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A Green Barfly

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 12:57am by Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Maelstrom Lounge, Deck 11
Timeline: MD 2, 0215 Hours
949 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Ami had just finished her nightly stocktake of the bar on the Vengeance when she heard the doors open and someone sit at the bar. Poking her head out of the storage area she noted the female figure.

She moved out to the bar proper "Hi, can I get you something?" She asked the woman.

Having only just reported in the evening before, Revana Nazar had not yet technically reported for duty. Instead, she would wait for the morning when her boss was awake and would show up refreshed and ready for any work that was needed of her; that was the plan anyway. No sooner had she gotten to her new quarters than she laid down and started to count sheep. Unfortunately sleep never came. Maybe it was nerves, or maybe it was just the recycled air. Either way, she had to get out of her room for a while.

Having heard of the Maelstrom Lounge, she donned a black sphagheti strap top and tight-fitting pink denim shorts and descended the ship on the lift to grab a stiff drink. When the Orion's green figure passed through the double doors, she was surprised to find the bar completely empty save a group of clearly drunk crew packing to leave. Sitting at the bar anyway, she looked up at the bartender as she exited.

"Hi, I came down for a drink...couldn't sleep." she said with expressive facial features, shrugging as she did. "But it looks like your closing. I don't want to make your night longer than it already is."

Ami waved a hand. "All good. What would you like?" She asked. She reached under the bar for the drinks menu and placed it before the orion woman. "I am Ami, I run the bar."

"Nice to meet you, Ami." the Orion said, picking up the menu and starting to read from it. "I'm Revana."

Once she located a drink that sounded appealing to her, she handed the menu back to the blonde and gave her a friendly grin. Though it seemed kind, it was laced with a certain bite, like she was hiding something always.

"I'll have a Manhattan, please."

"Sure, guessing you want the real thing, not the virgin one" Ami stepped away to mix the drink. As she did she looked around the bar to make sure things were still good.

“Oh, I don’t do anything virgin.” She said, her smile turning more suggestive. “It can’t be anything but the real deal.”

"Wise lady" Ami quipped and after a minute placed the finished drink in front of the Revana.

"Oh, lovely.” Revamp said, picking up the martini glass immediately and taking a sip. “It’s delicious, too.”

She looked at the woman opposite her. They were about the same age, but she imagined their backgrounds were probably very different.

“So, can I ask you something personal?“

Ami nodded as she wiped down the prep counter "Sure you can." She said as she did so.

“What brings a civilian bartender to an Imperial Warship preparing for combat?” She asked with a curious expression, pursing her full lips together. “I mean, your pretty. It’s not like you don’t have options."

Ami let her lips curve slightly "Not Options I want. I like being the master of my own path. I own a bar on Terra, and tis is just as good."

“Would you describe your own path as being blown to bits by an Alliance warship, because that’s a very serious possibility from what I hear?” Revana asked, taking another drag of the drink.

"What's life without a little risk?" Ami smiled and leaned on the bar. "And I meet a lot of interesting people"

“Oh, yeah? Have you met any so far?” Revana asked, quirking a brow amusedly and leaning forward with interest.

"Hmm maybe." Ami drawled out "A couple of security ensigns were in here earlier plotting to prank the Captains son. I told them to take it elsewhere. I do not need that kind of trouble. I like my trouble to be stuff I want to get in trouble for."

“What kind of trouble is that?” Revana asked, taking another sip of the drink and placing an elbow on the bar. She spoke playfully, then. “Details, now.”

"I like going to the shooting range and such, makes the officers nervous."

"I didn't know they even let civilians in there. Those security guys are normally pretty damn strict." Revana replied, chuckling a bit. "If you like shooting so much, maybe you should have joined up."

Ami waved a hand at that. "Its just a fun thing to do. I am not one to shoot to kill." She paused. "What about you?" She asked.

"Oh, I always shoot to kill." Revana said with a jocular expression.

"And does that get you into trouble?" Ami asked innocently.

"I think that's how we get promotions around here." the Orion woman responded, taking another sip of her drink.

"Well, then should I wish you trouble? So you get promoted?" Ami replied with a smile.

"Now, you're getting it." Revana said, and finished the glass. With that, she stood and looked at the other woman. "I shouldn't take up any more of your time. You've got work to do and...I should try again to get some sleep."

Ami gave her a smile. "We are always here if you need to chat. Though i do sleep between the hours of 4am and 13h00."

Revana nodded her understanding wordlessly and offered a smile. She turned then and sauntered out of the room, her full hips swinging to the beat of the background music in the lounge.


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