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Mountain Mischief

Posted on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 8:40am by Lieutenant Marikit "Kit" Urso & Lieutenant Asher Stagg

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: L'hur, Sikaris
Timeline: Date 2371-09-11 at 1500
4117 words - 8.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Nearly an two hours later, the two of them stood on the side of a mountain on a rickety wooden bridge overlooking a gloriously beautiful green and watery land. The day was overcast, so the temperature was perfect. The climbing had them breathing heavily, and they had paused for a bit of a rest.

Asher wore a powder blue sleeveless shirt that showed his toned body, dotted heavily with tattoos, and a pair of black athletic shorts. His hands gripped the rope hand railing as he looked down into the surging river beneath them.

“What a view.” He said calmly through moderately heavy breaths.

“Yeah, it is damn nice.” Kit agreed, standing next to him and drinking out of her water bottle. She wore yellow and black high rise shorts with a matching more dominantly black racer back tank top. The outfit showed off her petite, modest figure which was currently covered in a light sheen of sweat from their adventure.

“Almost reminds me of places back home.”

“Where?” Asher asked, pulling his own black water bottle into the air and squirting the contents into his mouth.

“You ever make it to Cascade Falls in Mission BC?” She knew probably not, but she asked him anyways. She looked up at the crashing falls and briefly closed her eyes to simply listen to the noise. “We went there in the spring years back and it was still cold as fuck.”

“No, we were poor as shit. The only vacations I ever took…” he paused, a subtle and rare sense of wonder entering his voice, “I’m taking right now. I joined up for a chance to get away; to actually become something.”

He melted into silence for a long while as the gentle breeze massaged his lightly-sweated body. He smiled after a few moments, and after one more, he hooted loudly over the side, full of energy and the purest and most child-like enthusiasm. For a man who normally exhibited charismatic alpha behavior, it was unusual and human. Turning then, he approached Kit, swept her up in his strong arms and danced across the rickety bridge, kissing her passionately.

Kit hadn’t interrupted him nor prompted him further; he was sensitive about his past and she knew that. She had simply been standing leaning slightly on the rope and watching the waterfall crash down into the dark water below. She had entered into a reverie of her own but was pulled out of it abruptly by the sound of his voice; her attention snapped over to him and she grinned. When he scooped her up in his arms, she couldn’t help but laugh though it was quickly silenced by his kiss which she happily returned. After they broke it, she looked into his eyes, still smiling.

“It’s good to be out.”

Still holding her, he returned the intimate expression for just a moment. Then he put her down, doing his best to mask the flight response he was managing by placing an arm around her shoulder and turning away toward the beautiful view again. Feelings were the start of so many unpleasant things.

“It is. I was so tired of being cooped up in that tin can. I thought I was going to go crazy sitting in those meetings with Annalise and talking about all sorts of boring shit.” He said, chuckling again.

“Well she was just as much trapped in there with you as you were with her.” Kit pointed out teasingly. “At least you had something nice to look at. Is she going to make it off the ship? She really needs to get out herself. Maybe get laid.”

“There’s more work to do now that we’re part of a Fleet. A command structure comes with bosses and yeomen. Apparently, Lady Petrova is a real hard ass when it comes to documentation.” He said with a sigh. “We’re taking turns. She can come down and get fucked during the second half of shoreleave.”

“I don’t think Annie will have too many problems with keeping up, but I bet you’re regretting her having chosen you as her XO right about now aren’t you?” Kit nudged his side with her elbow. “You love paperwork.”

“You know how much I like telling people what to do.” He said with a wink. “Better me than someone else for me to piss off. We have a Yeoman now, though, so it’s much easier.”

“Look at you. Moving up in the world. Next I’ll be calling you m’lord.” Kit grinned and gave a dramatic bow to him.

“Gods forbid it.” He said, nudging her with his hand. “I’m not one for that. A nice apartment, a good job, and a wild girl. You can forget the titles in my future. I plan to become an old fart going to games.”

“What kind of sports do you actually even like?” She asked with sudden curiosity. “You seem like an old fashioned rugby sort of guy. Lots of mud a violence.”

“Rugby’s my favorite, yes.” He said with a nod. “Anything with contact. Hockey and football also do the trick for me. Not the light touches like were happening today.”

“Oh no. You definitely don’t like light touching unless it is in a very special spot… I don’t think you’d like to be body checked there.” She grinned deviously and suddenly placed her hand on the front of his shorts, rubbing his manhood through them for just a beat.

“You ever fucked on the side of a mountain?” He asked after a few seconds. His manhood had responded to her touch, instantly. It grew noticeably under her hand, but the man it belonged to simply smiled, relaxed, and placed his hand on the small of her back. “That might be a good thing to demand if my team wins that boring game.”

“Bambi, your team doesn’t have to win for you to fuck me on the side of the mountain. All you gotta do is ask.” Kit chuckled and turned to him, looking up at him with an easy and relaxed smile that matched his. “It will be something new and fun.”

“We aren’t the only ones in this path, you know.” He said, leaning down and nipping at her neck as he spoke. “It might not be good if you have performance anxiety.”

“Well we don’t have to go at it right here.” Kit’s smile turned into a grin in response to his nibbles and her hands found his shoulders. “But if you’re not one for public spaces, that’s okay too.”

“I was considering your delicate sensibilities.” He said, moving her around a bit and grinning broadly. “I’ll take you right here and give the hikers a show, Princess.”

“Maybe not on the rickety bridge at the very least. When I die I’d prefer it to not be in a bridge-sex related accident.” She released her arms from him and poked his chest. “Come on, let’s find somewhere nice.”

“Lead the way.” He said, smacking her bottom as she pulled out next to him and they’d started to walk. They crossed the remainder of the bridge in just a few seconds and we’re back on the conventional trail again, walking on dirt and rocks directly on the mountain. After a few minutes of walking, they came to a cliff face. Asher looked up and smiled. “You go first this time. I like the view.”

“Yeah you do.” Kit reached back and swatted his behind, then immediately found a hand hold on the rocks and began to move up the cliff. She had to be more careful and was slower than he was given their size difference, but she was undaunted by it.

Asher watched her ascend, his eyes locked on her bottom as promised. Once she was far enough up the mountainside, he started himself, placing his feet and hands in the places she had selected with more ease. He ascended after her, his trained body moving in a sleek pattern: hand, foot, hand, foot, his efforts silent.

Kit was focused on the climb and wasn’t doing anything risky in the name of getting anywhere faster. She moved a hand up to another handhold and grabbed it only to have it disintegrate under her hand. “Well fuck you too.”

Grumbling, she shifted how she was holding the rocks and looked for another hold. “You doing okay down there, Bambi?”

“Peachy.” He said, chuckling at his own lewd pun. He watched the movement of her hands and feet, planning where he would grab when he got to where she was. “Let’s just get there in one piece, Kit. I don’t see myself dying here.”

“Listen you’re like three feet taller than me or some bullshit like that and you wanted me to go first so you could stare at my ass. I don’t want to hear it.” Of course it was a gross exaggeration but he was markedly taller than she was. She finally found another solid hold and pulled herself up.

“We’re almost there anyways. Don’t you know any good climbing songs you can serenade me with?”

“My singing voice will have you crying for your mother.” He responded with a chuckle. “It’s terrible. Just horrible.”

“Ah come on, Asher, it’s like a sea shanty; it doesn’t fucking matter if you’re good at it or not it’s just to help pass the time. I’m no star singer either.” Kit paused briefly to look down at and shake her head at him then continued to pull herself up. “I’d even take a shanty.”

Asher shook his head right after her, giving a slight low sigh.

“Well, fuck, Sweet Cheeks, you asked for it,” he said, and then Asher began to ball out, a loud and declarative melody, triumphant, bold, and terribly out of tune,

“Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
And we'll all hang on behind
And we'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind”

Kit laughed in her typical good natured way. He was right, it was awful, but in the moment it did have its charm as strange and bad as it was. “That’s it, Bambi! Keep going!”

She kept moving and tried to keep in time with the beat of the song as the holds in the cliff would allow and she was even moderately successful. “Not long now!”

Asher groaned, but otherwise didn’t complain. As he pulled himself up the rock face, he began to sing again.

“Oh, we'd be alright if we make it around the horn
Oh, we'd be alright if we make it around the horn
Oh, we'd be alright if we make it around the horn
And we'll all hang on behind
And we'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
We'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind”

After another verse and refrain, Kit finally reached the top and pulled herself up and over the final ledge. She got to her feet quickly and dusted herself off while moving out of the way for Asher to have ample room to haul himself up. She turned while she grabbed her water to take another drink and regarded the even more magnificent view in front of her. Everything was so green and alive; it made her miss home. She was glad for shoreleave of course, but she could have done without the feelings. When she saw Asher pulling himself up, she focused her attention on him instead.

“There you are.”

Asher pulled himself up into the high place to the middle of his body and then, with a snap, hopped the rest of the way and stood, grinning.

“Here I am.” He said in a voice calculated to sound humorous and mysterious. He approached her, put his arms around her, and turned around to the view she was just seeing.

The mountain they had climbed was a small one, of course, which explained how they could ascend so quickly and why they didn’t need ropes, and the view was spectacular. The pinnacle was large enough for a crowd of people to safely gather, but felt smaller. Asher looked at how the streams of water weaved between trees and the other rock faces and felt an almost overwhelming nostalgia in his breast. He frowned and sighed.


“Yeah…” Kit agreed, her tone forlorn and wistful all at once. She folded her arms and rested them atop his while leaning her petite body back against him. “You know - not that I want to - but if we got stuck on a planet away from home… this one doesn’t seem so bad. It is beautiful here and the people are pretty nice.”

He made a sound of ascent, though it was ambiguous and almost disapproving. He looked out over the stunning landscape, cursing the feelings that were dredged up in his heart. He had no interest in home sickness or any other kind of sickness, for that matter. He wanted laughter, and action, and the feeling of standing on top of the world. That was all the home he desired.

“Nice is nice,” He declared after much silence, “but it gets boring after a while.”

“Mm… yeah, that’s true.” Kit agreed with a nod. A little nice right now… didn’t sound so bad after the past months. Shaking her head, she squeezed his arms and then grinned. “So… we fuckin’?”

Asher chuckled loudly at her casual statement and released her, reaching down toward his waist with an unceremonious flourish, and pulling his shirt off. He released it, allowing it to fall to the ground, leaving him standing, fit, tattooed, sculpted, and somewhat hairy, with no top on. Next, he reached for his shorts and underwear in one go, and was surprised to hear a gasp just as his member flopped out for the entire world to see. He fixed his eye to the origin of the sound, chuckling when he saw where it had come from.

Kit had been in the process of stripping down as well, the tank top having come off and leaving her modest breasts bare. She slid her shoes off and dropped the tank inside of one and had just hooked her thumbs into her shorts and panties to pull them down when she noticed the gasp herself. She looked over her shoulder and laughed with Asher on seeing the small group of middle aged Sikarians nearby. The one who had gasped was a woman who had hurriedly looked away, though two of the men and one of the other women were still looking over with mildly confused and mildly interested expressions. Eventually the woman who had gasped started to push the rest forward and away to get them moving again.

“Aw, they didn’t want to stay for the show.” Kit finished pulling her pants down.

“The hell kind of pleasure planet is this?” He asked, furrowing his brow. “Never would have happened on Risa. They’d have pulled out the popcorn.”

Finishing the statement, he took her into his arms, lifting her much smaller body with ease and carried her toward a sudden rise in the ground of the mount. It felt like they were in top of the world and could easily fall, even though they were safe, so long as no one made any wrong moves.

He lowered her down onto the patchy earth, having managed to find some grass to soften her experience. It just happened to be that their heads were hanging over the edge a bit. As he lowered himself onto her and reached a hand between her legs to guide himself into her wet opening, he looked past her head and saw Sikarians far away, like little dots.

“The stories they’ll tell if we die like this.” He said, his voice coming out in a half moan as he felt her flex around him.

“Let’s try to not, yeah?” Kit licked her lips and smiled up at him while wrapping her strong legs around his hips. “What we can test out is how far sound travels around here. Sound good to you?”

“It does.” He said with a growl, and then he was done with words. Starting off with some fínese and slowness, he went at a measured pace for only about a minute or two in order to give her time to adjust to the reality of what they were doing; girls were temperamental, in his experience, and he didn’t want to completely ignore her in the fun he was having. After that time, however, all bets were off, and he started to pump his hips like the top-level athlete he was, beating a relentless beat and making as much noise about it as he wanted. If their friends who saw them undressing didn’t want to watch, they would certainly be able to hear them instead.

Kit was into it and showed no signs of hesitation despite the very public display. She laughed, she moaned, her hands moved over his body and she pulled him down to kiss now and then. After a few moments of his pace though, she put both hands on his chest and started to lightly smack him.

“Wait, wait. Hold up Bambi.” She was breathing heavy, but she smiled up at him to show there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong. “Get off for a sec.”

At the first instant, he looked uncertain, but in the second he did as she had asked, crawling back from her and waiting to see what she wanted.

As soon as he was off, Kit wasted not time in pushing herself up and turning over onto her hands and knees. She looked back at him, giving him a wink. “You’re cute and all, but I want to look at the view too, you know.”

“I was being a bit greedy, I guess.” He said, moving up to her, entering her from behind, and grabbing hold of her hips. He moved back and forth then, his eyes moving between her and the image of the setting sun casting a splendid orange and purple glow over the gorgeous green landscape. As he thrusted, he chuckled slightly, lacing it with moans and breathing. He was amused, because the situation they’d gotten them in sounded like something out of a very dirty, very inventive movie.

“Just w-what are you laughing about back there, hm?” Kit asked through her own panting, moaning breaths. She sounded mostly amused, but with her voice as thick as it was it was hard to tell. When she rolled her hips back to meet him, however, it seemed to solidify she was enjoying herself and was genuinely curious.

“It’s just..” he started, but he paused as she rolled her hips back, giving him better access. “If I told my friends this story, they would say I was lying. It sounds like something a guy makes up.”

Not waiting for her response, he took advantage of the easy access and pushed into her, pounding hard and fast and taking no prisoners. His own moans were loud as his finger pushed into her hips roughly, but not enough to cause great pain.

Kit laughed with him, though it was short and drifted off into unashamed moans. Her hands balled into fists and she pressed back toward him more to drive him deeper. They had fun, laughed, joked, but when push came to shove the animal instinct and physical bliss left little room for words. Eventually, he had driven them both to their fill of the moment. Kit was pulled back against his chest, her entire body on lewd display especially with him still buried between her legs. She didn’t care.

Her slightly glassy eyes looked out at the orange horizon and she let out a soft sigh, one hand resting back on his hip. “Mm… this was nice.”

“Yeah, it was.” He said, breathing hard as he held her there, his arms around her as they both came down from their climaxes together. He smiled and kissed her neck, remaining within her.

“You know, with all the holding you and the high-altitude railing, this is starting to feel like a date.”

Kit laughed at that and shook her head slightly. Feeling him finally slide from between her legs, she took the opportunity to turn her body a bit so she could actually face him. “Yeah I guess, but don’t worry, Bambi, we know better. This was just some good dirty fun.”

“Funny enough, when you’re…how did you say it..bent over with your ass in the air, waiting for me to stick it in, I forget we’re stuck on the other side of the galaxy with basically no hope of getting home again.”

He said, standing up, naked as the day he was born. His manhood was shimmering with their juices, but he still grabbed hold of it and walked to the edge of the cliff. He began peeing, but it came out in fits and starts the way it always did for men after sex. Still, he pressed on, like he was conquering something.

“Fuck this planet.” He said aloud, his voice echoing with the breeze. “Fuck this quadrant, too.”

Kit watched him for a moment, her brows lifted, then turned her attention back out to the view. “Anyone ever told you that you’re real fuckin’ weird sometimes, Bambi?”

“Fuck them too.” He said with a laugh as he stepped back and sat down on the ground next to his clothes. He turned his eyes on her and smiled. “You’re pretty cute, you know. Not to be ‘weird’.”’

“Yeah, yeah. That’s the orgasm talking. See if you feel that way in an hour.” Kit waved him off. It wasn’t entirely clear if she was being purposefully dismissive or wasn’t really picking up on what Asher was potentially putting out to her. She looked out for a moment longer and then finally got back up and moved over to her own clothes to start getting dressed again.

“You’re right. What was I thinking? Uglier by the second.” He said with a smile. After a while, he too reached for his clothing and started to put them back on.

“That’s the spirit.” Kit chuckled, dressed now, and moved around to stretch some. “We walking this path then or heading back?”

“I’ve got a date with a fat stogie, a bottle of something strong, and a balcony view.” He said with a wave of his hand. “After this, I’ve got to recharge my asshole battery. I almost feel not like a piece of shit. It’s uncomfortable.”

“Mmm alright then.” Kit shrugged and smiled. It was hard to tell if she was disappointed or not. “You just wanna transport back then?”

He walked up to her and placed an arm around her, pulling her in for a side hug that denoted affection, but a distance they had both enforced up to this point. He wasn’t afraid to be close with her or touch her, and he showed that openly and willingly.

“Yeah, let’s transport back from here.” He said to her, and then he lowered his eye to his outfit to make sure it was fit for being seen by the transporter chief.

“Sounds good, Bambi.” Kit had returned his hug and let it linger until she spoke. Stepping in front of him, she looked up and grinned. “You have a nice night then, have a drink for me.”

“You too, Kitty Kat.” He said with a smile that lingered on her,playful and pleasant.

Kit unzipped one of the pockets on her shorts and pulled out her commbadge, gave it a tap, and spoke, “Urso to Vengeance. Two to beam up.”

They were engulfed in blue light and appeared just seconds later in the transporter room. Kit turned, gave Asher a light thump on his shoulder in farewell, then immediately walked off the pad and out of the room.



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