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Playing Nice II

Posted on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 8:23am by Caeda & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Asher Stagg

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: Bridge; Gladius
Timeline: Date 2371-09-10 at 1600
633 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Andrei went from his fruitless meeting with the captain of Gladius to the Bridge where the computer told him his counterpart would be. He’d taken the time to peruse Asher Stagg’s record and he had to say he was not impressed. The man had proven himself incapable, on several occasions, of acting like an officer. And though he was the age, most appropriate for a Commander, or even a young captain, he was still a lieutenant, having been passed over several times for the motion by the board. The only reason he was even XO on the ship was because he was the senior lieutenant when the others died.

Andrei walked out onto the bridge with a confident stride, his eyes focused on the gruff looking handsome man in the center chair. His mission to get what he was after by peaceful means had been an annoying one, but he was still determined to play nice. He came to rest straight in front of the chair and looked down at Asher.

“Lieutenant Stagg, I’m Andrei Petrov. Pleased to meet you.” He announced, extending his right hand in gentlemanly greeting.

Asher looked at Andrei’s hand for several seconds before responding with a shake of his own, one totally lacking in enthusiasm and interest.

“Commander, what brings you to Gladius?” He asked rather disinterestedly.

“I’m here on a good-will mission concerning someone on your security roster. I was hoping you might sign off on my taking a closer look at his record and asking him a few questions.” Andrei said frankly, but I’m the nicest way he really knew how. “It seems Petty Officer Malcolm O’Shea had an incident earlier in your journey which resulted in the death of one of your crew.”

“That’s already being handled, Commander. Not to worry.” Asher said, his attention only partially focused on the conversation. “I’m handling it. There’s no need for any moving him around or digging up old things.”

“But, Lieutenant, He murdered a Terran offic-“

“He didn’t murder anyone, Commander.” Asher said, raising his voice a bit as he cut Andrei off. “He got a bit too drunk and he made a mistake. He’s extremely sorry and a good officer. And, like I said, I’m handling it. My Commanding Officer and I worked it out between us.”

It was at this point that other junior crew on the bridge started to pay attention to the conversation. Asher noticed, and made an attempt to be quieter.

“I figure you’re coming to me because you already went to Annalise and she said you need my permission.”

“I need your authorization on this document. That’s all.” Andrei said, his jaw set as a familiar anger settled itself in his chest.

“Well, you aren’t getting it.” Asher answered before he looked back down at his own PADD pretending like Andrei was no longer there.

Andrei sensed the disrespect immediately, and his fist pulled up at his side of the result. He wanted to take this low, born man and dash his head against a console until it was nothing but blood and brains. He remembered his duty, however, and prudence prevented him from acting stupidly. His need to dominate others was always powerful, but he had determined to do this the right way. Now, it seemed, he had to take matters into his own hands, those still without force.

“I understand, Lieutenant.” He said evenly. “Thank you for your time.”

“Commander.” Asher responded without even looking up.

Andrei’s frown deepened considerably and he turned to exit the Bridge at a quick but controlled pace. He was absolutely furious, of course, but he had no intention of making that known at this point.



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