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Meeting the Chief Marine

Posted on Mon Jan 17th, 2022 @ 9:40pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Captain Fergus Williams

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: MD 1, 11:00 Hours
708 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

“Woden all-father of us all give this one the strength he needs” the marine said repeatedly in his head as the turbolift rose to the ship's bridge. As the door opened he could feel the eyes of the bridge crew following him. Seeing a living legend of the empire must have been quite a shock for many of them. Ignoring them he drew one of the cigars he had on his gun belt lighting one up before walking over to the ready room door letting out a long draft as he did so.

"Captain Ivan Petrov this is Captain Fergus Williams of the dammed 33rd detachment reporting for duty." He said calmly in a gruff voice anyone on the empire would know.

Ivan was sat on the couch in the Ready Room nursing a vodka in one hand and examining a PADD he held in the other. When the call came in, he looked up absently toward the door and bid the arrival enter the room. The legendary Ferguson Williams was set to meet another legend in himself and he felt every bit the equal of that man’s illustrious career, despite or, perhaps, because of the disgrace from which he in self had only just recovered.

Walking in the marine commander gave the captain a polite nod before standing to attention and giving out a " Sir reporting for duty sir."

"Captain Williams, welcome to the Vengeance, the Imperial Fleet's newest ship and your home for the next tour of duty." the Captain said, standing and placing his glass down on the nearby round table. "I trust your journey here was comfortable?"

"Happy to be here sir. " The marine replied. " Comfortable enough sir. Give a marine eight hours sleep and he's happy." He said the old saying as old as the marine corp.

"That's what I've heard." the Captain said with a nod. "Have you had a chance to look at your marine compliment? If not, they can easily be provided to you in Marine HQ. At present, you are the only officer assigned to the detachment and, on my ship, you will be treated like every other department head. You will, however, be exempt from our daily morning meetings."

" Just arrived sir. I'll be looking over the compliant as soon as I'm done here. " The marine replied feeling rather happy he wouldn't have to attend all of the meetings.

"Very good, soldier." Captain Petrov said. "Now, I think it goes without saying I expect your complete loyalty as a commander of Imperial Marines on my vessel. Any orders given to you from the XO which include operational orders, you are to bring them to me first before you carry them out, is that clear?"

It wasn't as common as it once was, but gaining promotion by killing a superior who had been incompetent or disloyal was a useful way to advance in the Imperial Starfleet. And it just so happened that Commander Cain wanted his job very badly indeed. He needed to make sure the marines were on his side just as much as the security forces.

"I will select one of your men as my bodyguard and keep him at my side, as is the custom.

" Will do sir and certainly sir. I'll send you a list of recommendations sir. " The marine replied with the tone of a veteran who had done this many times before.

"Good to hear, soldier. Serve the Empire." he said in admonition as he nodded his head again. "Dismissed."

" Very good sir." Fergus replied as he turned to leave. Pausing he turned around and drew a cigar from the pouch on his belt and offered one to the captain." Cigar sir? "

The Captain looked down for a moment, looking at the cigar with interest. He didn't respond for a few silent moments, and then finally reached for it.

"Why the hell not?" he said gruffly. "Thank you, soldier."

The marine handed over the cigar, saluted with a " long live the empire." before turning and leaving. The captain's word about the xo had him worried. Infighting had done more than the alliance to lose the ongoing war. If there were already factions forming that was bound to put the mission at risk.


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