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A new assignment

Posted on Wed Jan 12th, 2022 @ 8:51pm by Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Classified
Timeline: MD 0 1200 hrs
613 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

The morning had been gruelling with no promise that the afternoon was going to be any less gruelling, Callie slumped down into a seat in the officer’s lounge of her father’s starship staring out at the stars beyond. She had served under her father’s command for eight years, eight very long years! Her father wasn’t known for being easy to please, but being the daughter conceived from a slave she was all the more pressured to work hard.

Tucking into her food like a starving slave she was enjoying every single morsel of the dish in-front of her, it wasn’t like she was limited to what she could have, like everyone else she was free to eat whatever she wanted. She was almost finished when a shadow fell across the table, looking up she shot to her feet and stood to attention as she saw her father standing next to her. “Admiral, What can I do for you Sir?”

“At ease Callie” Her father motioned to her food. “Finish your food, you’ve deserved it today.” He walked around to a seat and sat down.

Taking her seat again Callie picked up her drink and took a sip looking at her father curiously. “Forgive me for saying so Sir, but you’re not usually one for sitting in the lounge.”

“No, I’m not” He looked around, his gaze making everyone in the room feel uncomfortable, before he looked back at Callie. “I have news for you. The Empire is in need of the skills of a talented Operations Officer and Psychologist, it bass been decided that you will be assigned to a new ship.”

Callie sat dumbfounded, she hadn’t been expecting to be assigned anywhere new anytime soon. “Me? May I ask where?”

“The ship is called the ISS Vengeance, the rest you will find out when the ship taking you there arrives.”

Callie nodded. “Yes Sir, Thank you Sir. I promise I won’t let you down, I’ll do you proud....father.”

The aging Terran nodded. “I expect no less! You have been trained to be the best at what you do Callie, do not let me down. I will be checking in on you from time to time.”

Callie nodded. “Understood Sir, you’ve spent years training me. When I was younger I may not have understood but I do now. This is going to be a whole new chapter, a whole new adventure for me! I’m not sure whether to be afraid or excited.”

“Fear is a weakness Callie, never show weakness.” Her father sat back in his seat. “How do you think I made Admiral at my age? Admirals are usually stuck behind desks, not still out aboard starships.”

Callie nodded. “Everyone aboard this ship lives in fear of you, you know that and I can feel it. Just having you in this room has people in here quaking in their boots.” She grinned. “The only problem is they stay away from me simply because they know I’m your daughter. At least I can start fresh on a new ship.”

Callie’s father nodded. “I’m expecting great things from you Callie, don’t disappoint me!”

“I won’t Sir, that’s a promise” Callie offered a smile.

Her father rose from his seat ready to return to the bridge. “Your transport will rendezvous with us later this evening. Take whatever time you need to pack and prepare.” He offered a smile before turning and heading on his way.

Sitting back in her seat Callie couldn’t help but wonder what life aboard her new ship would bring.



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