Amid cheers and nods of agreement, Petrova's mind wandered from thoughts of her own safety during a potential ship-board action and the welfare of those Terrans enslaved by the Alliance. Her father was one of them, apparently. She clapped with everyone else, but was stuck in her head and hardly paid attention to the encouraging parts of the good Doctor's message.

"Our Assistant Chief will be joining us in a few days. Meanwhile, we are a little understaffed, so let's all get back to work!" Karen added.


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