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Breakfast date **CONTENT WARNING**

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2022 @ 9:41pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Anderson's quarters
Timeline: Md 14 09h00
2439 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass slipped into Johnathan's cabin at 09h00, having woken up, showered and dressed after her last shift. He had invited her to breakfast.

A few moments later, the doors slid open and Johnathan strode in, a smile forming on his face as soon as he saw Kassandra. "Morning, Sweetheart!" He moved over to her and embraced her warmly. He then kissed her deeply, enjoying everything about her.

Kass leant against him."I thought I was here for Breakfast." She murmured against his mouth. "This is nice too.."

Johnathan grinned softly. "We're still having breakfast. But, perhaps, there will be time for dessert?"

"Hmmm maybe, depends on how long Breakfast takes." Kass purred back. "Maybe we should eat in bed?"

Johnathan's grin grew. "I love that idea! I'll get some finger foods for us. You go get comfortable in bed, sweetheart."

Kass laughed softly and nodded "Fine but nothing messy ok?" She headed for his bedroom.

"As you wish," he bowed like a gentleman pirate of old, then stood and moved to the replicator to start the order.

Kass walked into the bedchamber and considered her next move. She tugged off her shirt, revealing a dark purple lace bra. Then she slid her jeans down, revealing a matching skimpy underwear. She kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the bed.

A few minutes later, Johnathan entered, keeping an eye on the tray of food and drink that he was carrying. "Okay, I've got fruit, some juice selections, plus some other..." he stopped when he saw her sitting under the covers, her clothes folded and in the chair on her side of the bed, as she was smiling at him.

"Well," he said as he gently put the tray down on a flat part of the mattress. "It seems that I am overdressed." He started to peel his uniform off. When he got down to his dark green boxer-briefs, which didn't do a good job of hiding his endowment, he picked up the tray and asked, "Would Madam care to be served, or would she care to serve herself?"

"Hmm how about we serve each other?" she asked softly.

He smiled softly. "That sounds like fun!" He carefully balanced the tray on one hand, as he removed the drinks to his end table. He then asked Kassandra to hold the tray so he could get into the bed with her.

She held it and when he was settled she placed it between them.

After he was settled, Johnathan reached back and grabbed a couple drinks. Turning back he handed one over to Kassandra. "Mimosa?"

"Hmm.. are you sure you should be drinking before duty Johnathan?"

He smiled softly. "I can have one. After this one, I'll switch to just juice or coffee." He saw the look on her face and shook his head. "It'll be fine. I won't even feel this one drink. And I'll also drink it slowly, with another drink in-between, if need be."

Kass nodded and took her drink. "Thank you for breakfast Lieutenant" She said with a smile as she sipped.

"Hey," he said softly. "In here, when we're alone, no ranks between us, okay? I just want us to be a man and a woman who care about each other and want to share our lives together."

"hmm ok" She said putting the glass down. "So how long do you have away from the bridge?"

Letting out a soft sigh, he thought briefly. "I need to be back in a little over an hour. We're still in Imperial space for another dew days, so, things are quiet. Once we exit our space, though, things will get more serious, especially when we enter Alliance Territory."

"Hmmm so.." she fed him some food. "We have time for fun."

He took the bite of food, his eyes locked to hers. As his lips wrapped around the bite, he kissed her fingers. He then took strawberry and held it out to her.

She leaned forward and swirled her tongue around it before having a bite of it. "Hmm nice"

His breath caught in his throat slightly as he watched her enjoy the fruit. "Here," he grabbed another one. "Have another." This time though, he pulled it back when she reached for it and placed it between his teeth.

Kass laughed and leaned over and nibbled on the fruit.

As she got close enough, he reached out and pulled her to him, sharing the fruit with her, then kissed her passionately.

Kass all but climbed into his lap, straddling him as they kissed.

As she did so, Johnathan moved his hands up into her hair, their kiss increasing in its passion.

Kass's hips moved against him, rubbing and pressing as their kisses increased.

Johnathan groaned into Kassandra's mouth as she ground against him. He then broke the kiss long enough to gasp, "Move the tray!" The fire of desire for her fully ablaze in his eyes.

Kass smiled and shifted as if she was going to then paused and picked up the melted chocolate with a wicked smile. She dipped a finger in it and trailed it across his chest, then followed with her mouth, licking it up. "Why?" She purred.

He moaned softly when he felt her tongue move over his skin. He slid his hands down to her ass and squeezed. "So it doesn't get knocked over. did say that you didn't want to make a mess...." he moaned again as she continued to eat off of him.

Kass put more chocolate on his torso and smirked. "Fine" she shifted and put the tray on the floor before returning to lick the chocolate off of him.

Johnathan closed his eyes and made soft, pleasuring sounds, as he enjoyed the attention that she was giving him.

When she had finished licking the chocolate off of him, she lifted her head and smiled at him."How was that?"

He sighed happily. "I'll show you." He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, car3fully pulling it off of her. He then rolled them over, putting her on her back. After reaching over and dipping two fingers into the warm chocolate, he slowly spread it over her chest. Then, smirking, leaned down and started to devour her.

Kass moaned and bit her lip. "Is.. that... all you want to do?" She asked as she slid a foot up his leg.

Once he had cleaned up his mess, Johnathan looked up into Kassandra's eyes and smirked. "I wonder how the rest of you tastes." He then started to move lower, planting kiss3s and soft bites on her skin as he went.

When he reached her center, he sat up on his knees and started to gently pull off her very sexy panties. Once they were clear of her legs, he lowered back down , kissing and nibbling the insides of her thighs, until finally, he reached his destination.

Giving her a very hungry look, he buried his face in side her and showed her all of the skill he had learned in a very short time.

Kass's eyes rolled back in her head and she whimpered. "Sh-she taught you very well!" Kass gasped out.

Johnathan smiled to himself as he continued what he was doing, pushing to give Kassandra the biggest climax she had ever had.

Kass reached blindly for his shoulders tugging on them. "Johnathan! Please... I want you... inside me.. please"

The young pilot needed no further encouragement. He quickly repositioned himself over Kassandra. Then, when they were both ready, he slid his entire length into her, filling her completely.

While each time he was with Callie was very special and important to him, when he was with Kassandra, it was like they fit perfectly together.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his in a french kiss as she moved with him.

He moaned softly into her mouth as the continued to move as one. All thoughts left his mind, save one. To love this woman for all time.

Even though the pleasure was building, and Kass was reveling in him being inside her, she broke the kiss and whispered "On your back Lover"

Pausing but a moment, Johnathan quickly did as commanded. His eyes never leaving hers.

Kass straddled him taking him deep into her as she did so. Then she began to move on him, running her hands up and down her body as she did so.

Johnathan gasped as he felt the new sensations. Truly, they were meant for one another!

Reaching up, his hands first went to her hips as she moved against him, then, they moved upwards, to gently grasp her perfectly-sized breasts.

She normally would have pushed his hands away but Kass allowed as she rode him towards a mutual climax.

"Let me...let me hear you!" He grunted as he was getting close.

Kass had no issue with being vocal and she let her lips curve as she groaned his name softly.

He clenched his teeth as he squeezed her breasts and nipples a bit harder. "L-louder!"

She leaned over and whispered in his ear "You want me louder, you need to work for it darling" and she shifted her hips so he sank deeper.

Johnathan's mind and body were conflicted. While his mind wanted to make Kassandra scream in ecstacy, what she was doing to his body was quickly numbing all thought. He moaned and grunted as he felt the sensation of being inside change. If he was going to take her and turn the tables, he was going to have to act, and soon.

A sudden spike of last pushed through the fog of bliss that she was filling him with. Before she could sit back up and control him, he latched his right hand behind her head and growled. "Get on your hands and knees...Now!"

She brushed her mouth against his, tongue teasing as she rolled off of him and did as he bid. "Yes Lieutenant" she sassed.

He quickly adjusted his position to the more dominant one, reached out and took hold of a handful of her thick, luscious hair. He then yanked her head back as he snarled at her. "I told you, no ranks in here! You will obey your Master, or you will be punished, do I make myself clear?!"

Her form shivered "Oh please, since when" she sassed back.

While positioned behind her, and still holding her hair tight in his hand, he pulled her up onto her knees with his left hand, while his right hand moved to her center, where he started to stimulate her like never before. "I am going to make you climax so much with my hand, you will beg me to fill you again!"

"Promises promises" She gasped "Do you have time to do this?" She was teasing and his actions turned her on.

"You do not question your Master!" He then proceeded to make good on his threat, and started to stimulate her more and more, all the while holding her hair firmly in his grasp.

Kassandra's eyes closed as she struggled not to climax, but her limbs were trembling and soon she was crying out in pleasure as her body shook with pleasure.

Johnathan sneered as he continued to push Kassandra past one climax after another, then another, and another.

Eventually she managed to gasp out "sorry.." and "Please" even as her thighs trembled.

"Please...what?" He whispered into her ear, as he drove her past another climax.

Kass gasped out "p-Please take me Johnathan... Please!"

"Call me, Master, and I will take you," he nibbled on her ear as he spoke.

"P-please Master..." she got out as another one rippled through her. "Fill me.. please"

He gave her a feral grin, then pushed her back down onto all fours. Then, without hesitation, he re-entered her and started to drive fiercely into her.

Kass cried out and bucked back against him, all but delirious with pleasure.

" mine!" He grunted as he continued to plow into her. "Say it!"

"I..." she whimpered "Yours!" she cried out as another climax hit her hard.

As soon as she climaxed, Johnathan grunted loudly and exploded with force deep inside of her.

Kass slumped forward, her hair falling over her face as her limbs gave out. She moaned softly.

Johnathan took in huge lungful's of air as he leaned over and placed soft kisses along her spine.

She shifted and whimpered, she could barely move. Her eyes fluttered under the strands of her hair.

Pulling himself clear of her, Johnathan collapsed onto his bed, next to her. He then reached out and pulled her against his left side.

Kass mumbled something. She was exhausted, and wanted to sleep. But her brain was reengaging and she opened her eyes. "you.. are going to be late back to work.." she whispered.

Grinning softly, he replied. "We still have about twenty minutes, my love. I just need a few minutes to catch my breath, then I'll fet in the shower, run sonics." He turned his face to hers and gently kissed her lips. "I love you, Kass."

"hmm" She moaned as she kissed him back. "D-Do you mind If I stay here and sleep?" she asked softly. "I have shift at 16h00 so I will be gone before you get back.."

"Of course," he said honestly. I told you, you have full access to my cabin. You can come and go as you please, my love." He kissed her again, then carefully got of bed. After pulling the covers up over her, he gently kissed her again, then got in the shower.

Kass lay there watching him and then drifted off to sleep. It was strange for her to do so. She had always been awake after their activities, and she was always gone before he woke so, for her to drop off to sleep was showing how exhausted she was of late.

A few minutes later, he was clean again. Moving to his wardrobe, he put on a fresh uniform. Then, once he was ready, moved over and gently kissed her again. "I love you, enjoy the quiet. I'll see you soon."

All he got in response was a mumbled "love, bye"

He grinned softly. Then he straightened up and made his way out of his cabin and back to work.

Several hours later, Kass woke, and then she showered, dressed and cleaned his bedroom before headed back to her cabin and then to her work at 16h00



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