
What Was and Might Be IV

Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2022 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: Mission Day 28 at 2245
2323 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure


"Surprise me, darling." She encouraged him, "Show me what you are proud of." She was quite curious to see where he would want to go with this particular offer. She didn't want to miss seeing his efforts.

Without another word, he put his arm around her waist, hugging his hand there comfortably, and led her out of the door to the music room. They walked for a while against each other then came to another set of stairs. They walked down, gracefully, and reached the floor right below the one they had been on. When they came to the outside of a suite, he turned around and winked at her.

“The bedroom is where I do my best work.”

"You do indeed do very fine work in the bedroom. I am your number one fan." She teased and kissed his jaw lightly before she turned to open the door.

Andrei allowed her to kiss him for a split second, but, before she was done, he opened the door to the suite. On the other side of the door was a spacious bedroom with a roaring fire across from a large bed. The far wall was a floor to ceiling window with a large balcony outside. The lights in the room were low, and the light from the fire sparkled and dotted the white-carpeted floor and the furs on the bed. The wall was a wooden paneling that was well-crafted by an artisan.

“I believe this one used to be yours. I made some changes fit for an adult.” He said, looking to a painting over the fireplace of a majestic black wolf on a branch.

Lyra looked around the room, taking in all of the details and effort he had put into it. She smiled, walking over toward the fireplace and looking up to the painting, considering it for a long moment. She did recognize that, but it had been hanging somewhere else that she couldn't quite place, but wasn't here. After a moment, she turned and looked at Andrei, the firelight hitting her side and lighting her in all its warm colors.

"I do recognize this... was this in your estate somewhere? It is very... you. I like it."

“Do you remember me saying I was here once with my mother years ago? This painting was in the master bedroom. I remembered it and, after some searching, found the template. I thought it suited you and might make an interesting piece here.”

"Mm..." She hummed in acknowledgement, looking at the picture with now mixed emotions. Though she liked it, the fact that he had seen it when he had visited when the Ivers were in control and in the master bedroom was... well, she didn't know how that made her feel, truthfully, nor the fact that he was in the master bedroom for any reason, though perhaps Christoph's father was trying to gloat about all that he had stolen. She moved from the picture and the fire, walking by the bed and running her fingers through the furs there. She didn't linger there though, and opened the door to the balcony and walked outside to look around. It was a truly gorgeous night.

She didn't allow her thoughts to drift too far; he had asked her to be in the moment and pretend that everything was settled and she was going to do that. She turned when she heard him coming out with her and smiled at him. "Thank you, Andrei."

"I'm sure it's nothing compared with the real thing, but I thought you might like to feel like...well...Lyra again." he said. He understood, on some level, that she must not truly know what that meant considering the last time she was living in her true identity, she was a teenager. He put his arm around her and fixed his strong hand to her hip, pulling her closer to him and kissing her forehead, then he fixed his eyes on the horizon and witnessing the beauty with the left one.

"I don't remember well enough to compare," she admitted honestly while she stood with him and looked out to the horizon with him and the luminescent waters, "but even if I did, I wouldn't. You made this beautiful thing for me. That makes it special in its own right." It was the truth. She really couldn't remember the last time someone had tried to put in this much effort for her.

"So, did you book the holodeck for an overnight stay?"

"You know the answer to that already." he said with a grin, his perfectly straight teeth showing. "Or, should I not have assumed you would be free? You are a busy woman, after all. Perhaps you have paperwork to get done."

"Well, the good news is even if I wasn't free, I think our charming XO would probably understand if my paperwork was a little delayed. I have a good excuse after all." She put a hand on his shoulder and turned him slightly toward her so that her hands could come up to his jacket and start to unbutton it. He knew he shouldn't have assumed, she knew he didn't care. This time, she didn't particularly care either.

"Oooo, I don't know. I hear he's a real hard ass. There's a particular member of the senior staff he likes to ride hard. I'd hate to see what would happen if some discipline was necessary." he said, speaking quietly and calmly, his grey eye and sapphire eye meeting hers with interest. He allowed her to unbutton his jacket, enjoying her closeness and the smell of her perfume mixed with his cologne. They complimented each other well.

The jacket came undone quickly and then her fingers moved to pop the buttons of the vest as well. She was taking her time, unwrapping him slowly. She knew he enjoyed it. Looking into his eyes, she smirked. "I've heard the same. What kind of discipline do you think he'd prefer inflicting, hm? He does seem to like licks an awful lot." Vest open, her fingers went up to his tie and started to unwind it.

"For late paperwork? Licks won't do." he said, his eyes following the movement of her fingers for a moment. "For that kind of misbehavior, the XO might need to hand out a spanking."

"Might he? Hmm..." Lyra seemed to ponder this. She left the tie around his shoulders and started unbuttoning his shirt proper now that she could get to it. "Though maybe there is something better to offer instead of punishment. An apology for the late paperwork."

"Apologies are a good start." he answered as his chest was starting to be revealed. "But words are like the breeze. They go as easily as they come, and blow things away better than they hold anything steady."

"Who said anything about words?" She challenged and smirked then, finally finishing with his shirt and moving to his belt though it was simply opened to get to the closure and zipper of his pants which followed the rest of his clothes.

"How else might one apologize, my lady?" he asked, looking at her. "How might she sweeten the deal?"

The smirk grew into a devious little grin as she finished opening all of his clothes. "See, our magnificent XO would simply say 'use your imagination'." Her hand came up and she ran the backs of her fingers down his cheek. Giving him nothing else, she turned and retreated back to the balcony doors where she paused and turned to look back at him, her eyes lidded and beckoning him. She disappeared into the room.

Andrei watched as she went in, but didn't follow immediately. He tended to avoid being the puppy dog and hated to come when called. Nevertheless, he only stayed out for a few seconds before he walked in slowly, striding confidently and maudlinly, his eyes looking for her.

Given it was Andrei and he was ever too proud to follow immediately - if at all (despite the fact the summon had very clearly been sexual in nature) - it had given Lyra time to slip out of her dress and put it to the side to save it from Andrei's hands. She liked to think he knew better than to rend such an exquisite garment, but he was unpredictable in that fashion. When he stepped inside, he found her left in a strapless bra and a pair of lacy black panties. She turned and smiled at him, holding her hand out toward him but also closing the distance so he didn't feel he was being beckoned for a second time. She wouldn't press her luck.

Andrei stepped toward her slowly and took her hand without hesitation. He reached his hands around her back and unclasped the bra in one quick motion. Then he leaned down and kissed her slowly.

Lyra returned his kiss, but it was kept brief. One hand touched his chest as she moved behind him. She reached up, and he could feel her fingers curl at his shoulders around all the layers of fabric there. In one fluid motion, she pulled every garment and his tie off of his torso and deposited it all with some degree of mindfulness over the back of one of the chairs. She remained behind him, her hands sliding up his back slowly and then back to his shoulders where she grabbed and began to massage him. She stepped in close, her soft breasts pressing into him while her lips found his spine and she began to kiss there softly and intimately.

He closed his eyes as he felt her lips on his spine, her breasts on his back, and placed his atop hers around his waist. They had been down this road before in several ways, but never in an imagined place such as this. He found the escapism, the feeling of near-role play exciting and arousing. To be in a different place with her was always a treat.

For just a moment, she maintained the gentle intimacy with him and truly did seem to enjoy it. She moved her hands down to give a push to his pants and underwear and then stepped back to allow him to slide out of his shoes while she circled back to standing in front of him. She kissed him deeply, her hands finding his pants again as they stood close to the fire. She resumed pushing them down, but this time she herself followed them; she showered his abdomen and torso with kisses and nips. Once she was down on the floor she pushed them out of the way when he lifted each of his feet to allow her to do so. Here, she would usually stand again, kiss him and press against him, but this time she didn’t. She remained on her knees before him and instead began to kiss, nibble, and nip at his thighs. Her hands eventually came up to find his cut hips and she finally tilted her head back to look into his eyes. He had given her what she had wanted - more than what she had wanted - and so she would give to him exactly what he wanted from her. As she looked into his eyes, her tongue found him, and she set about her tribute.

This had always been his favorite part with any woman, if he was honest. The service. Some thought having a woman on her knees before a man was all about power, but he thought they were wrong. To him, it was about an understanding of worth: his own, and a dedicated willingness to serve him exclusively while getting nothing in return. It's what he wanted from everyone really, in a metaphorical sense. Andrei Petrov wanted the entire galaxy on its knees before him. Lyra had avoided the position. Of course he had never pressured her or said anything at all; for him, it was no fun if he had to ask, or suggest, or hint. But submission and service out of desire and love, that was what he really wanted. He didn't throw his head back, but let out a soft moan and watched her work his manhood in her mouth, aware of every detail, every movement, every sound. He also didn't grab at her or attempt to interfere, but responded in low growls and lustful looks.

"It looks like holodeck programs are your magic switch, love." he said quietly, warmly, and joyfully.

Slowly, Lyra pulled her mouth from him and simply looked up into his eyes. She smirked, brushing his manhood against her soft cheek as she spoke. “No, darling, just you.”

She squeezed his rear end with her hands firmly and then set her mouth back to task. Lyra was dominant, violent, a force of nature on her own where submission would seem to not be in her vocabulary, but in truth she had no issues submitting. Not to someone who was worthy of it and for now, Andrei Petrov was worthy. Her submission did not come freely though, she had her demands of loyalty, love, power though offered the same in return and while he may have railed against it, if Andrei was honest with himself this woman on her knees before him was quite likely singularly worthy.

He enjoyed her even more this time. Andrei Petrov had many women kneel before him, but never one he cared about at all like he cared about her. He wasn't certain he could give her what she wanted in the end; they were both quite driven and didn't compromise on important things easily. But for now, he moaned as she took him in. And then, when the service she'd given him had gone on for quite a while, he returned the favor and they moved to the bed, wrapped in each other.



