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You're Coming With Me ***Adult Content***

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2022 @ 5:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Command Office
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 1600
1518 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Andrei walked the deck of the Vengeance in command red. As cocky as he had been when the Assistant Chief of Security, he was now doubly so as commander of a vessel, even an alien one. He walked with a single, minded purpose, his eyes pointing straight ahead. Some people he knew passed him and he gave them little more than waves. The women, particularly the few he'd been with since coming aboard about two months ago, he gave a passive kind of wink.

He arrived at the command office right next to that of the XO's Office; the space where the Command Yeoman and the slaves attached to the department worked. Before he could press the chime, the door opened on its own, revealing Yeoman King.

"Lieutenant Petrov, what can I do for you?" she asked, her voice dull.

"Do you just wait at the door now, Jackie?" he asked, turning his chin up. "We should find you more work to do."

"I'm busy enough as it is." she said, barely trying with him. Honestly, dispite their shared hobby of womanizing, she had no love for the man since she moment she'd met him. "I'm leaving. My shift is done. Or, at least I'm trying to leave.."

"Yes... well I'm not here for you anyway." he said, dismissively. "Is Eritrea in?"

"Yeah, she is." she said, crossing her arms under her chest. "I wish you'd see her after her work was done though."

Andrei looked at the shorter woman evenly, seeming unaffected by what she had said.

"Anyway," Jackie said, walking around him, "don't fuck on my desk."

"Why, I would never..." he said to a dismissive wave of her hand. He stepped into the office then to look for Eritrea.

Eritrea was cleaning the ship's office where the ship's XO, Command Master Chief and Yeoman division performed the necessary administrative functions for the ship. Eritrea looked up at Andrei and smiled. "Greetings Master and congratulations from what I hear. Your own command. Quite impressive."

"Impressed, are you?" he asked, giving her a cheeky grin. Since she was the only person in the room, he didn't hesitate in grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in. They hadn't seen each other in weeks, and he felt a particular need for her presence. He leaned down until his mouth was level with her ear. He whispered "Well, if you like that, I've got better news for you."

Eritrea's eyes widened with curiosity as hands ran down Andrei's chest. She slid a hand between them to gently rub the front of his pants. "Does Master care to enlighten this slave or does this slave need to...encourage Master to share."

Andrei thought for a moment about what Jackie had said, but never seriously considered it important. He would do what he wanted to do when he could. He smiled then, his untouched member showing its readiness by stretching its length down his thigh in her hand.

“Perhaps I have two surprises for you then.” He said, grinning devilishly. He slid his hand up the front of her slave- issue uniform, following the contour of her body gently, touching hip and side and breast. “There’s nothing but men on that ship..”

Eritrea matched his grin with one of her own. Her hand slipped into his trousers as she pouted. "Only men? What will Master do to relieve all that tension?"

“Mmm.” He said, closing his eyes. “I’ve developed a plan for just that.”

He reached for his buckle, undoing it for ease of access and then, going the extra step and pulling then down to his thighs. His other hand circled around her nipple over her clothing in slow, concentric circles.

Eritrea took him in hand and began to slowly stroke him. Her other hand loosening the front clasp of her halter-top and freeing her breasts. She pulled down his underwear to free his manhood before dropping to her knees. She began stroking him with more vigor. "I hope Master will include me in his plan."

Andrei looked down and watched the woman look up at him with those same hungry eyes, her hands pumping away as his manhood, and he felt a surge of pleasure move through his body. He moaned, low as her hands worked his shaft with deft skill.

“Oh, they do.” He said with a shaky voice. “Why else would I be here than to….involve you.”

Eritrea stroked him vigorously until he was fully erect. She then pressed her bosom to his crotch. She pressed both her breasts together, engulfing his manhood and rubbing it with renewed vigor. She glanced up at him with a coy smile. "How may I serve you...Captain of the Imperial Starship Lovarr?"

Instead of speaking, Andrei breathed heavily. He hadn’t had relief in weeks and what Eritrea was doing felt great and looked even better. He watched as her breasts engulfed his largess and let out quiet moans and before he felt he was losing himself. As the tension build, he looked down at her with a strained expression.

“Gods, I missed you…” he said with surprising feeling, and then he climaxed, shooting an alarming display between her breasts and under her chin.

Eritrea smiled up at Andrei as he erupted. Not to let a moment pass. She bent her head and, with superb talent honed by hours of practice with him, kept him hard. Several minutes later she rose to her feet and lay across Yeoman King's desk. "Would Master like to [i]drill[[/i] me on my new duties. I gather you have need for me aboard the Lovarr."

Andrei replaced his pants to their original position on his body with a cocksure grin. He shook his head.

“There will be time for that later. I come bearing a very different gift.” He said, walking over to her and removing a piece of paper from the folder he had been carrying. He handed it to her. “I have gotten permission from my father to bring you to Lovarr with me as my Mistress. You are no longer a slave.”

Eritrea's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, such was the surprise. She blinked several times, her mind trying to process Andrei's words. "I...."

“Quarters are already prepared for you adjoining my cabin. I’ll send some crew from operations to help you pack.” Andrei said, walking up to her and touching her face with his hand. “I like the sound of ‘master’, but you can call me Andrei now when off duty. I’d like to have you free to beautify yourself all day, but resources are limited and lying in bed with me isn’t as important to the Captain as your administrative experience.”

Eritrea gave Andrei a curious look. "You want me as your Yeoman?"

He nodded with a smile.

“Yes, Eritrea , I do. And I want you to be free. To be honest, i’m not sure how much you’ve been sharing my bed in order to get on my good side or because you actually…have feelings for me. But, I thought I would do this for you and hope that you would remain the same to me.” He said, and then he shrugged. “Maybe I’m just stupid.”

Eritrea considered his comment for a moment. She was under no illusion that the start of their sexual relationship well over a month ago had been one of accommodation in the beginning. Him for release of his urges and her to secure more comfortable surroundings when not performing slave duties. "For the longest time, all I have wanted was my freedom. I wanted to choose my own destiny. Working long hours as a slave and then having to pleasure officers and Overseer's and...any stronger male slave that wanted me is a life I have hated more than you know. I could always figure out what each of them wanted from me. It was that way with you until...recently."

"Until recently?" he asked, looking down at her with raised brow. "What changed recently?"

Eritrea looked up at Andrei and on impulse went up on tippy toes to give him a gently lingering kiss. "You treated me like I am a woman and not just a slave to use for your sole pleasure."

Andrei smiled. What was happening in his mind was unclear. He chose to say nothing, but placed a hand on her cheek and then stepped back.

"Petty Officer, 3rd Class. Welcome to the Imperial Fleet. If you have any trouble with ship transfer, let me know and I'll kick some asses for you." he said, and then moved toward the door. Stopping again as it opened and looking back at her.

Eritrea swiped a global of his seed from a breast and licked her finger. "I serve at your pleasure [i]Captain[/i] Petrov...and for your pleasure my Captain."

Andrei looked at her with interest, but his plans would have to wait until later. Instead he offered a cryptic wink and then headed out the door.


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