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Double Date

Posted on Sat Jun 18th, 2022 @ 5:24pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Marshall Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1800
2999 words - 6 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhen was walking alongside Kiera holding a wooden box in his left arm while holding Kiera's hand in his right. He couldn't help but observe his wife a little as they walked down the corridor. Callie was right Rhen could tell she still loved him there was a sparkle in her eye every time they were together. He offered her a smile and enjoyed the outfit she picked to wear. They both actually were wearing nice clothes for the double date. "You look fabulous, Kiera," Rhen said once more.

Kiera smiled as she looked towards Rhen, she loved the times they had together but the closer they were the more it hurt her to remember the times she had to betray him. Being a slave girl at the gladiator arena meant she was used to entertaining all the gladiators, Rhen knew but inside it was tearing a hole in her soul that she was finding hard to fix. “Thank you Imzadi, you look very handsome yourself.”

Rhen could sense something was bothering Kiera but he didn't say anything. They reached the door to where Callie lived and pressed the chime taking a quick moment to smooth out his clothes and hair to look presentable.

Having arranged with Troy for Rhen and Kiera to double date Callie made her way to the door to open it. She smiled as she greeted her guests. “Hello Rhen, and you too Kiera please come in.”

Kiera offered a polite smile, in the time she and Rhen had been onboard she’d kept pretty much to herself up until now. “Thank you.”

"Callie, nice to see you again," Rhen replied holding out the wooden box and opened it showing a wine bottle inside. "We brought some Deltan Juniper Wine, don't worry it is safe for pregnant women. The Mrs. made sure of that." He smiled holding Kiera lovingly close to him.

“That’s very kind of you” Callie smiled as she looked towards Troy. “Isn’t it Troy?”

Troy was putting the final touches on setting the table for dinner. He looked up at the others and smiled. "That is greatly appreciated, Mister Tal

“Please make yourselves at home” Callie smiled warmly.

Rhen led Kiera inside looking around the place before seeing his superior officer. "Evening, Chief, or is it ok to call you Troy?"

Troy looked down at his attire. "We are all off duty at the moment and as long as I may call you Rhen and Kiera. Fair?"

"Sounds fair, sir, I mean Troy." Replied Rhen.

Callie smiled as she watched the men before turning to Kiera. “Kiera please make yourself at home, feel free to call me Callie too.”

Kiera nodded. “Thank you, Callie, Rhen was telling me about you. He has high hopes that you’ll be able to offer some advice.”

Callie nodded. “I’m not an official Counsellor, but I’m happy to try and help off the record.”

Rhen could hear Kiera and Callie talk amongst themselves he started to get a bit nervous last thing he wanted was for his boss to find out about their marriage issues.

Troy gestured for Rhen to join him by the replicator as he produced a tray with four wine glasses to kick-off dinner with a toast. He glanced at Kiera for a moment before turning his casual gaze back to Rhen and spoke quietly in a voice-only his armory officer would hear. "Do you love her?"

"Of course I do!" Rhen replied.

Troy nodded in Kiera's direction while maintaining eye contact with Rhen. "Then you can both overcome anything as long as you work on it together."

Rhen looked at Kiera for a moment before turning back to Troy. "I hope you are right." He said in a low voice that he could only hear.

Both Kiera and Callie could feel the unease pouring off Rhen.

“Perhaps we should talk in private later” Callie smiled warmly to Kiera, “Let’s enjoy the evening.”

Kiera nodded and walked over to her husband offering a smile. “Let’s enjoy ourselves this evening Rhen, we haven’t had an evening out together in a while.”

Troy poured drinks for everyone and handed out the wine glasses. He raised his glass. "Each of us should make a toast I think. I will start. May we persevere here in the Delta Quadrant and find a way home."

Callie held up her glass in response to Troy’s toast. “May we all live our lives happily, no matter what the future holds for us.” She sipped her drink to both his and her toast before looking at Rhen and Kiera.

Rhen's demeanor changed as he frowned before setting his glass down and walking away heading over to the window to look at the stars and placing his hands in his pockets.

Callie motioned to Troy to that she’d talk to Rhen, offering Kiera a smile she stood up and moved across to Rhen. “It’s difficult trying to think about the future, isn’t it? Trust me I know.”

"You know I had no reason to make this a career I planned on me Kiera just being in Starfleet for a while enough to make a decent amount of money. Serve the Emperor and then we find a nice place in the empire to live in peace to raise a family and retire." Rhen looked at Kiera picturing a nice peaceful life with her before frowning again. "But now we are stuck out here."

“We’re all stuck out here Imzadi” Kiera offered a gentle smile as she walked over. “We just have to make the most of it. Starting with enjoying ourselves here with Callie and Troy.”

Rhen didn't know why but for some reason he hugged Kiera. "I am at least happy you are out here with me, Imzadi." He said into her ear rubbing her back.

Troy gestured to the table already set. "Let's all eat and go from there." He moved to the table and pulled out a chair for Callie.

Callie smiled as she walked over to the seat Troy had pulled out for her, she loved the fact that he was a true gentleman. “Thank you Imzadi” She kissed him on the cheek and then sat down.

"Sounds like a good idea," Rhen replied as he led Kiera over to the table and pulled out a chair for her offering a little smile.

Kiera smiled as she took a seat at least here they could be the way they used to be, she was enjoying the change. “Thank you.”

Troy started passing platters of food around to Rhen and Kiera first since they were the dinner guests. "So, do either of you have hobbies you like to pursue in your free time?"

Kiera offered a polite smile. “I enjoy swimming, I used to be an Olympic swimmer.” She looked towards Rhen.

Rhen took Kiera's hand into his. "Weightlifting, actually I was an Olympic weightlifter that is how we met." He replied before putting some food on his plate. "I also like to fix things used to do it with my dad and brother in the family business growing up."

Troy gestured to the rapier mounted on the wall. "I study fencing and I do gymnastics and parkour. I guess I consider myself a bit of a swashbuckler."

Callie grinned. “I’ve never actually seen your fence, you’ll have to let me watch sometimes.” She paused. “I like to spend time on the holodeck, I also like to read, and play card games. Not that many people will play cards against an empath!”

Rhen grabbed a dinner roll and put it on his plate. "Being a Betazoid is hard sometimes I don't tend to use my abilities as much. I like to be more hands-on, so to speak." He handed the rolls over to Kiera. "This lovely lady tries to encourage me to use them a little more but I don't wish to be rude and read others' thoughts by accident."

Troy studied Rhen for a moment. "Do you mind me inquiring about your time in the Imperial Arena?" He was curious to know if Rhen was proficient with bladed weapons. His only opponents for fencing had been holographic since leaving Terra. It would be refreshing to have someone who didn't fight in a preprogrammed manner.

Rhen tensed up slightly the arenas wasn't something he liked to talk about. Under the table he placed his hand on Kiera's lap wanting her to hold it. However he did his best to hold in what he was feeling really about the question. "I suppose, sure."

Troy may not have been telepathic, or even empathic, but he did catch the subtle microexpressions that indicated the Arena was not a pleasant subject for the man sitting across the table. "My apologies if I upset you. I have been wanting to find a skilled swordsman to fence with on the holodeck is all. I would understand if you wish to decline however."

"Oh..." Rhen began before shifting in his chair. "Yes, I have plenty of blade experience you had to learn to be a master of it or die." He took a drink. "If you need a sparring partner I would like to oblidge but I am not good at fencing."

Troy wouldn't mind having an unarmed combat sparring partner. "I suppose kumite is the best I can get with a live opponent. Perhaps we could meet in the gym about once a week. If that works for you?"

Rhen looked at Kiera then back at Troy. "Sure, Kiera and I are there working out anyway the four us could certainly do that together. You and I could spar keep up on our skills."

Troy glanced at his very pregnant fiance. "It may be a few weeks before Callie can join us for workouts, but I look forward to it."

Rhen looked Callie over then Kiera before himself. "I am sure we could least appreciate the company from her anyway." He suggested. "Honestly, working on my muscles and staying fit is quite calming but can get boring alone."

“I don’t mind watching” Callie smiled warmly.

“I can keep you company” Kiera offered Callie a smile. “It’ll be nice to have friends again.”

Rhen picked up a fork from the table. "Troy, I have to apologize for not being able to stay for your wedding. I guess weddings are not exactly a good place for me to be right now." He confessed.

Troy waved off the need for an apology. "It’s quite alright. As much as we," he gestured to Callie and himself, "wanted a ceremony at home. We didn't want to wait and out here we were looking forward to the 24 hours of on ship liberty."

Rhen looked at Kiera the thought of having kids with her popping in his head. "Well, I was hoping when things are better between us I want to start a family." He frowned a little. "But with us stuck out here far from home it's made me unsure what to do."

Kiera’s heart sank a little at hearing Rhen say that. “It’s something we need to discuss, and make our mind up about.” She couldn’t help but gaze at Callie in an almost longing manner, before she looked away again.

Troy took a moment to consider Rhen's words. He then looked at Kiera and Callie as they ate dinner. "Rhen, may I give you a piece of advice?"

Rhen shrugged his shoulders. "Sure."

Troy took a deep breath. "You can spend your entire life trying to be ready and never...ever...feel that the moment is right to start a family. That is a way that leads to constantly doubting your ability. You can also be the kind of person who will take the chance to do whatever it takes to make yourself and the ones you love realize your dreams. Two months ago, if I had been told I would be married and expecting my first child, I would not have believed it. No, being stuck in the Delta Quadrant with a decades long journey back home is not ideal, but Callie is my inspiration to make the best of the situation we are in and I can live with that because every moment with her is priceless to me. She is not only what keeps me going despite the odds, but also brings me great joy every day."

Rhen leaned back into his chair looking at Kiera then Callie his face turning slightly red. He too longing to be a dad but his fear of their relationship and their kids never being raised on Betazed haunted him. "I uh..." He set his fork down feeling like a idiot.

“You don’t need to bottle it up in-front of us Rhen” Callie smiled as she wiped away an emotional tear from Troy’s heartfelt response. “I never thought I’d ever be a mother, but finding Troy and falling in love, it’s been a whirlwind but I wouldn’t change anything!”

Rhen sat in silence just thinking about what to say. "I screwed up again didn't l?" He pushed his plate away. "I am sorry, Kiera, I didn't mean to hurt you." Rhen rested his face in his hands.

Callie rose from her seat, and motioned to Troy to give their guests a moment alone to talk. “Troy would you help me for a moment?”

Troy nodded and picked up the serving bowls and plates for recycling in the replicator. He gave a nod to Rhen and Kiera. "If you will excuse Callie and I for a moment."

Kiera offered a warm smile as she noted what Callie was doing for them. “Rhen, look at me” She waited for him to look at her. “You haven’t hurt me Rhen, not now, not back then. I’m not angry at you, I’m angry at me!” She paused. “They made me betray you! You’re my husband and they knew it!” She wiped away a few tears. “We’ll talk more later, but right now we have dinner to enjoy with our new friends.”

Rhen just sat there unsure what to say but it was best to talk about it later like Kiera asked. "Okay," Was all he could muster to say.

Kiera was hoping for a little more, but she nodded nonetheless.

Returning to the table a couple of minutes later Callie smiled as she settled down again. “How’s about we eat?”

Rhen looked up at Callie and his wife. "I am sorry you two it just must not be my night. I feel I am just ruining this dinner."

Callie waved off Rhen’s concerns. “Don’t worry about it Rhen, we all have our bad days. Just enjoy yourself as best as you can.”

"Long as it doesn't ruin any further chances of the four of us getting together." Rhen teased offering a playful smile taking Kiera's hand in his. "It's nice to have someone on this ship to talk to."

Callie looked at Troy, then back at Rhen. “I know the feeling, I never had friends before I came here.”

Rhen nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I didn't expect to make friends so quickly especially with my superior." He looked at Troy. "Guess those rumors the boys in Security about you having a pineapple in your ass was misplaced." Rhen said in a teasing manner.

Troy shrugged. "I simply expect the best performance possible from the security personnel."

"I am sure, but I tend to keep to myself in my corner of the ship." Rhen took a bite. "Hearsay is not something I like to involve myself in."

Troy nodded. He remembered his days as a JO. New to the Imperial Starfleet. Having no clue who to trust, worrying about if he could do well enough to garner a promotion without having to engage in sabotaging or assassinating a superior to gain said promotion. ""Just do your job the best you can."

Kiera had been pretty quiet up until now, she offered a polite smile. “I can’t thank you both enough for making us so welcome. The Empire doesn’t teach friendship, and caring for others, but given where we all are, and not knowing what’s going to happen next we’re going to need each other.” She gently squeezed Rhen’s hand.

Rhen bought his plate closer and added a few more dishes before digging in. He squeezed Kiera's hand back with a smile. "This whole thing backstabbing one another sickens me really." He took another bite. "I'll be honest here I am not into backstabbing others and whether you wonder if i would take part in such actions I rather not be involved in either side. I just want to get home and I rather all of us be together in getting back."

Troy looked about the table. "Enough shop talk. Let's eat and figure out what to do after dinner."

Rhen raised his glass nodding in approval. "I'll drink to that." He gave Troy a smile and took a drink.

Troy glanced at Callie and Kiera with a mildly curious expression. "So what would you ladies like to do after dinner? A stroll to the lounge for a drink, stay here and play a party game?"

“How’s about a trip to the holodeck?” Callie smiled warmly. “I haven’t showed you Betazed, and I’m sure Kiera and Rhen would enjoy seeing their homeworld again.”

Troy glanced at their two guests. "Well?"

Kiera nodded. “It’s been so long since we’ve truly been home” she looked at Rhen.

Rhen lit up. "Absolutely! I’d love to!"

“Then it’s settled” Callie smiled warmly, after dinner we’ll head to the holodeck.”

Troy nodded as he smiled at Callie and their guests. "Sounds like a plan."



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