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Check Up

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 11:12am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD5 - 10h30
438 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Selin moved into the main medical bay and paused by the door. She had to get herself checked out, the hand shakes were getting worse. She waved down a nurse and asked to meet with a doctor.

The nurse nodded and hurried off to find one.

"Good morning, Ensign," Karen asked as she came out of her office. "What can I help you with?"

Kass saluted, though her hand shook as she did so. "I ,. need some medications to stop my hands from shaking." She said politely.

"Would you get on the biobed for me, Ensign?" Karen said gently.

Kassandra did so and laid down, not sure why it was needed. She just needed a hypo.

She took the other woman's hand and examined. Then she walked over to fetch a medical tricorder, scanning it carefully. She was frowning now. "You've been disciplined with the agonizer? Extensively?"

Kass tensed. "Yes.. but it has stopped. It stopped at about 16h00 last afternoon."

"When did it start?" Karen asked.

Kass thought about "10h00 around that." She said and then offered up the next bit "Every 30 minutes for 90 seconds"

"With the hand device? You weren't in a booth?" Karen asked. She knew the booths were designed for extended suffering without long term physical damage.

"This" She waved her hand to the device on her belt."So yes the hand device."

Karen's frown only deepened. "I am going to give you an injection that should steady your hand. However, I am also ordering that you take the remainder of today to rest and that you avoid performing any complex tasks with that hand."

"I have Beta shift today, I just got off a full 24 hour shift so I was hoping to sleep then go to work.." Kass's anxiety went up, If she didn't show for her shift, Morrison would flip.

"Your Department Head will automatically be notified when I input the diagnosis. Lieutenant Morrison might be my senior officer," Karen said, "but only the captain can override a medical decision by the Chief Medical Officer. If Lieutenant Morrison would like to discuss it with the captain and myself, he's welcome to do so." She smiled coldly. She didn't imagine that going over well.

Kass nodded. "okay" She said. She was not about to fight it. She could use the sleep that was for sure. "Thank you doctor."

Karen nodded. A nurse fetched her a hypo with the right mixture and she administered the injection. "Now go get some rest, Ensign."

Kass sat up and slid off the bio bed. "I will." She said honestly And so saying headed out of medical.


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