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Posted on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 8:22am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 8:23am

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Date 2371-09-10 at 1245
913 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Ivan sat behind his desk, reading reports which had been forwarded to him through his Yeoman. This normal activity was done without pomp or notice from the outside world, but was the daily life of most commanders. It had been worse when he was an Admiral and head of Imperial Starfleet Security. Now, the reports were of potential for personnel transfers and countless other minute details.

The chime on his door barely went noticed, yet he gave the customary permission for whoever it was to enter.

The doors parted and Andrei Petrov strode confidently into the Captain’s ready room. He gave a salute and walked confidently toward the desk, stopping in front and standing at ease.

“Good morning, Commander.” Ivan said with a dry tone. “Speak. What can I do for you?”

“Good morning, sir.” Andrei said, his mind a thousand miles away from greetings. “Have you read the report on the Gladius personnel yet?”

Ivan eyed Andrei and lifted his brow.

“I haven’t gotten to it yet. Is there something I need to know about it before I crack it open?”

“There sure is.” Andrei answered. “You’ll want to look up the file of Petty Officer Malcolm O’Shea.”

Ivan offered a light sigh as he leaned back in his chair and lifted his metal mug in his huge hand.

“Why don’t you summarize it for me and I’ll get to it later?” He asked, though it was hardly anything but a rhetorical question.

Andrei’s lips parted as he gathered the appropriate words in his head to describe exactly what was going on.

“O’Shea is one of There security guards, born and raised in Southampton. His record is spotty at best since it seems he has a history of anger problems.”

“Who doesn’t?” Ivan asked, raising an eyebrow. He then waved a hand at his own comment and nodded to Andrei. “Go on.”

Andrei, unperturbed by the comment, pressed on as he was bid.

“That’s what I would say if the man wasn’t guilty of murdering a Terran enlisted sailor just a few weeks after Gladius was pulled into the Delta Quadrant.”

Ivan’s brown eyes showed his suddenly piqued interest. He furrowed his brow and immediately picked up the report. He scrolled wordlessly until he got to the report on O’Shea.

“What the hell? In a barroom brawl, it looks like.” Ivan said.

“That’s right.” Andrei said. “And he’s been on active duty since the event. It seems Faulkner and her hound don’t see it as a problem.”

“She must have her reasons though, Andrei, really.” Ivan said, defending Gladius much to Andrei’s dismay. “They were in dire straits. Executing crew members isn’t something a commander wants to do in a situation like they were in; not even the situation we’re in.”

Andrei pursed his lips and nodded dismissively, though his words said otherwise.

“That’s true, sir. Yet, still, I’d like to put the man under review and take a serious look at his situation. Don’t worry, I’ll not interfere with her command, but I want permission to take O’Shea into custody to ask him some questions.”

I haven’t listened, an expression on his face that indicated he understood what his son was asking for, and how controversial it might be. He sighed and shook his head.

“Andrei, I don’t think this is a big enough reason for me to interfere with Faulkner’s command. I told her that Gladius would remain her ship under my lead, and, though I am moving a few crew around, I don’t want to start tearing through all of her documents, her personnel, and her history. I want them to know that they belong. It’s important, Andrei.”

“But, Captain, a sense of belonging is surely not as important as making sure we don’t have a serious threat in our Fleet. I mean, if you’re intimidated by the idea, I can always ask Mother to sign off on it as deputy fleet commander.”

“You’re not hearing me, damnit, Andrei. I don’t wish to force this on her. I said no. You need to learn this one day, but commanding people isn’t just about making them do what you want. A captain must lead, and the people he leads must understand that he should be followed.” I’ve been said, gesturing broadly with his hand. He cleared his throat. “Having said that, I don’t see a problem in allowing you to go over and ask. Just play nice and understand that Commander Faulkner is not under your authority. If she’s willing to hand the man over, then we can talk.”

Andrei’s fist clenched into a tight ball, but his face was neutral. He was clearly angry, but shouting at his superior would do nothing at all to help him.

“Fine.” He said in a tense voice, “I’ll do that then.”

“Is there anything else, Commander?” Ivan asked in a groggy voice that hardly left the impression he was concerned about his son’s frustrations.

“No, sir. Not at this time.”

“Dismissed then.”

Andrei gave the imperial salute, strong and resolute.

“Glory to the Empire.” he said, and then he turned on his heel and walked out of the office. He would have to do this the hard way, it seemed.



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