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Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2022 @ 9:34pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Callie's Cabin
Timeline: MD30 1700 hrs
999 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass was concerned about Callie, she had been rather quiet of late. And while most would put it down to their situation, Kass somehow knew something else was going on. Kassandra made her way to Callie's Cabin and hit the chime.

Having returned to her quarters after talking to Troy, Johnathan and Andrei, Callie sat on the sofa. She was worried about Johnathan after What Andrei had said. She looked up as the chime rang.

“Come in.”

Kassandra entered "Callie?" she called out.

Callie offered a relieved smile as she saw Kassandra. “Kass...please come in, I’m glad you’re here.”

The Intelligence Officer studied her friend. "Okay what is it. Spill" she said as she walked over and sat beside her friend. "You are wearing your worried face"

Callie nodded. “Kass I...” She paused. “I’m pregnant. Four weeks and counting.”

Kass studied her and nodded. "And, you know i know you have slept with more than one guy on ship right? I am not dumb, Callie. Do you know who the father is?" she asked softly.

“I don’t know who the father is...yet!” Callie sighed. “I asked Troy, John and Andrei to meet me to tell them. Only Andrei did his usual insult routine, so Johnathan punched him for it!”

Kass muttered a swear word "Darn it Johnanthan." She grumbled. "Andrei will be pissed about this. I will see if I can block any moves he may make but Johnathan may have bitten off more than he can chew this time, not that I disagree with why he punched Andrei. Gods know I have wanted to do that over the years."

Callie nodded. “Troy has confined Johnathan to his quarters except while on duty, if he needs to leave for anything else Troy has promised to have him escorted by someone he trusts. I swear Kass, if anything happens to Johnathan because of me...” Her hands curled up into fists. “I’ll turn Andrei’s mind inside out!!”

Kass bit her lip. "Callie, calm down. You need to think of yourself and the child." Kass said softly. "What if Andrei is the father?"

Callie froze, she hadn’t even entertained that thought knowing how often she’d made love with Johnathan and Troy. “I...don’t know. Troy has promised to stand by me, as has Johnathan. No matter what this is my baby, and I’ll love him or her just as much.”

Kassandra nodded. "okay. Just keep an open mind on it."

Callie nodded. “I will. We’re going to go to have the doctor run a dna analysis, see if she can tell us who the father is.” She paused massaging her temples.

Kass nodded slowly. "Okay. When?"

“Tomorrow morning, hopefully Sickbay will be a little quieter by then.” Callie offered a calmer smile. “What about Andrei, will he seek revenge on Johnathan?”

"Knowing Andrei, I'd say that's a yes." Kass had to admit. "But he won't be overt about it. He is sneaky. And he is the son of the captain... He could pressure the captain into doing something."

Callie nodded. “Should I speak to the Captain?”

Kass bit her lip. She hadn't told Callie much lately, things having been so hectic. "No.. let me. I think I can work something out. Maybe I can convince the Captain to put a leash on Andrei until his temper cools down."

“You’d do that?” Callie looked at Kassandra wide eyed. “I don’t want you getting into any trouble because of me.”

"I'll be fine" Kass said and looked at Callie. "I have been keeping it underwraps and such and I have not even told Johnathan. But, there is a friend of the family connection between me and the captain, I will try to use it." Which would be strange as she had never done it before.

Callie nodded. “I won’t say anything, I promise. Thank you for all this Kass, I’ve never been as close to anyone as I am to you, Johnathan and Troy. I was so sheltered on my father’s ship I let myself loose when I got here. I’ve no regrets, apart from Andrei.”

"I can see how that would be" Kass said calmly. "Look focus on yourself and the baby for now. I will see what i can do."

Callie nodded. “I will, Thank you Kass.” She smiled and leant over giving Kass a kiss on the cheek.

Kass smiled at her. "Guess once you know who daddy is, you will be off the fun times."

“I already am” Callie smiled. “As much as Johnathan and you, have special places in my heart, I love Troy! I can’t love him without being loyal to him. From now on Troy is the only man for me.”

Here Kass smirked. "Only man?" she teased. "Do not worry I get it."

Callie blushed. “Sorry! any man, or woman!” She grinned. “As much as I enjoyed our night with Johnathan.”

"I get it Callie. And I don't blame Lieutenant Marshall for not wanting to share. Johnathan is probably not wanting it to end but things change and people move on. It happens. I guess I am still the sensible one here right?"

“Oh you are totally the sensible one!” Callie grinned. “I’ll need you to keep me out of trouble from now on. I’m impulsive, I always have been. Though the Captain may not even let me off ship from now on! That’s if we find anywhere to go.”

"Well we shall look into that" Kass assured her. "But I should go see if I can warn Johnathan and work on Andrei."

Callie nodded. “I’ll do my best to steer clear of Andrei for a while. I just need to know Johnathan will be safe.”

Kass nodded "I will work on it,"

Callie offered a warm smile. “I know I’ve said it a million times already but thank you.”



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