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Getting Clearances

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 12:55am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Security Complex, Deck 4
Timeline: MD 3, 0800 hours
1138 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Starting his day, Johnathan made his way to see the ship's security chief. Though, at the moment, the computer informed him that there was only an assistant chief on board at present, so, after sending a meeting request to the Lieutenant, he made his way to the security office, pressing the door chime when he arrived.

The door was opened by a junior Security Officer who offered the Terran salute before returning to his desk and continuing his work. The room was marked by desks and wall displays which allowed a full view of the security status of the ship. There were camera angles on every corridor in the ship plus some non-sensitive public areas like the Crew Mess on Deck 2. At the end of the room just outside the vacant Chief’s office sat Andrei Petrov, tablet in hand and feet resting on a chair beside him.

“What do you need?” He asked, not looking up from his device.

Stepping up to the fellow Lieutenant, Johnathan replied. "Morning. I'm Lieutenant Johnathan Quincy Anderson the Third, the new Chief Flight Ops. I'm here to get my security clearances issued. And you are?" He gave his fellow officer a friendly grin as he spoke.

“Annoyed.” The man answered, sighing and standing up to his towering height. He looked at the other man with a somewhat bland, somewhat haughty expression. “Andrei Petrov, Lieutenant Junior Grade. Assistant Chief of Security.”

He said the “assistant “ part with resentful emphasis.

Unphased by the other man's apparent need to seem important, Johnathan continued to grin. "Related to the Captain?"

"He's my dear old dad, unfortunately." Andrei responded, calling up the man's records on a nearby terminal. "What gave it away, the crazed look in my eye?"

The young pilot shook his head, unimpressed by the taller man. "The name. I doubt there are many Petrov's in the Fleet."

"Yes, of course, the name. How could I ever forget the name. Can't escape that name..." Andrei looked up at the other man and gave a sudden, strangely placed grin. "Now, I've been rude. It's not your fault dear old dad plucked me an assignment where I was doing quite well and dragged me onto this newly polished monstrosity. Where are my manners?"

After pressing a few more buttons, he turned the screen around to face the pilot.

"Enter your touch access code. As you know, the device will take your vitals as well as the 6 digit code you will enter when logging into any console with access to sensitive ship systems."

He reached over and input a set of code letters and numbers, then sat back. "Done."

Andrei swiveled the console around again and confirmed the input. Once the next step popped up, he looked up at the man.

"Now the voice code." he said, and then pressed a key."

"Awaiting voice authorization code for Jonathan Anderson, Lieutenant Junior Grade." The computer chirped from the console.

"Anderson, Gamma Gamma Three Seven Alpha, execute." He then looked back at Petrov.

Andrei watched as the system registered the man's information. When is was through, he looked up at him blandly.

"Congratulations, my friend. Beta-One grants you unlimited access to all ship's records, and computers, limited access to command functions, and access to ship systems is limited to duty related functions. Have fun."

Johnathan smirked slightly and chuckled. "Well thanks. I'm sure I will." He paused, then leaned forward, lowering his voice a little as he added, "So, Lieutenant to Lieutenant, as the Captain's son, I'm guessing that you have a good idea as to why it seems that the XO and your father are at odds. What's the story there?"

Andrei leaned in too, more in mockery of the other man's lean than in any genuine attempt to be quiet.

"Lieutenant to Lieutenant, the Captain is an arrogant dildo." he said with a smirk. "The XO, on the other hand, I don't know, but I assume he is an ambitious dildo. He was the Project manager responsible for building the original Intrepid Class, served as that ship's XO. I would imagine he assumed, after he commanded Vengeance during her shakedown cruise, he would be asked to stay on as her Captain. Then the 'great' Ivan Dimitriovich Petrov, the Butcher of Rakal V, comes strolling back into the Imperial Fleet, and into all of our lives again, and suddenly he's in charge. Fucker. I'd be angry too."

Johnathan didn't pick up on the mockery of the other man's movement.

"So basically, we are going to be flying around in a huge powder keg?" He grinned slightly. "Sounds like fun!"

"That's Imperial Starfleet for you." Andrei responded with a cheeky grin. "Keep your eyes open, Lieutenant. In wartime, anyone can ascend to the top."

Andrei clearly meant something by that as he lifted his head and offered an austere gaze, serene and high. He looked like an Emperor himself.

"You mean you? From Assistant Chief of Security, all the way up to Captain, in one mission? That is ambitious." He chuckled softly.

"I didn't say that, and you'd best not say that I did." Andrei said, crossing his arms over his chest and pursing his lips, clearly not willing to speak any further. "Is there anything else, Lieutenant Anderson, or shall we both return to our work?"

Johnathan saw that he had successfully ruffled the peacock's feathers. In an attempt to sooth his, clearly fragile, ego, he said, "Do not worry. Your ambitions are your own, wherever they may take you. As for me, I have no desire to sit in the center seat. I'm a pilot, first and foremost. My ambition, is to be the best pilot in not just the Empire, but the entire galaxy."

"That's very cute." Andrei responded with a deep scowl, his arms still folded across his chest. "You'd better get to practicing then, yes? No need to waste time."

Johnathan smirked slightly. "Oh, I intend to, have no worries about that. There are only a handful of pilot's in the Fleet who are trained how to fly this girl. And of them, I'm the best. So, you scheme all you want. So long as I'm left alone at my helm, I won't rock any plans."

"Mmm." Andrei said, his lips sealed. It would be fairly obvious to most that he intended to say nothing more.

Johnathan knew that he'd hear nothing more, at least today, so, he stood. "Thank you for the talk, Lieutenant. Hopefully, we can be friends in the future." He snapped to attention and saluted. "Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Empire." Andrei said blandly, giving the Terran salute and watching the pilot leave. Once the doors closed, he looked around the room at the other security personnel and smiled. "What else will the fucking flyboys think up, eh?"


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