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Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 7:32pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-08-22 at 0900
4617 words - 9.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Lyra had retreated from sickbay with as much haste as she could without it appearing she was actively running away. She was more than tired of small rooms and medical beds, being poked, prodded, scanned, and gawked at. The control she so prided herself in having had been severely compromised and something so simple as not lashing out at those who were irritating her had taken active effort. She was tense and on edge, but even being out and moving on her own free will was helping alleviate some of those feelings. The constant reminder that she was still being monitored like some sort of science experiment by way of a monitor on the back of her neck was decidedly less helpful about alleviating those feelings. She wanted to tear the damn thing off and crush it under her boot, but she was well aware that it would bring Brasken crawling out of the conduits - he’d threatened as much.

She stepped off the turbolift, rolling her neck and doing nothing to fix the scowl currently set on her beautiful face. Everyone in this area was on shift at the moment. Andrei was either on the bridge or out plucking feathers and stripping off scales, Ivan would be in his ready room, and the rest of the children were all at their stations proper. She wouldn’t be for at least the next ten days, according to Brasken, and that was assuming she could pass all his tests. She wasn’t especially worried about it, but it annoyed her deeply.

What didn’t annoy her at the moment though, really?

She walked directly to her quarters, but very suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor and looked between the two doors on her left and right. There had been no real shortage of amusement at the fact that she and Andrei had ended up in quarters directly across from each other. As much as they enjoyed being together, they still took opportunities to have to themselves even if the majority of their time ended up being spent together anyways.

She thought of him directly then and how he had so often been by her side the past days - even when she had been asleep according to the nurses. It really had surprised her, but it also made her more confident in their connection. Of course, there was still that voice in the back of her head telling her to be wary; it was Andrei after all and she wasn’t foolish. What she was, however, was willing to see if he would care for her like she had for him when the Kazon had nearly destroyed him - not just his body but his pride and confidence. She had cradled him like a dying ember, nurtured him with a primal violence, let him whisper his most earnest ambitions to her, and gently eased him back on the path toward his long standing goal. She had allowed him to be present in her moment of triumph over Christoph, to share in it and reclaim a share of his strength in it; she had given her secrets, her body. Ever the gentle guiding hand on his back, pointing to him the path to take. Eventually, he did it. He had reclaimed himself, his whole self and more.

Would he cradle and protect her while she licked her wounds? Would he work to help her heal as she had with him? He certainly seemed inclined to and deep down, she was delighted.

She broke from her thoughts then and turned toward her door, walking into her quarters and immediately going to check to make sure no one had been inside while she was away. Everything seemed in its proper place, but she also went to check her internal surveillance that she had set up just for her quarters to make sure. Seeing nothing and giving a great, loud sigh, she decided it was time for some much needed self care.

The next two hours were spent intensely tending to her body. She showered, scrubbed, conditioned, rinsed, and repeated under scalding hot water as if she were trying to melt away the tainted top layer of her skin. With modern technology, it wasn’t like she had to shave, everything she hadn’t wanted had been taken off years back, and anything she had kept was very easy to maintain. She tended to her teeth, scrubbed her lips, worked on her hair and gave it another conditioning. Then came her nails which again with modern technology were very easy to fix. By the end of it all, she looked and felt like herself - one wouldn’t even be able to tell she had gone through the ordeal were it not for the bruising still on her beautiful, regal features. She had done all of this for no one but herself to at least take a first step on reclaiming what had been taken from her. She ate a bland meal aiming at not upsetting her stomach and then moved to stretch out on her couch where she spent exactly fifteen minutes before deciding this wasn’t where she wanted to be.

Dressed in a black Andorian silk chemise, underwear, slippers, and nothing else, she walked out of her quarters - which locked behind her - across the hall into Andrei’s quarters. It was only 1100 by then so he would be working for hours yet. She shuffled her way into the bedroom where she slid her slippers off by her nightstand then poured herself a small glass of water. Pulling back the covers, Lyra slid into her side of the bed. She pulled the blankets back up high over her face so only her eyes and the top of her head were exposed given Andrei tended to keep his quarters cold, and she was asleep in the chilly darkness not five minutes later.

Andrea’s shift would typically be on the bridge, but they’re station position above the alien planet had afforded him the freedom to do some things, which, quite frankly, very much needed to be done. Besides preparing for his negotiations, with the various leaders of the two alien races, he spent a significant amount of his working hours, tending to the Numiri Captives witch Shadow Squad found in the place where Lyra was being held.

When his shift was over, however, he went directly to his quarters to freshen up, and then see if you could find out where she had gotten to if she had left Sickbay at all. He entered his quarters, without a thought that someone might be in there, and immediately unzipped his uniform jacket.

“Computer, lights.” he said, and lights turned on in the main room.

Lyra didn’t wake completely from inside the bedroom, but she did stir out of the deep sleep she had been in. At some point, she had pulled Andrei’s pillow down into her arms to hold, and instead of getting up, she tilted her head down into it to cover her eyes. She didn’t move, something told her she didn’t need to.

Andrei tossed his jacket, quite roughly onto the couch and stripped off his red uniform shirt as well, leaving him standing in his bottoms, and a black undershirt which complemented his muscular physique. He slipped off his shoes and pushed them back toward the couch. It was only when he turned to walk toward the replicator that he noticed his side table was slightly askew. It was a very subtle detail, but for all his pomp and recklessness at times, he did notice details quite well. The patch helped him to measure the exact degree of change from before it was moved, and he was certain someone had been in his cabin. Perhaps they were here still.

Going to the wall behind his desk, he pulled a Sashka off the wall and held it comfortably at his side. He was fierce with the weapon and knew he could cut any infiltrator to ribbons in a split second if they needed it. Fully on guard, he proceeded quickly into his room through the swishing doors.

The hiss of the doors and the quick steps into the room did wake her. Why was he being so loud? Disgruntled, her eyes cracked open and she lifted her head just enough to look at him standing in the doorway holding one of his swords. He looked magnificent, but she was sleepy. Her dark eyes remained on him for a fleeting moment then she voiced her displeasure with a small sound before she put her head back down where it had been and pulled her legs up toward her body.

It was dark, but Andrei’s patch fortunately afforded him excellent night vision. He saw Lyra clearly in the bed, her eyes immediately recognizable to him. He sighed, his tension releasing and tossed his sword beside her on the bed.

“Computer, lights to 20 percent.” He said, causing the lights to rival the glowing of Banea outside the holographic window above his bed. “You are trying to die this month, aren’t you, Lyra Cassiel?”

She opened her eyes again as the sword landed next to her. With a sigh, she stretched back out and finally emerged from under the blankets properly. Propping herself up with an elbow on her pillow, she looked at the sword and then up to Andrei. “Darling, I know you are thrilled to see me, but I’m too sleepy to play with your sword.”

“Yes, I figured that might take a few days.” He said with a smile, sitting down on the bed and reaching over to touch her. “How do you feel?”

“Tired. All I want to do is sleep, but Brasken said that would be normal for another day, maybe two.” She shifted a bit closer to him but didn’t crowd him. Her hand found his arm and she gave it a gentle but firm squeeze. “Are you done for the day?”

“In a manner of speaking.” Andrei said. “Military bureaucracy never truly sleeps. But I have done everything that really needs to be done today.”

Lyra sat up then right next to him, her body pressing up against his back and side while her lips found his neck just under his ear. Her body was warm against him, her weight pressing in gently, and he could feel the inviting softness of her breasts against his arm and back. Her toned arms slid around his middle, and her lips tenderly kissed him in the same spot once more; she knew he liked it there. Though they had only been apart a week, the trauma she had been put through made it feel like much longer to her and all she wanted to do was be near him. She knew she would have to be mindful to not cling to him too much - she didn’t want to despite what the conflicting feeling was signaling to her, and she also didn’t want him to feel suffocated. She allowed herself just a moment to linger and then finally pulled back and slid out of the bed.

“Drinks?” She questioned though was already heading back out into the main living space. The black silk fabric shifted and clung to her body as she walked away from him. Her hips swayed slightly and while she wasn’t walking with her usual powerful and confident stride, the view of her retreating form was no less pleasant.

Andrei’s eyes were actively wandering to find her moving hips and bottom. This kiss had done nothing to settle the conflicting passions that were battling within his soul. He was relieved to have her back, eager to avenge her suffering, and desperately horny. A week was a long time for a person like him. Still, he knew that she was tired, and that she had been through quite a lot. He sent his eyes looking elsewhere, removing his patch as he did, and placing it on his nightstand. He would be patient. For now.

“A drink sounds lovely.” He said, standing up and removing his pants. He tossed them lazily on a nearby chair and layed down on his back on the bed, sighing quietly as not to be heard by her in the other room. A week was a long time for someone like him, and having her back made it worse by several orders of magnitude.

Lyra returned but a moment later with two vodka cranberries in her hands. She paused at the door, looking at Andrei and the way he was laying. She was not an idiot by any stretch and while he had given no indication of anything to her, Lyra knew what her darling needed. Andrei was not the only voracious one in their relationship, but it was a feeling that was easier for her to sit with both mentally and literally physically. When push came to shove though, she wanted a physical connection to him, and why not one they both enjoyed immensely? She carefully got into the bed on her knees and walked along with them until she was next to him. Sitting on her calves, she offered him his drink and touched the cool bottom to his chest.

“Here, darling.”

“Oh.” He said with a surprised smile, trying his best to cover the truth of his feelings with a smile. He sat up as well, shivering with the touch of the glass and then taking it from her. “Thanks. It’s been strange here without you. It’s been a while since I brooded like that.”

It was his version of “I missed you”. She awarded it a tender smile and leaned forward to kiss him; it was kept brief but the feeling behind it was unmistakable. She moved while being careful of her own drink in her hand to lie down next to him though she was on her stomach. Her nightgown shifted and flipped, gathering at the apex of her thighs and between her legs, just barely covering her behind. She didn’t think to fix it, her mind was elsewhere. She was propped up on her elbows with her mule in both hands and after a moment she broke the silence.

“What happened, Andrei, when we left that meeting with the Baneans? Where did you end up going?”

They hadn’t talked about it at all to this point, she hadn’t wanted to while in sickbay but now that it was just the two of them alone in the comfort of “home”, she wanted to piece it all together.

He thought about it for a moment, sipping the drink she had brought to buy some extra time. He knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, but he still had a kind of shame about the events, like he could’ve done more, but was stopped by cowardice. It was a very unusual feeling for him.

“After my meeting, I went back to our hotel room as agreed. After quite some time, I thought it strange you hadn’t returned, and I tried comms. You didn’t respond, of course. At that point, I left to find you, but was intercepted by a squad of Banean police who insisted to me that I come with him. I complied, begrudgingly. once we arrived, where they were taking me, I questioned the officials there about your whereabouts, and they informed me that you were being detained for committing murder. I told them I didn’t care, and that I wanted to see you, and they rejected me. Of course, I fought back, but they knocked me out. When I woke up, I was given a choice to leave or be destroyed. So I raced back to the Fleet to bring them here to find you.”

There was much about how he felt personally that he left unspoken, and he seemed to have no intention to say them aloud. Despite himself, his eyes drifted to her plump bottom and lingered there for a few seconds every time.

Lyra listened silently as he spoke and filled in the other half of what had happened. He had tried to come for her, of that she never had any doubt. She also never had any doubt that he would never verbalize any feelings of responsibility for what had happened to her, but she really didn’t need him to. It was over and done with and the blame game was such a tiresome one to play. They both played a part in it, they would both learn from it. She took a sip from her drink and as she shifted her weight, the fabric covering her shifted and caught the light to once again draw his eye.

“How many days was the Vengeance here? I really have no idea.”

“We just got here yesterday morning. But it feels like twice as long.” He said, lifting the drink and finishing the rest in a hurry. He felt the warm burn of a liquid, run down his throat and settle in his belly. Closing his eyes in order to keep his own mind from wandering at the sight of her, he laid down on his back again, and took a deep breath.

“It was hard to keep track of time.” Lyra admitted, took another sip of her drink, then set the rest off to the side. With a soft sigh, she shifted back to him, cuddling up against him and draping her arm around his middle. Her head found his shoulder. “I was worried you had been taken too.”

“For a brief while, but for all their stupidity, the Baneans follow a very specific legal code that I hadn’t broken. They hadn’t calculated that taking you would seriously antagonize my father. They were wrong. And, if they had been right, I would’ve found a way to get you back on my own.”

“I know you would have, darling. I knew you would come for me.” She kissed his warm skin and breathed him in while her fingertips began to trace over his ribs and chest through the light traces of hair on his chest. That he would come back were he able was hardly ever in doubt, but near the end she had surely doubted he would make it in time. Then, she quieted, not having any more questions at the moment. Her eyes went wandering, and eventually wandered down. What she saw actually made her smile just a little, and she lifted her head again. Her hand found his cheek and her eyes found his mismatched gaze.

“YA lyublyu tebya, ty znayesh'.”

Instead of responding verbally, he kissed her gently, trying his very best not to indicate to her how desperate he was for her touch. He knew that his body had betrayed him, but she was tired and needed to heal. His kiss, however, grew in passion and intensity for one desperate moment before subsiding by a sheer act of his will.

Without hesitation, she returned his kiss, practically tasting his desire on his lips. She knew she couldn’t physically handle his appetite right now in their preferred way, but there were other ways. When he pulled back, she leaned forward and kissed him again, her body pressing against his more. When she pulled back, her thumb found his lips and ran over the lower one. He was trying so hard to be good to her, to let her rest and recover. It enamored her to him. Without a word she shifted over top of him and began to kiss down his body slowly.

Andrei responded with a hungry roll of his hips as the most obvious sign of his arousal seemed to stiffen even more and create an uncomfortable tent in his boxers.

“Lyra, love.” He groaned, his hand catching hers tightly enough to get her attention. “You need to rest.”

Lyra stopped where she was and looked up into his eyes. Unfortunately where she was left his ever hardening manhood now bobbing between her soft, shapely breasts. Her chin was on his abdomen, and her dark eyes were glinting.

“My mouth doesn’t need a rest, darling. Let me take care of you.” Her voice was low and alluring, her fingertips danced over his hips and grabbed the band of his boxers.

He had no strength to resist her any further, and he knew it. With a sigh, he relaxed and let her show him the depth of her love and devotion.

When he relented, she continued. While there was a lack of that fiery, furious passion they usually shared, her performance on him was no less serviceable. She used her mouth, her lips, her tongue, and her hands all in concert to provide him with much needed relief and herself with that physical connection and a bit of normalcy. Each touch was pointed and she played his body with as much skill and grace as she might have played an instrument until finally she felt him shudder underneath her and listened to the praises pouring from his lips. She stayed with him all the way through it, and only when his body went slack did she move herself from him. As she moved back up his body, she paused to finish off the rest of her mule and then settled into her typical cuddling position.

“That’s better.” She all but purred, though Andrei could see she was far from better. With his patch off, his bionic eye could easily read her heat signature and every little place it was focused. She was now terribly horny despite her body being so gods damned tired.

Andrei kissed her forehead and then shifted around onto his knees, his naked body moving slowly downward as his kiss now fell lower and lower until they danced around her lower stomach.

“I’m going to return the favor, love.”

Was it a good idea? No, probably not, but she was practically aching between her legs and truth be told she wasn’t sure this would scratch the itch, though it would certainly provide some relief. Still, she knew she probably should just let it be. Her hands reached up and found his cheeks.

“Andrei, wait, I should-” She stopped, and then suddenly burst out laughing. It shook her body, made her breasts bounce. Her nose scrunched and her pearly white teeth showed in a merry grin. Her hands fell back on either side of her face over her soft brown hair splayed out on her pillow. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Knowing he would be confused at her sudden outburst, she waved one hand slightly and willed herself to calm. “Sorry,” she managed through some lingering giggles, “I just remembered I am wearing this stupid monitor and some poor nurse is probably just sitting there staring at my vitals and can see everything. I was just imagining it being Brasken getting that particular show while you’re between my legs.”

“I like an audience from time to time.” Andrei said with a devious grin as he moved the fabric of her panties to the side. He returned the favor very slowly and agonizingly at first, making her wait for every glorious movement of his tongue. But slowly, as her moans mounted to higher pitched, he started to speed up until he was mounting a steady and relentless challenge to her sex. With tongue, lips, and fingers, he brought her to her climax and then he did it again and again and again. Finally, with her shaking beneath him, he climbed back up to the bed next to her, his hardness pressing her as he moved like a jungle predator. His eyes said it all. He wanted more.

“That was nice.” He said, and with all the force of will it required, he turned his body around and became her little spoon. Yet another attempt at self-control.

As she lay there trembling after his service to her, Lyra knew she had been right in not trying to push her body into the full act immediately as much as she wanted to. She really, really wanted to. This had been a stopgap measure for both of them, a promise of more very soon. She physically ached to have him, but the last thing she wanted to do right now was go back to sickbay and get harangued by the doctor; though the thought of doing so with evidence of Andrei all over her and inside of her did amuse her.

She started to shift over onto her side to spoon with Andrei - this position was rare but not completely new, though it usually only happened when they were both mostly asleep at night. Maybe if she got on top and if he could behave they could-

“Pryce to Cassiel. Lieutenant, is everything alright?”

Lyra immediately began to giggle against Andrei’s shoulder like she was a teenager getting away with something naughty. “Yes, Nurse Pryce.”

“Your monitor is indicating elevated cardiac activity, you were instructed to take it easy.”

“I’m taking it easy, Nurse Pryce. I’m just… very happy to be home.” The last line was said with a slight purr and she nipped Andrei’s shoulder, her arm coming around him and her hand finding the center of his chest.

There was a pause, and then Pryce’s voice came again. ”Please be careful of being too ‘happy’ being home, Lieutenant. At least for the next twenty-four hours.”

Lyra grinned, “Yes, Nurse Pryce.”

When the comm line clicked off, Lyra finished cuddling up to Andrei. Her chest was against his back, but unlike normal she left room between their lower halves. She kissed his shoulder again, smiling. When she spoke, her voice was teasing. “You got me into trouble.”

“I am trouble, love. That’s what drives you crazy about me.” He said with a wink over his shoulder and then turned onto his back completely, the protrusion between his legs as prominent as before. “A good thing for us you’re a good little girl who does exactly what the doctor tells you.”

The part of her that was truly evil wanted to reach down and toy with him in his current state knowing she couldn’t give him the full relief that they both most certainly desired. Luckily for both of them, the intelligent part won out. She adjusted then to lie with him as they usually did, her against his side and her head on his shoulder. “Tomorrow, darling. Then you can fuck me until we can’t move anymore.”

“Then, the day after that, Father is going to show these aliens what betrayal against the Terran Empire brings. How many examples will this quadrant need?” He asked, his arm reaching beneath her, drawing her close, and cupping her bottom with his hand.

“Will there be any for me to play with?” She asked in an almost sweet way if the implication weren’t so terrifying. Her fingertips traced random patterns over his pale skin. “I’m off duty for at least the next ten days or so.”

“Eighty Baneans; eighty Numiri.” He said, looking down at her. “Does that work for you?”

“Mmm… she smiled against him and gave his body a light squeeze with her arm then lifted her head and looked up at him. “You know just what I like, darling.”

It really was good to be home.



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