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Election I

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 10:22pm by Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 10:23pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Terra
Timeline: Date 2371-08-14 at 1200
1376 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


It had been a While since Antonius had tasted Roman air, but as he exited the Imperial Palace by the massive doors at the front entrance, he breathed deeply. It was less humid than the air in Rio, and familiar to him, since it was his proper home. The crowd roared as he exited, and he knew that they were roaring all around Terra in every City, town, and village. At this moment, every patriotic Terran who wasn’t needed elsewhere was gathered in their home town to vote for the members of the reinstated Imperial Senate.

Over the past two months Antonius and the Council of Lords had painstakingly combed through the list of candidate applications in order to produce a shortlist of acceptable candidates for the illustrious body. He had set the initial number of Senators at 100, knowing that the size of the body tended to increase over time as various Emperors attempted to dilute the power of their enemies. The people would vote today in a system designed to help billions of people work together to elect senators one at a time all in one day. It would likely take hours, but the event was considered so historic that Antonius doubted anyone of worth would give up on the process.

The men and women who made it onto the shortlist were those lords and commons whose support for Antonius and for his policies was well documented. A staff of secretaries had gone over the candidates one at a time like inquisitors, recommending they be slashed at the slightest sign of not being a true believer. This process, of course, was highly secretive and not even the Lords knew why they received the options they did. The loyalty of the entire Senate wouldn’t last five minutes after his body was cold, Antonius knew, and these men would suddenly grow a spine in front of Paolo. It couldn’t be helped.

He stepped to the microphone and the cheers grew in volume and intensity. It had been ordered that every Lord Mayor around the Empire, even those off-world who were not permitted to vote, set up a large screen where the emperor could be seen. And on the holovid network, every single channel now showed his face. Businesses and public squares, bars and restaurants, had their channels turned. He knew that most of his people were within the sound of his voice. He wears important regalia, symbolic of the Empire.

“Citizens of the Terran Empire, We Stand before you today, not merely as your Emperor, but as a conduit of destiny. For it is the hand of fate that has led us to this momentous occasion, where the echoes of our glorious past resonate once more. Today, Wespeak of the reinstatement of the Imperial Senate, a bastion of wisdom and a symbol of unity that shall guide our noble Empire into a new era of prosperity and might.” he paused, the echoes of his voice carrying just as much authority and eloquence as the original voice itself.

“Seventy long years ago, the halls of power were filled with silence. The voice of the people, the heartbeat of our nation, was stifled. But the hour of change is upon us. The Senate, once a vessel of democracy and representation, shall rise again like a phoenix from the ashes. Its noble purpose restored, it shall be a sanctuary where the aspirations and concerns of the people find solace and find voice. In this sacred institution, the Senate, there shall be pure-blooded Terran citizens who have demonstrated their unwavering loyalty and devotion to our Empire. These esteemed senators, pillars of valor and patriotism, shall wield their wisdom to shape the course of our nation. Their voices shall echo through the hallowed chambers, carrying the hopes and dreams of each and every one of you to Our ears.”

He raised his hands about his head like a halo, and his blue eyes looked out into the crowd with the trained charisma of a showman who has lived his life inspiring loyalty. His eyes rested on the heavens.

“Let there be no mistake, and may no man forget, that this Terran Empire is destined to rule all the stars in the heavens. This destiny cannot be understood by the minds of those who haven’t been blessed with vision…with second sight. How can mere mortals rule the Universe? But let us not forget the divine power that guides our Empire, the sacred thread that weaves us into a grand tapestry of destiny. For We stand before you not as a mere mortal, but as the embodiment of the gods themselves. It is through their benevolence that We have been chosen to lead, to shepherd our Empire to heights unimaginable, and through Our leadership that the sword we have sped into the heart of the Alliance, has struck true time and time again.”

In the crowd before him, a strange hush fell upon them. His eyes fell on some of their faces, and he saw palpable awe and some eyes welling with tears. Quiet music began to play in the background, its source unknown.

“Know this, Our loyal subjects: Our word is the divine law that governs our land. As the Emperor, We carry within Us the power to shape destinies, to decree the course of history. We are the vessel of your collective dreams, the embodiment of your deepest aspirations. It is Our duty to ensure that our Empire remains resplendent, undaunted by the challenges that lie ahead.” His voice fills with agonizing inspiration, his aging hands stretch forward in front of him and dance with mesmerizing motions. So, Terrans, All, We beseech you to embrace this resurgence of your voice, to embrace the reinstatement of the Imperial Senate. For it is through this venerable institution that your voices shall be heard, your concerns acknowledged, and your dreams safeguarded. Let the spirit of unity guide us as we march forward, steadfast and unyielding, towards a future bathed in the golden light of victory.”

As Antonius finished his powerful speech, his piercing gaze swept across the vast sea of faces in the crowd. In their eyes, he glimpsed a kaleidoscope of emotions—hope, admiration, and a sense of renewed purpose. He saw hands clasped tightly together, symbolizing unity and solidarity. He noticed tears of pride streaming down the cheeks of some, bearing witness to the profound impact of his words. Among the multitude, he discerned soldiers adorned in uniforms, their resolute expressions reflecting unwavering loyalty. Families stood side by side, generations intertwined, exemplifying the enduring spirit of the Terran people. And in the midst of it all, he spotted a child, their wide eyes shining with a mixture of awe and reverence, the embodiment of a future shaped by the Empire's undying legacy. In the diverse tapestry of humanity, Antonius found affirmation that his message had resonated deeply, feeding the flame of unwavering devotion within the hearts of his beloved subjects.

As the crowds went wild and shouts, and cheers and songs were overshouted by definitive “Long live the Emperor”s and “Long live the Emperor”s, Antonius gave the imperial solute and turned to go back into the palace. He was replaced at a smaller podium lower in the hierarchy of stairs and landings which led up the palace facade by the Lord Mayor of Rome, the man who would start tabulation in this city and present the senate candidates as they were elected.

Rather than overseeing the process, Antonius made his way down the grand hallway and to the transporter pad which was near the front. Accompanied by his aide, he transported out and reappeared in the transporter reserved for him at the central government building on the other side of the city. This building, known as the Pyramid, was a glass structure with a shape that matched its name and, though it took up the space of four city blocks at the base, it rose high enough to come to a fine point at the top. Up there was the most expensive restaurant on Terra with one of the most fantastic panoramic views of the Eternal City, but that was not his destination now.



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