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The Confidante

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 10:31pm by Amalie Cochrane & Crown Prince Paolo Orsini

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: The Pyramid
Timeline: Date 2371-08-14 at 1840
5799 words - 11.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The urgent summons had been strange to say the least, but of course the Cochrane family had complied with the request sent by the Crown Prince’s office. There had been some back and forth about who would go, but it was decided that the best plan would be for her mother Rachel and eldest brother Royce to accompany her to the Pyramid along with two trusted servants. With no real clue or context for the summons, it was a good opportunity for Royce to connect with some of the highest members of the government which would only help solidify his family’s new position as Lords of America. The elevation in station had been a surprise of course, but not a total surprise given the betrothal of Amalie to Paolo. Bernard remained behind with the rest of his children who were being seen to by relatives and nannies, though he did make it a point to involve his second son in the goings on.

Amalie was very quiet as she sat in the shuttle with her mother and brother. Her mother was going on and on about the Pyramid and how excited she was to see the inside. She hadn’t cared to speculate why they had been summoned, but whether that was for the benefit of her children or actual lack of care was unclear. She was playing with her own fingers in her lap while Royce was focused on something else entirely.

“Look, there it is!” Rachel exclaimed and Amalie looked up, looking out of the viewport at the impressive structure they were rapidly approaching. Part of her though felt extremely nervous, the other was excited to see Paolo again.

It was ten minutes later that the trio was finally stepping out onto the ramp but only after the shuttle, their belongings, and the Cochranes themselves had been subjected to a thorough security scan. Royce was first down the ramp and he turned to help his mother down first.

As soon as they had reached the bottom of the ramp, an entourage of aids made their final approach lead by a lanky old man with a bald head and a gray beard. He had an intelligent look about him and, when he paused, he gave a slight bow of acknowledgment to the Cochranes.

“Good evening. I am Doctor James Callahan, Governor to the Crown Prince.” He said, his voice indicating that he was British. Of course, as Paulo was not yet of age, he was technically under the charge of a governor rather than being served by a private secretary. “The Crown Prince had asked me to greet you and to see you to your rooms. I trust your flight was comfortable and safe?”

“Yes, thank you.” Royce replied as Rachel stepped down off the ramp. He then turned to receive his sister and walked down with her. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Callahan. My mother April, my sister Amalie, and I am Royce Cochrane.” The young man made his introductions and gave a respectful nod.

“Of course, my Lord.” Callahan said, turning his attention to the task at hand. “I don’t typically escort people, but Prince Paolo was so excited about your arrival, I couldn’t say no. I will show you to your rooms. You will be here for the foreseeable future, or at least until the Emperor decides it’s safe.”

“Decides it’s safe?” Royce questioned, his brows lifting. He allowed his mother to take his arm while the other went to Amalie’s shoulder. “Has there been some sort of threat against my family?”

Amalie fidgeted slightly where she stood. She was dressed in a very pretty white and lavender dress, the colors and cut modest and meant to only enhance her sweet, youthful innocence. Whoever was in charge of her image was certainly doing a good job of it.

“Not in so many words, sir.” Callahan responded, having forgotten that news of the coup had been kept so tight that no one outside the building knew exactly what was happening. “The news will break tomorrow morning and, of course, it has nothing to do with you, per say. If you’ll allow me, I would be most happy to explain everything to you while I escort you to your rooms.”

“Of course.” Royce nodded and started moving after Callahan with his mother and sister in tow. They listened to the explanation given, even the normally flighty Rachel had sobered and given the attention needed for such a moment; she was more than capable, it just wasn’t something she often did. Amalie listened too, and couldn’t help the feeling of concern that started to well up in her chest. She clasped her hands tightly together in front of her and was so caught up in the moment that she hardly did any looking around the area she had also been curious about mere moments before. Eventually, they made it to the hallways where the apartments were located, the doors impressively carved and ornate.

“And here we are.” James Callahan said with a satisfied, if not happy expression, as they arrived at the rooms that had been set aside for the Cochrane family. As a servant threw open the doors, James stopped outside them. “Please contact the Office of the Court Chamberlain if you have any additional requests or needs.”

Turning toward Amalie, James prepared an aside. “Prince Paolo is eager to see you but doesn’t wish to rush you. Give my office a ring when you’re available, ma’am.”

“O-okay.” Amalie replied shyly, a bright pink blush on her pretty young face. “Thank you, sir.”

“Not at all, ma’am.” He said, offering her a small smile which he would give to none else there. It didn’t hurt to ingratiate himself a bit in interest in the future. With that, he turned around and exited their apartment. He would leave the girl to get herself settled in and take some time to inform his charge that she was here.

It had taken around half an hour for Amalie to eventually call Callahan’s office to let him know she was ready. The settling in process had been largely handled by the servants; the majority of the time had instead been spent with her mother doting and fussing on her to make sure she looked the perfect pretty picture for Paolo. It was becoming a bit draining, but in the grand scheme of things it was a trivial trouble. She would have been lying though if she would have said this adjustment in her life had been easy in the slightest.

She walked with the attendants and guards to Paolo’s office, stopping outside and waiting as one of them moved inside without her.

“Highness, Lady Amalie is here to see you.” The young man offered up with a respectful bow.

After Colleen had informed him that the Chochranes were on their way to the Pyramid, he went back to his room and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. He had always been partial to the vest, and so he’d donned a gray one with a matching gray and black striped tie and black pants. He’d sprayed cologne on while one of the servants of his bedchamber harangued and watched him to make sure he didn’t use too much. After he was done and looking as dapper as a 14 year old boy possibly could, he went to his office and tried to find something to occupy his mind. He’d finally settled on a biography written about Antonius I, the founder of the Empire which he read behind his desk.

The desk itself was a testament to modern design and clearly had been arranged by someone who knew him rather than by him himself. It was a corner office, and in the Pyramid that meant two of the walls were floor to ceiling window monstrosities. The third was a stark white wall lined with bookshelves. During the day, tons of sunlight would flow in through the large windows, but the nighttime lights of Rome now shined dimly into the room. The carpet was eggshell white and the lights inside the room beamed down from tracks near the tops of the windows, giving the room a semi-mysterious glow.

When the servant stepped in the room and announced Amalie’s presence, he slipped his bookmark where it belonged and closed the book. He then stood and rounded his desk as she entered.

Stepping inside, Amalie immediately smiled at Paolo, the expression reaching her warm, sweet brown eyes immediately. She was genuinely happy to see him. Since they were not alone, she curtsied to him. “Prince Paolo.”

“Amalie, it’s good to see you.” he said, a genuine smile crossing his face as he stepped closer to her. He reached for her hand in gentlemanly fashion and kissed her knuckles slowly, something he almost certainly wouldn’t have had the courage to do before. It was one of the ways his new role was changing him. “Are you well? I’m glad you’re safe. My brother would love nothing more than to..” he stopped himself then.

That blush appeared on her face again, shy and demure but not at all upset by the contact, it had simply been a surprise. She liked the way his hand felt around her own. “Umm…” she began, a bit at a loss but recovered quickly. “Yes, I’m well but… but how are you?”

She looked into his eyes with a gentle earnestness and gave his hand a slight squeeze.

To say he was distracted by the feeling of her hand in his own would have been an understatement, but despite the lack of focus it engendered for him, he was certainly not going to ruin the magic of that contact by bringing it to an end.

“Oh, I’m fine. Safe.” He said, chuckling somewhat awkwardly. “He wasn’t fast enough to get to me or anyone else except for Jessica and Antonio.”

“How terrible for her. She must be so frightened.” Amalie frowned, her empathy showing in her eyes. She wasn’t saying it because it was expected of her, she was saying it because she meant it and truly felt sympathy for Jessica… and she didn’t even know a whisper of what the woman had been through. “I hope she is found quickly.”

In all honesty, Paulo thought he was the only one who had really given Jessica half a thought. For all the drama of the day, the poor woman had gone mostly unnoticed by the inhabitants of the Pyramid. The truth was that his sister-in-law was probably somewhere, very scared, if she was still alive at all. He didn’t quite know what to do with that.

“Me too. Giuseppe isn’t a gentle man, and I don’t think he has any intention of treating her…well, like his wife.” He said, definitively. His eyes escaped her gaze to the room around them. “This used to be his office, actually. He wouldn’t allow me to come in.”

“Well… it is much better suited to you.” Amalie replied, still holding his hand innocently while she looked around. “I can’t say I knew much about him, but I do remember seeing the news when he was arrested and the pictures of Jessica.” She frowned at the memory, quite affected by it.

“He almost killed her that night.” Paolo said, his eyes still lingering on the room before returning to her. “It’s his taste, not mine. There’s not nearly enough bookcase room in here.”

Amalie thought about that for a beat and then offered a smile. “Maybe while you are here you should decorate it to your tastes? It might be helpful to have something to focus on; at least that is what my father tells me when there is something troubling me.”

“Maybe.” He said with a nod, smiling at her. “But I like to stay involved in the action around here. All you have to do is look away for a moment and you miss something huge.”

He still held her hand, but it was closer now that he’d stepped up to her. He looked into her eyes and felt his heart dip to see her. She was so beautiful that he practically felt ill with affection when he thought of her.

“I hope all of this hasn’t made you want to reconsider our engagement.” He said quietly, the vulnerable fear apparent on his face. “Being a royal isn’t all fun and games, but it has its wonderful moments and features.”

“I don’t want to lie to you, and I would be if I said it wasn’t concerning.” Amalie admitted though she turned in toward him, standing at a wholly inappropriate distance for a woman of her station to be standing with the Crown Prince. “I’m a little afraid, but I don’t want to break off the engagement.”

Paolo seemed to issue a sigh of relief at her answer. Part of him worried she would flee once she saw the mess that was being a member of the royal family. He wanted to keep her with him, and he was glad she seemed to at least not want to leave.

“I’m really glad to hear that.” He said. “I thought we might have scared you off.”

“No, you haven’t.” Amalie shook her head slightly. “I just wish I understood everything a bit better. Is there anything that I could do to help you? I know probably not but…” She offered a slight shrug, unsure of what else to say and feeling a bit silly immediately after offering.

He thought about her question for a few seconds, debating whether or not there was anything she could do to be of any assistance to him at a time like this. Suddenly, the answer came to him and he nodded to the floor in answer to her question. He looked around at the servant and guard standing in the office.

“Leave us.” He said in a crisp clear voice which was commanding without being harsh.

The guard left, but the servant hesitated a moment, looking between Paolo and Amalie and then immediately complied. Left alone with Paolo, Amalie suddenly looked a bit nervous.

“Umm… P-Paolo, it isn’t really proper for us to be together alone.” The reminder was gentle. “N-not that I think you would do anything, I just don’t want to cause any problems with anyone.”

“I understand.” He said with a smile that communicated he really did. “I just need someone to talk to and…I don’t like talking about such things in mixed company. Even servants. I feel..a bit uncomfortable with the subject and…would you sit with me?”

He gestured to the couches and chairs in the center of the room with the hand that wasn’t still intertwined with hers.

“Sure.” She nodded, still not completely comfortable with it, but she had been honest with her words. No part of her feared Paolo or his intentions, but people liked to talk and blow things out of proportion. They moved over to one of the couches and she took a seat with his help. “I’m listening.”

Paolo sat right next to her, allowing a moment for his distraction at their knees touching, but no more. There was something that she could help him with, and he just needed to get to it.

“You know enough about imperial history to understand that the stories of emperors are accounts of blood, power, and fear. The throne has been fought over my fathers and sons, brothers and sisters. People have killed countless times to sit in my fathers chair. And now I am set to inherit all of that.” He said, looking almost as uncertain as he felt. “The truth is, I’m scared. I’m scared because I’m not sure. I’ll do a good job. I’m scared because I’m afraid I will disappoint my father. More than anything, I’m scared because I’m afraid I will lose who I am.”

Paolo paused and took a deep breath. If he weren’t actively willing himself to be strong, he might have found tears welling up in his eyes at this point.

“Just yesterday, I was an advocate for a fair and speedy trial for my brother. I had confidence in due process, and I believed that the system that my ancestors have built would protect us from anything that might happen. But, today, I see what happened with my father allowing my brother to continue drawing breath long after his treason was obvious. And I’m afraid…. I’m afraid I no longer agree with his decision.”

Amalie was silent, leaning slightly toward Paolo with the intensity with which she was listening to him. While she of course knew the history of the Empire, the nuances of this kind of life hadn’t been something she had ever thought she would have to grasp. What girl of fourteen from Montana of all places would have a reason to do so? Paolo was certainly more intelligent than she was, she knew that, but she had heart and caring to offer. She continued to hold his hand and, when he was done, she reached across his lap and took hold of his other hand. She gave both a gentle squeeze.

“Paolo,” she began, paused, and then continued, “I think the fact that you are afraid of all of those things is a good thing.” Before he could react too incredulously, she continued, “The fact that you don’t take this lightly or see it as some sort of birthright that you will naturally be able to achieve is good. It means you’ll be paying closer attention to everything that you do so you can do your absolute best to not fail or lose yourself.”

“But sometimes, those decisions might be wrong or need to be reconsidered. Sometimes, they will be costly. My father always taught me it is how you deal with the lowest moments that shows what kind of person you really are.” She ran her thumbs over the backs of his hands. “I have faith in you.”

We’re someone else to have said it, Paolo likely would have considered the words overly-sentimental. But, coming from her, they took on a real significance and power for him. Her vote of confidence meant more to him than many others and he allowed himself to demure a bit at hearing it. Somehow, he was flattered. He still didn’t know what to do, but he felt a bit better.

“That’s…good.” He said, his words failing him. His face, however, said the rest. “I’m just not sure what is right and what is wrong in this situation anymore. But I am very concerned, you're right.”

“Well, what are the choices or options before you? Are there any?” She prompted him gently.

“Now? No. But before the choice whether a traitor like my brother should get a court date and risk something terrible like this happening, or if he should meet his end…without taking other people with him.” He said, attempting to be modest in his speech.

Amalie was certainly bright enough to understand where he was going with that final statement. “I admit I am a bit rusty on the details of history, but has there ever been a situation like this before? Where a brother was jailed for something similar to what Giuseppe had done?”

Paolo considered the question for a few seconds before shaking his head.

“We Orsini are unique in political history. Before us, brother battled brother by poison and blades. Never by arrest and courts. They considered arrest to be far too risky. If the rival claimant were to somehow escape….”

“Something like this would have likely happened.” Amalie supplied with a frown and sigh. “How terrible it must have been to be faced with the choice your father had to face.” While so many would have said it in a way to ingratiate themselves, Amalie did seem genuinely saddened.

Paolo’s eyes drifted away and he didn’t even sigh. Instead, he fell back on the couch a bit, and seemed to deflate, like air being let out of a balloon a little bit at a time.

“Welcome to Hell.” He said, his tone somber. Inside, he found himself wishing with all his heart that his brother had been a good man. That way he and Amalie could marry and live relatively normal lives. He felt like everything had been taken from him at that moment.

“May I ask you a question?” Amalie prompted, looking at him with gentle and sympathetic brown eyes.

“Of course you can.” He responded, offering her a sad, almost tired smile.

“This situation with your brother is terrible,” she prefaced while looking into his eyes, “but… is there nothing else that you can look to for joy and solace in your life? Something good that it brings you? I don’t want to diminish what is happening, but it will pass. It would be a shame to let it color the rest of your life so you think of the road ahead of us as Hell.”

He actually smiled at that question.

“I do have something, or rather, someone that brings me joy and solace.” He said. “Unfortunately, I get to see her so very rarely, and never alone.”

It actually took Amalie a solid two seconds to figure out what he was talking about exactly. She wasn’t used to boys talking about her in such a way at all. She blushed deeply again, and automatically began to fidget with her fingers nervously. It was a habit she would have to break, though that was a fact of which only Paolo would be aware.

“Um… w-well, we can fix one of those two things… and the other just needs time.” She offered up shyly, trying to look at him but unable to bring herself to do so and instead just looked back down at her worrying hands.

He wanted to be closer to her, somehow, but he knew it wasn’t right. Instead he smiled and gave a sigh which told the tale of his heavy heart and the ups and downs of the day. Being with her was wonderful though.

“Thank you very much for listening, Amalie. It means a lot to me.”

“I’ll always be here to listen, Paolo. I may not be able to offer advice or be knowledgeable on the subject… but I’ll always listen to you and your troubles.” Amalie assured him with a gentle smile. She was very eloquent for her age.

“I’m lucky to have you in my life, then.” He said with a satisfied expression. “When one is a person with power, even if it’s future power, people don’t treat you normally. Very few really care about you and only care about what you might be able to do for them or to them. You probably already know what I mean. People have likely started treating you strangely; looking at you strangely; taking an interest in what you say when they never cared before.”

He was certainly not wrong, and it was not something that had gone unnoticed by her. She frowned slightly as she thought about it and the discomfort the attention had brought her initially - and still did. “They have, yes. Even my own family…” her frown deepened and she sighed softly. “I know it is to be expected but…”

“To lead is a calling. To resist temptation, yes, but to stand taller than others and show them how to behave.” He said, gripping her hands more tightly. “I think you are exactly the Empress they need. They just can’t help themselves, but you can help them.”

That thought sent Amalie into an immediate internal panic. Paolo at least had the benefit of being prince so there had always been a remote possibility of this being his fate, but she was a fourteen year old girl - a nobody. What nobody could have even fathomed becoming Empress one day? She licked her lips nervously, trying to meet his gaze again. “I have a lot to learn.”

“Are they teaching you? Have they sent tutors or a Governor?” He asked, not knowing what the answer might be.

“From what I understand, that is being arranged… or at least an attempt is being made to arrange it. It seems the Imperial household is being extremely meticulous in finding tutors fit to instruct a future Empress.” Amalie smiled a little, having no idea there was an actual reason behind the delay. She had no idea what had happened to his sisters and their education. The Household was not eager to repeat the mistake.

“Oh?” he asked, not really knowing the first thing about it. He knew that his sisters had not had the best experience, but hardly understood that the problem was endemic. “I’m sure my mother is just looking for the right people for the job. It’s very important. Honestly, I wish you could come here and share my tutors.”

“Well, that might be nice, but I think they may be too busy with you. Besides, I imagine I’d learn different lessons than you would.” Amalie smiled. “Maybe your mother will just give up and do it herself.”

Paolo considered the idea with an interested lift of his eyebrows.

“I can tell you, as I shadow my Father several days a week, that there is nothing as effective as on the job training. I can speak to my mother about having you over for some of her smaller events to show you how she works her miracles keeping the ladies of the court busy. I could even ask my sister if she would take you out as well. She’s a great social coach and has helped me feel comfortable with people, or at least to pretend to.”

She had honestly been joking, so when he put it forward as a legitimate idea, Amalie was left sitting there and blinking for a moment. “Do… do you really think they would do that? They both must be so busy though. I wouldn’t want to impose on their time.”

“We’re the future.” He said simply without ego or flourish. “And the future is always a worthy investment.”

“I suppose that is true.” Amalie was pensive and played with the fabric of her dress. “I wouldn’t be opposed; and it might mean we would see each other more often.”

“If you’d like to see me more often, I’m only a transporter trip away, really.” He said, but frowned. “My Governor has some very specific ideas about how often it is appropriate for us to meet. I think it’s stupid, personally. Formality for no other reason than to have a pretense.”

“Does the pretense of ‘I want to see her’ not work?” Amalie said with a soft chuckle. Sometimes the older generations seemed so stuck in their ways.

“No.” he said with a smile in return. “And, if it did, I’d be with you almost all the time. I think they know that, so they try to keep me focused.”

“I guess that is fair, in all honesty.” Amalie agreed with reluctance. She wasn’t entirely unaware of the effect she had on Paolo, but to her it was a sweet thing, not something to exploit. The thought had never even crossed her mind. “But I would like to see you more, so maybe if I’m already near, we’ll have an easier time of it.”

He smiled quite warmly at being assured she wanted to see him more as well, and a look of total happiness crossed his face.

“I could throw my weight around a bit.” He said eagerly. “I’m surprised your parents haven’t signed you up for a season at court starting in autumn.”

“My parents are… hesitant to debut me at court. They wouldn’t have at all for at least another two years like my sisters, but they know my situation is different.” She sighed. “They want to protect me from ‘being thrown to the wolves’, according to them.”

“Most girls come looking for a potential match, but you wouldn’t. You’d be the least eligible bachelorette amongst the ladies and would enjoy a special place, perhaps even at my mother’s side.” He speculated. “But if the bites of wolves are the judgements of other noble girls, I certainly don’t know how they would respond.”

“Is it difficult for men?” She asked suddenly and frowned in a rather cute way that signaled an intense curiosity and concentration. “I’ve always wondered if they have their own way of being… mean.”

Paolo thought about it for a moment before answering.

“Oh sure, but meanness is less cutting among the boys. They roughhouse when not being watched and they establish pecking orders, but I’ve rarely seen a boy terrorized the way the girls can pick out someone from their ranks.” He said and then waved his hand. “I’m no expert in that, however. All my life, I’ve been a prince.”

“No, but you do have sisters.” She pointed out with a slight smile. “I know they are older, but still.”

“Elana never quite fit in, but girls only talked about her behind her back.” He said, remembering. “And Giana…Giana was the mean girl. She’s much better now though.”

“Was she?” Amalie blinked, seemingly genuinely surprised by that. To the peasants and lower nobles who hardly ever interacted with her, Giana was still the object of the peoples’ love. She hardly ever bared her nasty side to them, only the upper society tasted her venom. “She’s always seemed nice. Aloof, but nice.”

“You’ll find that…you’ll find that court is different from the rest of the universe. All of the rules are reversed. The cruel rule, the kind are ignored. But don’t worry, you’ll learn.”

“That doesn’t really sound… enjoyable at all. Why is it like that?” Amalie asked with an innocent frown. “Is your sister actually mean?”

“I don’t know and I don’t know, in short.” He said with a snort of sorts. “Status, I guess, prompts people at court to constantly measure themselves off of each other. And she is very good at that game. It’s hard to tell where mean stops and smart begins. I don’t play the games, however. I’m in a privileged position to stand above it to a certain extent. You will be too.”

Amalie wondered if that were true, but that was probably a better question for his mother or sister. He wouldn’t really have reason to know what she as a woman would encounter, she supposed. Before she could say anything else, there was a light tap on the door.

There time together alone had been so pleasant that Paolo had pushed it on and on, not wanting escorts anymore. He knew, however, that hormones were already starting to get the better of him and that he more desperately than ever before wanted to kiss and touch her. In years to come, they might want more.

“Yes?” He asked with a tone of guilt.

“Sir-“ The attendant began but the taller Royce simply looked over the man’s head and into the room.

“Just checking in.” Royce gave a smile. He wasn’t worried about Paolo, but he also had to do right by his sister. What they were doing wasn’t appropriate, but he was willing to give some leeway given the circumstances, though that might not last into the coming years as Paolo became more man than boy.

“Come in.” Paolo said, grinning at Royce. He was a good man who clearly loved his sister. “We were just talking.”

On invitation, Royce stepped into the room and bowed to Paolo. “Highness, it is good to see you again.”

Amalie was mildly embarrassed by her brother’s interruption, but she couldn’t hold it against him and she did know he was just doing his duty both as oldest son and older brother. Judging by what Paolo had just told her and also what had happened today, she knew she should be grateful to have a loving brother like Royce, and she was.

“And you, Royce. Paolo said, releasing his sister's hands, standing up and extending a hand to shake Royce. It was against protocol for him to cross the room to greet the man, but he also had to be the one to initiate a handshake. It was tedious stuff, but second nature to an experienced courtier. “How's business?”

“Well, thank you.” He replied after shaking Paolo’s hand. “Please, don’t let me interrupt. I just wanted to check on my sister.”

“Of course you were. And it’s very good of you.” Paolo said with a smile. He was aware that, between them, the power belonged totally to him, but one would never be certain by the respect he showed Royce. He turned then and approached Amalie, offering a hand to help her up. “It’s late and your mother probably wants you back, my lady.”

Amalie took Paolo’s hand and stood from the couch easily. “You’re right I’m sure, Highness.”

She gave him a sweet smile and let him walk her back over to Royce. “I am glad to be here with you and I hope we will see more of each other if your time permits.”

“I’ll make it permit.” He said, squeezing her hand once more before releasing it and nodding to Royce. “A good night to both of you.”

With their goodbyes said, Amalie took her brother's arm and the two walked away, though she did glance back over her shoulder and offer one last parting look and smile to Paolo. Though of course she desperately wished the circumstances were better, she was glad for the chance to have more time with Paolo. While the announcement of their betrothal hadn't been that long ago, she wanted to get to know him much more than she did and maybe even just that would offer a bright spot during this dark time.

She just hoped everything would turn out alright.



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