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Matters of Place

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 1:29am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Tuli & Lieutenant Lionel Morrison

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: ?
411 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Tuli stepped up to the Chief Intelligence Officer's office. As the lower ranking of the two command slaves, especially in the early phases on the mission when red tape was still being handled, she did a fair amount of carrying PADDs on routine matters from Command to various Department Heads. The PADD she held now was also simply routine. She took a breath as she paused outside the door, activating the chime.

"Come" A cold voice called out as the door slid open.

Lionel looked up and stared at the slave who entered the room. "Yes Slave?" He asked briskly.

"I have documents for your signature, Master," Tuli stated respectfully as she walked in. She held the PADD out to him.

He took it making sure his and her fingers did not touch. He looked at it. "Good." He said and pickd up another and handed it to her. "This to go to Lieutenant Marshall. Its the latest intelligence we have on the Betazoids."

She glanced at his fingers. noticing that. Maybe it bothered her, but less than the alternative. She'd met too many Terrans who felt entitled to touch her as they pleased. She did avoid touching him when she took the PADD from his hand. "Yes, Master. On the Betazoids." Perhaps sounding more curious than she meant to.

His gaze shot to her face. "Curiosity is not recommended Slave" He stated coldly. "I suggest you restrain it before you are punished for it."

Her shoulders went back for a moment. Just a moment. She couldn't help it. Then she took a deep breath and looked to the ground. "Yes, Master. Is there anything else, Master?"

He looked her up and down and sniffed "What is your rank?"

"Two, Master," she answered, trying to hold her curiosity in. It was rare for officers to pay much attention to distinctions among slaves in her experience.

Lionel made a note of it. "Very well Slave 2, You are dismissed."

She opened her mouth briefly. Closed it. Furrowed her brow. "Thank you, Master." And she turned to head out.

As she did so, her portable agonizer activated, a short burst. "Keep your curiosity to yourself" He ordered and waved her off.

She gasped, taken completely off guard by it. She fell to her knees, skin hitting roughly on the hard floor, dropping the PADD. She hurriedly collected it, stood, brushed herself off, straightened, and headed out the door once more. Breathing deeply. "Yes, Master."


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