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Connecting: Body, Mind and Soul ** Adult Content **

Posted on Sat Feb 5th, 2022 @ 3:05pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Troy’s quarters
Timeline: MD7 2030 hrs
2227 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie lay on Troy’s sofa, head resting on Troy’s lap as she looked up at him. “I have spent most of my time with you in the last 24 hours, and I still find myself in awe of you!” She grinned as she took his hand and playfully kissed his fingers. “I could complain that my leg muscles are killing me, but I won’t because it was well worth it! While we’re on the subject...” she moved to stand up. “Since our shower got cut a little short this morning...” she playfully started removing her clothing leaving a trail that lead to the bedroom, then on through to the bathroom.

Troy followed Callie at a leisurely pace. He also shed his close and arrived at the bathroom room in only what he was born. Th shower was already going by the time he joined her. He watched her through the frosted pain for a moment before stepping in the shower behind her. He grabbed a wash cloth in one hand and his bodywash with his other. He drizzled the body wash on her back and proceeded to scrub her back.

Callie waited until her back was done before turning to look at Troy. “Are you alright? You seem pretty quiet. Last time we were in here you couldn’t keep your hands off me!” She paused. “Have I done something wrong?”

Seeing her full frontal almost collapsed his restraint. He smiled warmly at her. "Last night, well, technically this morning I guess, we engaged in unbridled passion. It was nothing like I have ever experienced before." He slowly looked down her body and back up to her face. "I realized something on the planet today. I want to get to know the real Callie Vali and...I want her to get to know the real me as well."

Callie’s smile said it all. “I’d like that Troy, very much indeed. I’ve enjoyed all our lovemaking but I would like to know what else makes” She smiled as the water cascaded down her body. Her mind was torn, should she tell the man she was possibly falling in love with that she may, or may not be carrying his baby? Did she keep her mouth shut? Was there a right or wrong thing to do? She really didn’t know.”

Troy couldn't resist embracing Callie. While he was acutely aware of how her nude body caused immediate arousal in his, the embrace was innately more for emotional intimacy than physical. He leaned his head back to look into her eyes as an idea came to mind and a soft smile crept to his face. "You up for something a little...unconventional?"

Callie gave Troy a curious look. “I’m up for anything with you.” She kissed him on the cheek. “What do you have in mind?”

Troy felt an almost irresistible tingle as she kissed his cheek. It was only his discipline that prevented him from taking her here and now. He lightly tapped her nose. "Patience my dear. I still need to lather up and clean off too."

Callie nodded. “Perhaps you’d like me to give you a hand? Or is that just too much temptation?”

Troy smiled as he handed over the wash cloth. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "A hand could prove very useful to prepare for what I have in mind." He emphasized his statement by giving her a lingering kiss that was filled with promise.

Callie grinned. “Oh could it now?” She lathered up the wash cloth before starting at the top of his body and working her way down, giving extra attention to his manhood as she trailed her fingers over it. “You do know you drive me completely and utterly insane don’t you?”

Troy's body would stiffen with each of Callie's infrequent strokes as she washed him head to foot. He smiled at her as she regained her feet. "I doubt you're half as insane for me as I am for you." He pressed against her and delivered a deep kiss as one hand reached to turn of the water cascading down their bodies. He opened the shower door and grabbed a towel. He slowly patted her from head to toe, pausing for a good minute to dry her womanhood, long enough for her to moisten back up. He had all but air dried himself by the time he'd dried her.

Callie was enjoying the rub down no end, Troy knew just how to keep her worked up even when they weren’t making love.

Troy stepped out of the bath/shower stall and took her hand. He led her into the bedroom and through to the living room where he took a seat on the middle cushion of the couch. He pulled her down to straddle him, his manhood pressed firmly against the opening of her love canal. "Comfortable?"

“Ohh definitely!” She nodded and smiled. “So is this your idea of something different? Making love on the sofa?” She grinned a wry grin.

Troy placed his hands on her hips and looked up into her face. "Not exactly. First I want to know more about what it is like to do...outside the bedroom."

Callie smiled. “There’s not a lot to tell really. I like to read...real books not on PADDs, I like music of most types, though I adore love songs, and instrumental pieces!” She smiled. “I also play cards, enjoy time on the holodeck, and don’t mind babysitting duties if people need a babysitter.” She grinned. “I’m also a trained Counsellor, and Psychologist.”

Troy was impressed. He gestured to the wall over his shoulder where the rapier was now remounted. "I am a fencing enthusiast if you couldn't gather. I also like gymnastics and a regular physical training regimen." He lifted Callie's body and shifted her forward just a hair, just enough to put the very tip inside her.

Callie let out a pleasured sigh as she felt Troy enter her, no matter how many times they made love it felt like the first time all over again. She smiled as she let herself down slowly.

Troy smiled as she slid onto his shaft with almost agonizing slowness. His hands resting lightly on her hips. He studied the expression on her face, knowing she wanted to ride him with reckless abandon. He had something else in mind though. "What is it you want most out of life?"

“I guess I...” She paused. “I’d like to marry, have a family.” She gazed into Troy’s eyes. “Do you see yourself as a husband and father?”

Troy thought about his parents and how happy they always seemed to be with one another. Both had been devoted to one another and him as he grew up. He did want the same for himself someday. "Yes. Yes I do. When the right person comes into my life."

Callie felt her heart skip a beat, but if it did turn out she was pregnant would Troy still want to be with her? She smiled warmly. She moved to ride him wanting to feel him making love with her.

Troy pulled her back down with one hand as he waggled a finger in front of her face. "No riding. Just hold still, breathe and relax." He lightly rested his hands back on her hip as he looked up into her curious expression. "Do you trust me?'

Callie nodded. “I’d trust you with my life.”

Troy told Callie about his childhood growing up in San Diego. His experiences in school and his studies at the Imperial Academy. He spoke of his service after graduation and his mentor/disciple relationship with Admiral Ross. He even mentioned teaching a promising student in his seminars over the last year. "Ensign Selin will be a great ship's Captain someday. She just needs to find a balance and people who will help her learn from her mistakes and appreciate the many talents she has."

Callie smiled. “Kass is a friend, I trust her and I care for her.” She wiggled her hips just a little enjoying feeling Troy deep inside. She sat still again as she looked into his eyes. “How do you feel about me Troy?”

Troy reached up and brushed a stray lock of hair back into place, before gently caressing her cheek. "I feel...some sort of connection with you. Something like I have never felt before. I can't define it yet and I don't want it may mean in the long term." He took a moment of pause. "I am not going to try and change you. Not who you are or what you want to do, but I do want to give...this...a chance to grow. "

“I asked because...” She paused. “Well because you make me feel special in ways I can’t explain. When I know I’m coming here I spend all day dwelling on it. It’s like I can’t wait to be with you! I’ve never really had anyone besides you and Johnathan to love, but I don’t feel the same way for John as I do for you.”

Troy thought about what she said. He could understand her attraction to the young pilot. He was a dashing figure of a man and she was exploring new found freedoms that couldn't exist for her under the close proximity of her father. "You are free to explore who you are and what you want out of life. I have no desire to impede your desires for anything...or anyone."

Callie gently touched Troy’s cheek. “That’s just it, I’m starting to want to be with you more.” She leant closer giving him a loving kiss. “I think that I...may be falling in love with you.” She gazed at him wondering if he felt the same way.

Troy pulled Callie's face down to his and kissed her. Last night had been about passion. Tonight he wanted to see if it could be about love. "Close your eyes."

Callie closed her eyes, she wasn’t afraid of trusting Troy.

Troy closed his eyes as well. "Now breathe...but hold still." He held still as well, but his mind envisioned her slowly rising up as she exhaled and descending as she inhaled. He knew she was telepathic. He hoped she had the ability to see the vision his mind's eye was projecting.

Having been close to Troy in her mind whilst making love Callie’s mind was sensitive to his. Slowly her mind started to break through into the vision that Troy was sending her.

Troy began to pulsate and throb inside her as he imagined making love to her on the couch. He listened to her breathing in sync with his. He smiled as she let out soft noises as she rested while straddling him. He knew she would take time too climax, but build would be slow.

Callie’s body was responding as though she were actually riding him, she sighed and moaned as their vision intertwined. “Ohhh Troy...” her breathing was heavy, passionate. Her mind reached out gently touching his, feeding back what she was feeling to his mind. Her muscles tightened around him, before relaxing again as she responded in every way.

Troy could feel Callie's body responding as he filled her completely. His resting hands gripped her and pulled her slowly down even further. His throwing became more pronounced. He felt through the connection what she was feeling, what he was doing to her. It was incredible as if they were one person.

Callie moaned aloud as she felt Troy deeper inside her, her mind conveying the sensation to Troy as they began to bond on a deeper level. Her muscles clenched and relaxed around him, the spasms making her breathing more ragged as she slowly headed towards a climax.

Troy was having trouble keeping his breathing even. His moans joined Callie's as they slowly ebbed towards their climax. They had been on the couch talking for nearly an hour since getting out of the shower. Despite the lack of physical foreplay they had been building to something unlike anything they had experienced the night before. He not only knew they would climax together, but they each feel the other ones too.

Callie’s muscles tightened down, then relaxed before her breathing became completely ragged. She moaned aloud then cried his name as her muscles clenched down tight. Her climax fed back through their connection, every sensation feeding back to Troy through the bond they were sharing.

Troy erupted just as she crested in her climax. His body shuddered hard as her love canal squeezed like a clamp on his manhood. He was breathless as he opened his eyes to watch her climax.

Callie opened her eyes and looked at Troy, she had never experienced anything like this with anyone. For a moment she was completely speechless as she sat simply looking into his eyes.

Troy stared at her with unabashed affection. She was a Goddess, his Aphrodite. He was stunned at the intensity. It was a full minute before he found his voice. "I love you Callie Vali."



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