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Under the Radar II

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 9:59pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-15 at 1045
4308 words - 8.6 OF Standard Post Measure


The Baneans were falling over themselves to accommodate their unexpected Terran guests. Despite being in the middle of conflict, they were putting their best foot forward and seemed determined not to let it show in the quality of their hospitality. When push came to shove, the Baneans did still have the upper hand, but the Numiri were more aggressive against their more passive cousins. Orist had escorted Andrei and Lyra out of the building and they had ridden a small, sleek, probably expensive transport to a small, obviously exclusive hotel. It was most definitely intended for the wealthy of Banea and it showed in the near gaudy opulence.

They were brought up to a large single suite with a beautiful view and a balcony leading to the outside, but it was still pouring rain outside.

The walls of the room were neutral but with fine wood finishes and pops of accent colors. The decor was most definitely alien, but it was still a welcome change from the sterile environment that the Vengeance offered them. They'd been left to their own devices and been promised in a couple of hours they would be retrieved for their meal and continuation of talks. They were instructed on the use of the communication device in the room if they should need anything, and then they were left alone at least for the moment.

Lyra had explored the suite with interest - a bedroom with a very large bed, a bathroom with both a tub and shower, a large closet, and a small sitting area which they had walked into. She inspected some of the art on the walls, wondering if it was mass produced or if given the exclusivity of the place it was a unique piece. Overall, despite being an alien place, this was a comfortable place. As she looked at the painting, Lyra's thoughts drifted slightly and she listened to the rain. It had been a long time since she had listened to the rain. She looked pensive.

Andrei placed the bag he had been carrying on the bed and started to unzip it. It was full of changes of clothes for them, but also weapons and hardware for just-in-case scenarios. They hadn’t tested the Banean predilection for treachery, nor had they heard of any such prominent impulse, but he was still on alert for it. Sometimes, the strangest people could find a way to stab someone in the back. As he set out the change of clothes, laying them neatly on the bed, he turned and walked out to the place where Lyra stood. Since they were alone, he didn’t hesitate to come up behind her and to let his hands find her stomach. As he made contact with her back, he leaned down and kissed her neck slowly.

“I smell blood.” he said quietly, near her ear. “Something tells me these people will need to see our level of…dedication to what we are after. Be on alert, love.”

At his words, Andrei would feel Lyra tense for a fraction of a second, alert and aware and then the slight shiver of pleasure that went down her spine. Her arms came up to rest over his and she leaned slightly back into him. She was relaxed and at ease with him just as he was with her. “They may yet, and it will be magnificent.” Pausing, she shifted so she could turn her head to look at him. “I enjoyed watching you today.”

She was curious how he would react to the compliment given, it was forthright and authentic, loaded perhaps, but she gave no indication that it was.

“Did you?” he asked with a neutral expression, looking into her dark eyes. She was so lovely in the light of the moon, even through the rain. “And what did you observe?”

She turned in his arms so she was chest to chest with him and her arms slid loosely to his sides. Her eyes held his gaze steadily, still searching but calm. He didn’t want the complete answer - nobody did - they wanted to hear the praise off the lips of their lovers and friends alike.

“I observed a powerful man who will break those who will not bend before him.” She kissed his jaw softly and continued, “A man deserving of respect and authority. A leader.”

“Hmm. Good.” he said, thoughtfully. He seemed to stand a bit taller at the praise, but was more disposed to considering it than anything. He knew she had doubts about them. He knew that because he had sewn doubts about him all over the ship. An impulsive, calculating, ladies man who couldn’t keep it in his pants and couldn’t think past a power struggle or a pair of legs. He could tell in her warnings that she doubted him at times. He wondered if she was holding something back or if he really did come off just as she’d said. “Anything else?”

Lyra watched him closely. She could see he was aware of her doubts, she was also well aware that those doubts were all part of his game and that they likely always would be. The question that she had was if he would always hold her at arm's length and always give her cause to doubt, or if he would accept her and take her into his full trust and confidence as a lover, wife, and mother to his legacy as he had so proudly declared he would. They’d never spoken of it again of course, and she was content to not bring it up knowing that doing so would likely cause him to balk. The pace had to be his and for now she accepted it. It did seem that he desired to do those things as he had declared though, and he had changed and been faithful. It hadn’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated. She kissed his lips softly.

“I see the man I am proud to be the woman of, and the man I am proud to call mine.”

Andrei’s expression didn’t change. He found her eyes again and kissed her, but said nothing else. Whether he believed that was all or not wasn’t clear. Eventually, he released her stomach and reached for the handle of the sliding glass door. Slowly, he opened it, causing a cool breeze and a light sprinkling of rain to come in at them. The wind was moderately strong. When the door was fully open, he placed his hand on her stomach again and leaned down toward her ear.

“One day, you will bear the heirs of Russia.” he said quietly, and then paused. “And perhaps more.”

“No.” She said, her voice firm. Her hands rested over his and her fingers laced between his fingers. The mist of rain hit her beautiful tanned skin and her dark eyes simply looked outside. Perhaps he was placating her, perhaps he was genuine. Time would tell.

“More.” She said with a quiet sureness.

Andrie smiled and lingered with her for quite some time. When a knock came at the door, however, he turned and walked across the room toward it. He unlocked it without hesitation, his opposite hand finding the phaser in its holster just in case. At the door was a Banean woman, short and shapely, with pale blonde feathers, ruby lips, and an outfit that resembled a uniform of some kind.

“Please excuse my interruption. As honored guests, the Vice Minister would like me to see to all of your needs.” she said, her eyes moving from his shocking eye patch to his handsome face, his lips, and then the shape of his fit body. She paused for a moment, a slight smile appearing on her lips. “In particular, he assigned me to cook for you.”

Andrei didn’t react outwardly, but his eyes stayed on hers. He quietly listened to her and, when he was done, he stepped aside and waved his hand toward the room.

“Who could argue with the Vice Minister, hmm?” he asked rhetorically. If anything, she would be entertaining.

“No one, surely.” she said, stepping in with a growing smile and eyes that followed his hand to the shape of his arm. When she noticed Lyra, however, her step slowed and her smile faded slightly. “My name is Naiva. How may I serve you?”

Lyra’s annoyance didn’t show to one who didn’t know her, but Andrei could see deep in her dark eyes that she most definitely was displeased at being interrupted; and by a woman who was eyeing her man like a piece of meat no less. She had just been about to see if he wanted to have a romp around on the balcony in the rain like one of the trashy romance novels he had teased her about reading, but now they had this hideous little creature invading her space.

To Naiva, Lyra was nothing but a pleasant smile.

“Hello, Naiva.” She greeted with feigned welcome, “A meal would be lovely. Though tell me… what other services did the Vice Minister tell you to offer? I’m so very curious.” She moved closer to the woman, threatening but also not all at once.

Naiva took a single step back, her smile gone now. She looked nervously, her eyes falling on Andrei again. He was the best she had as far as someone who made her comfortable, though it wasn’t much.

“I cook and clean, ma’am.” she said, clearly being simplistic. “I’m also a trained masseuse and learned about Banean culture. Nothing more..”

Lyra didn’t buy that, but she frowned as if she were hurt. “Oh they only sent you? But there’s two of us and well… I’m more partial to tall, dark, and handsome.” She said and sighed dramatically unknown to her but quite known to Andrei, it was a dead ringer for the dramatic sigh Princess Giana was known for, though for Lyra it was an act.

“Oh…” the girl said, clearly conflicted by the sudden change. “I can go and request someone else if you’d like, ma’am. My bosses want to accommodate you. In fact, I think I know just the man for you..”

“It’s just so rude in the first place that I wasn’t considered.” Lyra shook her head, and did genuinely look offended and hurt. A cat playing with the mouse to Andrei. “That doesn’t much bode well in general, I’m afraid.”

Andrei had a hard time holding back his smile, but he succeeded. He looked down at the woman. If she wasn’t a disgusting bird creature, she would have been quite fetching.

“You’d better go.” he said, shaking his head. “There’s no reversing this, I’m afraid.”

“Oh….okay.” she said, looking between them and seeming increasingly worried, either about them, her job, or both. “Sorry.”

“Well I don’t think it is your fault, Naiva.” Lyra shrugged. “I’m sure you’re just doing as you are told, but I’m sure we can trust you to communicate our disappointment to those who sent you?”

“I can, yes.” Naiva said, and quickly turned to leave, not bothering to steal another glance at Andrei before she stepped out of the door and closed it behind her. Andrei turned to Lyra wordlessly, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

“Poor creature. She’s lucky to leave with her life.” he said, stepping back to the glass door and the rain beyond.

“But you took away my toy.” She said with mock hurt and a twisted little grin as she moved after him. It was her turn to slide her arms around his body, her chest to his back and her head pressed to his shoulder.

“I guess that means you’ll have to cope by finding another toy.” he said with a grin, his hands finding hers. His meaning was obvious, but he wasn’t forcing the issue as he looked out over the rainy alien city. It was difficult to make out anything, really, especially considering how high their room was compared to other buildings.

“Well it is a good thing I have my very favorite so handy.” She said and her hands both pointedly went down between his legs, groping him through his pants in an unapologetic way. “Do you like the rain, darling?”

“I love the rain.” he said with a glance down at her hand. He wasn’t hard, but his manhood could still be easily found there. He was gifted with a powerful tool and the full knowledge of how to use it. He’d noticed more than a few resentful glances from his former mistresses now that he had been exclusive. Lyra seemed to have an insatiable taste for his largesse, however, so he’d barely had time for his mind to wander; if it ever wandered anyway. His eyes, on the other hand, wandered often. “Nothing beats getting all wet, wouldn’t you say, love?”

“Oh I very much agree.” She purred behind him and began to kiss and nibble the sensitive skin under his ear. Lyra would not chastise Andrei for a wandering eye; it was human to look, though she might have been annoyed if it wandered too often while she was literally on his arm. Her eyes did plenty of wandering themselves, but in the end Lyra knew who she belonged to and who belonged to her. She wanted his body yes, but so much more. Her skilled hands moved blindly but easily to undo his belt and the front of his pants. It was an action they were both so familiar with now she didn’t even remotely have to see what she was doing.

“I want to get all wet with you out in the rain, darling.”

“And show all of Banea how Terran’s fuck?” He asked, a grin on his face. “What will the diplomats say, love?”

“They’ll take notes, darling. Perhaps we should invite that girl back to watch? She’d enjoy that.” Lyra noted with a smirk while her hands moved up to open his jacket from behind as well.

“It’s too dangerous.” He moaned quietly. “She might ask if she can join and then we’d have to finish with your hands covered in blood.”

Lyra grinned behind him and brought her lips to his ear. “You’d love to watch me squeeze the life out of that pretty little neck of hers, wouldn’t you?”

Her voice was low, silky. Her eyelashes tickled his soft skin while her hands continued to move over his body and slowly she stripped him of what she could while he stood there before her. Lyra enjoyed grooming him, touching him, just being near him. She was an extremely tactile oriented individual, so stripping him down in an intimate fashion was an enjoyment in its own.

Though there was equal enjoyment in savagely ripping the clothes off his body to unwrap her prize.

“I would enjoy you squeezing many things.” He said, boldly finishing the job she started and stepping out of his underwear. His manhood bobbed free as he turned and looked at her. Unzipping her jacket right away, his hands moved quickly but tenderly over her skin. As he unfastened her pants, he leaned in and kissed her, not needing to look any more than she had. They fell to the ground and, as they did, his hands found her large bottom and squeezed generously. It was one of his favorite parts of her body, as it was most impressive.

“I like to squeeze as well.” He said with a serious, almost severe expression. He helped her out of her bra with a motion of his fingers and his hands found her panties. First, he used them as a crude tool to draw her pelvis toward him, causing his pendulous manhood to take up position between her legs and to bump up against the silky fabric of her panties. He could feel her warmth on him, causing him to harden. Then he pulled them down as well.

Now that they were naked together, he kissed her, taking her first by her shoulders and then by her arms, he directed his kisses slowly downward, lingering at her neck, then her collar bone, and then boldly circling her hardened nipples with his tongue. There he stayed, his hands cupping her breasts gently, then roughly, then gently again. He certainly had something of a mommy complex; perhaps that was why he was so passionate and skilled at giving pleasure to her breasts.

A quiet but pleasured moan escaped Lyra’s full lips as Andrei’s strong hands moved over her body in that distinctly possessive way that she often wondered if he realized he was utilizing. It was more than the caress of a lover, more than the teasing arousal of a lay. It was the way his fingers would curl and press into her even in the gentle moments, the way he would grab her and pull her just that little bit closer and the intensity with which his hands found her body when he found his peak. What was more though was she knew she returned every gesture in kind.

Her hands moved over his body as his tongue and hands focused their attention on her breasts. Her fingertips found those little places she knew delighted him and made him shiver when she touched them; and she so did love the way he sounded when she delighted him in this way. As his tongue circled her hardened nipples, she watched him work and licked her lips. She was aware that her breasts were both a pleasure and comfort to him. When he was seeking a soothing touch, he would often lay his head on her breasts and at times even grab onto them simply for that feeling of maternal security. It hadn’t gone unnoticed, and it had also explained to her why his favorite lover before her had been a woman nearly ten years his senior who had been in the business of caring for people. He didn’t need a second mother though.

She felt the heat and longing growing between her legs as he worked her sensitive flesh coupled with the repeated bumping and brushing of his manhood against her toned, silky thighs. She craved him. Her hands slid up his sides and maneuvered to catch his face; pulling him from her breasts, she leaned down to kiss him passionately. Her tongue played with his in an unhurried manner, but she did not remain long. Instead, she broke away and out of his grasp; when he tried to grab her again, she maneuvered around the attempts with ease. She moved around him and then turned to face him as she walked backwards out onto the balcony and into the rain. The cold against her skin made her take in a slight breath, but she simply smirked at him with raised brows to see if he would accept her dare to come out and take her.

Andrei watched her, his brow furrowed. He wasn’t angry at all but he seemed it because of the specific kind of dominance he was exuding. As the rain fell on her, he watched her skin grow immediately wet in the downpour. He responded to her challenge immediately, stepping out into the rain and feeling the Banean sky empty onto his long black hair. It wasn’t long until he was soaked, and his hands found her arms as possessively as before.

Her challenging smirk grew into a grin and as his hands found her, she stepped into him and pressed her body against his. “Let’s teach these little creatures how this should be done, shall we, darling?”

“We shall.” he said in a voice that would be able to be heard over the loud rain. He took command immediately, taking her and moving her toward the glass door. Her back bumped up against the glass of the open door and, no sooner had her bottom made contact with it, than his lips were all over her. He kissed her passionately, the rain interrupting the smoothless of their kisses, threatening their noses with invasion as well as their mouths. He didn’t care. His hands didn’t explore as much as before, but instead moved between his legs. He grabbed his manhood and pressed it against her at an angle. WIthout her moving her legs apart any more than a few inches, he slid inside her. He closed his eyes as he felt her warmth, a contrast to the cold of the rainy night. Giving her some space to change the position as needed, he started to move in her slowly.

Lyra was quite undeterred by the rain - in fact she was enjoying it. It was a change from their everyday, a moment of escape. They did so enjoy their moments of escapism. As he pressed against her, her lips found his body coupled with her tongue to give even more contrast on his skin against the cold rain. As he slid into her core, she moaned softly into his ear. It was a feeling that still had not gotten old and she wagered never would. Her hands moved up his chest and she took his nipples between her thumbs and forefingers to lightly pinch and roll them; he loved it, she knew. She nipped and nibbled his neck, and then after a moment adjusted to wrap a leg around his hips and allow him to move deeper into her heated, tight sex.

As she played with his nipples in the way she knew he liked, Andrei lifted the other leg too, giving him an angle to go as deep into her as he liked. He didn’t speed up, but used his angle and control to deliver deliciously slow strokes. His hand went to her hair and grasped it tightly, pulling it enough that she would feel the challenge. As the water rolled between them and off of them, it spilled around the place where they continually met, adding to their interesting sensations. He gradually sped the tempo of his thrusts until the water began to explode from where they met over and over again, making loud sounds caused by wetness and speed. The sound itself was arousing enough, but the feeling was on another level.

Lyra moaned loudly for Andrei and the mix of sensations she was feeling between his movements, the rain on her skin, and being pressed up against the glass. It was a moment that enlivened and delighted the senses; she was overjoyed that he had decided to take her up on the playful dare now. It was more than she could have imagined. Her mouth found his and her arms went around his shoulders.

Several knocks came at the door in the hotel room, but none of them were heard. After a few moments of knocking, the door unlocked, and the blonde-feathered head of the woman who had been sent to serve them poked in. Since the line of sight wasn’t direct, she entered with the Vice Minister behind her. He looked concerned, certainly worried he’d seriously offended the Terrans.

Given her position, Lyra couldn’t see the Baneans and the sound of the rain had drowned out anything else but the sound of her and Andrei’s bodies slapping together and their passionate moans to each other. She was moving her hips with his, her nails digging into his pale back. “Andrei…”

The woman and the Vice Minister heard the noise of the rain and the smacking sounds just before the stepped into the main living area and saw Lyra’s bronze bottom pressed against the glass of the door and Andrei supporting her, pale, nude, and powerful, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. The woman paused, her mouth hanging open in shock, her eyes wandering over the pair of them. They were magnificent, of course, and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Perhaps now isn’t the best time, sir.” she said quietly, her eyes glued on the two of them, but particularly on Andrei.

“What did you say?” Orist asked absently, his attention glued on the scene in front of him and the shape of Lyra’s rear pressed against the glass door.

“I said we should probably go.” she responded, not tearing her eyes away to look at him. They were both equally distracted. It was, quite honestly, one of the most tempting scenes she had ever seen.

Andrei kissed Lyra again, his breathing quick as he continued to pound away at her without mercy. Then he looked up and caught sight of the two Baneans standing there. He didn’t balk or hesitate, but his patch told him exactly how their bodies were responding to the sight. He grinned ever-so-slightly.

Naiva locked eyes with Andrei, her lips parting and returning the devious smile for a second. She wasn’t paying attention to the Vice Minister at all anymore.

Orist had been about to agree with Naiva though he was still quite entranced by the sight before him, his muddy eyes transfixed on Lyra’s backside as Andrei moved inside of her. He did however see Andrei suddenly look up and grin and he jumped despite himself, but then he realized where Andrei was looking… and who was looking back with a smile. He had already apparently offended the Terran woman and that certainly wouldn’t help.

“Naiva.” He warned quietly and hastily. “Let’s go.”



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