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Self defence classes.

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2022 @ 1:35pm by Captain Fergus Williams & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 7:48am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Mission Day 20 at 1600
684 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Marcus sat alone on the holodeck floor deep in thought as he waited for Callie to arrive. In his hand was the lock of hair from his andorian valkyrie who he was missing more than ever. Over half a galaxy away. He was never going to find her.

Entering the holodeck Callie offered Marcus an apologetic smile. “Forgive me for being slightly late, I was catching up on reports, and I fell asleep! One of the hazards of being this far into my pregnancy!” She grinned.

Tucking the hair into his uniform the marine gave a warm smile. " No need to apologise my dear. How's the new recruit," he said looking at her baby bump.

“Oh he’s fine!” Callie grinned. “He’s got one hell of a kick that’s for sure!”

" Future marine in the works." the devil dog chuckled as he clocked his figures to activate the program. The room changed to resemble one of the marine firing ranges. " I think we'll work on your gun handling today."

Callie nodded. “Sounds good, I didn’t do too bad on my last review, but I could be better.”

Picking up one of the phasers the marine indicated the other. " Start with the basics what do you do with this"

Picking up the phaser Callie set the stun level she required before showing it to Marcus. “Always set the level you require before heading anywhere. In a rush you don’t get time to fiddle with settings.”

" Very good and what else?" He added.

Callie paused to think. “I would say check the safeties, but there is no safety on a phaser.”

The marine nodded. " And never point it at anything you don't want to shoot at."

Callie nodded. “Of course, too many accidents happen that way.”

The marine nodded as he activate a target of a basic humanoid target. " Let's see how your aim is."

Nodding Callie positioned herself and took aim. Letting off several shots at her target she just hoped she’d proved herself not too bad a shot.

" Not bad." the devil dog said looking at the results. " Breath in and out before your next shot."

Callie nodded. She inhaled before letting out a slow exhale, then aimed and fired. She was surprised by the difference it made.

" Very good. " The marine said as he reached in and adjusted her aim. " Try again."

Callie took aim and fired again, her surprise the shot landed just where she was aiming. “That works!”

" It is. I wouldn't want you leading a charge, but you should be able to hold a corridor if needed." The marine replied as he tapped the weapons bench indicating for her to place the phaser down.

Placing the phaser down on the bench Callie offered a warm smile. “I need to be able to defend myself and my child, especially since we don’t know what we’re facing out here.”

" You'll think we'll ever make it home?" the marine blurted out.

Callie offered a shrug of her shoulders. “To be honest I have no idea. All I know is, that right now the people aboard this ship are the ones most important to me. We need each other if we’re to survive out here.”

" Well Xenophon and his ten thousand probably thought they'd never make it home and they managed it and no space Persian empire and it's barbarian is going to stop us." The devil dog replied trying to cheer her up.

Callie grinned. “My family is here now, no matter what I’m at home here.” She stifled a yawn.

" You alright? Is the little one keeping you up?" The devil dog inquired.

“You could say that” Callie grinned. “It’s just energy sapping at this point. Only a few more months to go.”

" You should get home and rest. " The devil dog replied calmly.

Callie nodded. “Agreed, Thank you for the lessons today. I appreciate it.”

" I'll see you later kiddo." The devil dog said as he watched her go. With that he closed the holodeck and headed for his bunk.



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