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A Mystery Meeting

Posted on Mon Jan 17th, 2022 @ 11:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Deck 11, Maelstrom Bar
Timeline: MD 1, 2230 Hours
1848 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Having settled in aboard the Vengeance Callie had spent her shift getting to know everything she needed to know about the Intrepid class Starship. Now she was on her own time she’d headed to deck 11 to explore the Maelstrom bar, walking in she made for the bar to order herself a drink before finding a secluded corner to sit and observe the comings and goings.

The Maelstrom opened at 1630 hours but didn’t typically get busy until a few hours after that. Now that it was 1800 hours, crew members had begun to stream in out of uniform to drink and socialize. One of them was Andrei Petrov in an expensive looking blue jacket and an entourage of men following him. He went to the bar and ordered himself a drink and then ordered others for his apparent friends, telling jokes and speaking loudly with them as he did. He was a charmer and had always been able to get others to follow him. He had a way in making an impression and getting people addicted to him. Unless they were mature and healthy, that is.

Callie sat watching the group of men with interest, it seemed they’d already become a tight knit bunch who enjoyed letting their hair down. One man in particular caught her eye, she offered a polite nod as he looked in her direction wondering if he’d bother to introduce himself.

“I’ll be back, gentlemen.” He said with a grin, meeting the woman’s eyes with a kind of dark charm that only he could bring, then he left the bar and strode confidently over to her corner seat by one of the large aft-facing windows. He stopped next to the table, his drink in his hands.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.” He said with a dark expression which was something akin to mystery, curious out, and perhaps a bit of lust. “I’m sure I’d remember a face like yours.”

Callie smiled as her eyes rested on the man before her. “That’s probably because I’m new here, I’m Callie Vali the new Chief of Ops, and who would you be?”

“I would be charmed to meet you,” he said, slipping into the booth next to her without asking first. His grin slipped into a more austere expression, but his sparkling eyes were still fixated on her. “Chief of Operations on a brand new Imperial Warship; you must be as smart as you are beautiful. What are you drinking?”

He asked the question noticing that her glass was almost empty.

“Anything you’d care to get me” Callie smiled a wry smile. “Am I going to have to guess your name, or are you going to tell me sometime this evening?”

Andrei waved over one of the bar staff and indicated to them that he would like them to bring her another of what she was having. Then he turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

"If you had to guess, what would you say?"

“Oh now that’s not fair!” Callie grinned and gave him a thoughtful look. “Hmm I have...absolutely no idea!”

He laughed with her as the waitress brought the drink he had ordered and set it down in front of Callie. He leaned toward her for a second.

"Never said I was fair, love." he said, a warmth in his voice. "Go on, then. Let's call it a game. Give me a guess on my name and we'll see how close you get."

Callie grinned. “Okay then...let’s see now, how’s about...John or Johnathon?”

"No.." he said, chuckling and shaking his head.

“Hmm maybe George?” She gave him a quizzical look.

"No, not George." he said again, shaking his head. "Fine, I'll tell you, but you must promise you won't tell anyone the whole truth about my secret identity. Do you swear it?"

“Secret identity huh?” Callie nodded. “I swear, so just who are you?”

He leaned over closer to her, placing his head directly next to her head and grazing her ear with his lips.

"My true name is Rumpelstiltskin." he said in a hushed voice, and then chuckled softly, backing up from her ear.

The closeness next to her ear made Callie’s skin tingle as a chill ran down her spine. It gave her goosebumps. “Oh really? Well Rumpelstiltskin it is then! I guess I call you Rump for short.” She grinned as she leant closer. “I’ve no doubt you’ll give me your real name once we get to know each other better.”

"If you listen closely enough, someone here might blurt it out." he said with an affirmative nod. "So, tell me, Callie, do you always go straight to the bar when you get to your new assignments?"

“Not usually” Callie shook her head. “I was just enjoying my downtime before the hard work starts. How about you? Do you always move in on the new girl in the room?”

"Only if she has beautiful eyes." he said, nodding his head admittedly and picking up his drink. He looked out at the active bar and lounge as he sipped it, ignoring the glances of his entourage at the table they had selected. "That, or a long and toned pair of...dazzling personalities."

Callie grinned. “Well if you’d like to see more....” Callie let the rest of the sentence finish itself as she sipped her drink.

"As a matter of fact, I would." he said, looking at her with his steely grey eyes. He lifted his glass and finished its contents. He never hesitated in what he said or did, but seemed to follow his keen instincts. As the last drop of brown liquid hit his tongue, he set the glass down hard and refocused on her delicate features.

"Senior Officer's Quarters are bigger," he said, then seemed to think briefly about something else. What kind of game did she want to play? "but, the Captain's Ready Room is empty this time of night and....I have security access to private areas..."

“Oh do you now?” Callie grinned. She was finding this man intoxicating, and he was playing to every naughty instinct she had. “Are we willing to risk being caught out? Or would you prefer a night you’ll never forget?” She drank the last of her drink ready to leave as well.

"It's the only night worth having." he said, standing up and leading her out of the room.

He lead her out of the Lounge and down the series of corridors between Maelstrom and the turbolift. When they arrived, he pressed the lift call and turned to her. They were completely alone as they waited for the lift. He grinned and chuckled.

"Well have to play it official when we get up there. We're going into the Ready Room for...strictly military business."

Callie nodded. “What if the shift crew decide to call the Captain? Saying that I have an early warning system.” She tapped her head. “I’m an empath I can sense people coming.”

"Well, I've got my own tricks too. You'll see." he said as the turbolift opened behind him. He backed into it smoothly without looking. Once she was in as well and the door was closed he leaned forward and placed his lips against hers, offering the anticipated first kiss.

Callie accepted the kiss and responded in kind, it had been a long time since she last had an opportunity like this. She wanted to enjoy an evening of pleasure, and this was a fun way of doing it.

"Deck 1." Andrei called out, and then continued to kiss her. They proceeded to lock lips until the doors to the Bridge opened. Andrei walked out into the command center and saw that no one sat in the command area in the center of the room. Figuring they must be meeting with someone in the briefing room, he walked past the security console and stepped down the stairs toward the ready room.

"Captain's not in, Lieutenant." came the voice of the Ensign at the security station.

"I didn't ask." Andrei stated, walking up to the door and entering the code into the lockpad.

"Well, it's an area we're supposed to just....go into." came the voice of the security officer. He froze in place as Andrei looked at him with an intimidating scowl.

"Oh fuck, well who's to stop me? Is it going to be you? Are you going to stop the Captain's son and a senior staff officer from going in here?"

"" the man said with a frown, regretting putting himself in this position.

"Well then shut your trap and make sure we're not disturbed." he said as the doors slid open. Gesturing toward Vali, he indicated that she should go in first and the walked in after her.

Callie walked inside waiting for the doors to close behind them before turning to look at Andrei. “So you’re the. Captain’s som? No wonder you wouldn’t tell me your name.” She smiled a wry smile.

"Yes, unfortunately I am." he said, turing and locking the door behind them. "I figure there's a pretty good chance we won't be bothered in here. He knows the Captain won't do anything about it and...he also knows I'll kick his ass if he lets anyone in here."

He walked over behind the Captain's desk confidently, sitting down in the chair which belong to his father and looking over at her.

"I hear the man who sits behind this desk gets to give the orders around here." he stated, a flirtatious grin on his face.

“Is that so?” Callie grinned as she walked around and leant up against the desk beside him. “Have you ever made love on the Captain’s desk?”

"No, love, you'll be my first." he said, raising his brows. "My first order beautiful women on my crew are allowed to...wear panties."

“Aye Sir!” Callie grinned as she stood and took a few moments to remove her underwear, playfully dropping them on the floor beside the desk.

With one swift motion, Andrei, lifted the woman off of her feet and placed her bare bottom down on the desk. He then worked at his belt with his hands, nodding at her.

"Andrei Petrov's the name." he said with a quiet charming tone. "Thought maybe you should know before.."

His pants dropped to his ankles followed soon after by his underwear. He stood there, a confident look in his eyes. His hands found her thighs and he moved up to kiss her neck.

Callie smiled. “It’s nice to meet you Andrei Petrov” her hands moved along his body encouraging him onward.

As he entered her, he felt a surge of adrenaline. Not only was he making love to a beautiful woman, but he was doing it where it was least appropriate to do so. He moaned quietly and smiled. This would be a night to remember indeed.


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