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Flight Slaves Learning Their Place

Posted on Sat Jan 29th, 2022 @ 5:06pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 3 / 1006 hours
641 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathan was uncomfortable with this but, knew it was a reality of his now. This was the first time he would have full control of slaves. A slave had helped raise him, back in the orphanage, and whenever he thought about Ne'ela, he smiled warmly.

Entering the small briefing room, located on the lower level of the shuttlebay, he saw that the three Flight Ops slaves, His slaves, were present and standing, waiting for his arrival. "Good morning," he said calmly.

"Good morning, Master Anderson," the three replied in unison.

He looked over the three of them. A Bolian woman, and Andorian man and a Vulcan woman. While the first two looked older than him, he found the Vulcan to be stunning. He wouldn't deny that he found her very attractive. However, now was not the time for that.

"As you know, the Vengeance is about to depart on a very important mission. What that mission is, is not your concern. All that you need to focus on, is ensuring my shuttlebay, shuttles, various offices, and my quarters are always kept clean and ready for use. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master," they replied again.

He started to walk around each slave, giving each one a closer examination. Finally, he moved back to the front of them and spoke. "While each of you will be required to work in all of the areas that I mentioned, when ordered to do so, to make things a little easier on you, you will be assigned seperate areas to focus on. Of course, when those areas are finished, you will help you other fellow slaves, to ensure everything is emaculate. If, at any time, I suspect any of you are not performing your duties at peak efficiency, you will be punished. Of course, it need not be said that, when your actions please me, you may be rewarded. You will find me fair, so long as you do most abuse my trust. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

Looking them over again, he decides on their duties. "Tralla, you shall focus on the various offices, storerooms and corridors surrounding the shuttlebay. Kraldor, you shall focus on the shuttlebay itself and the various craft we have. Mur'Trolla, you shall focus on the private quarters of the officers in Flight Ops, plus my office."

Each slave nodded when they heard of their duties. Mur'Trolla briefly raised her eyes to look at Johnathan. The corners of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, before she looked back down at the deck.

"Starting now, you will all work during Alpha and Beta shift. Gamma shift will be yours to rest and recuperate, unless there is an emergency. Also, you will follow the orders of my entire staff. Should someone junior to me give you a conflicting order to what I have told you, you will obey that order, quickly, then ensure you finish following my orders, even if it causes you to work into Gamma shift. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master."

Nodding, Johnathan put his hands behind his back. "Very well. Proceed with your duties. Remember, if you are not in your cells by curfew, there will be repercussions. Now go."

The slaves filed out, Mur'Trolla again briefly looking up to catch Johnathan's eyes. She had been taught that, usually, whichever slave is chosen to care for the senior officer's quarters, will be expected to perform...other duties. While she was hopeful that said duties would not be called upon too much, at least she found her master to be quite attractive, for a Terran.

Johnathan caught the look and slight grin from Mur'Trolla, as the slaves exited. He had a flash of an image run through his head, of her, in his bed, underneath him.

Only time would tell if that would ever become a reality.



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