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Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 11:56am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Security, Deck 4
Timeline: MD 3 14h00
1098 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass lounged against a wall outside of main security, a Padd dangling in her fingertips as she waited for her prey to exit the office. She saw him, and her lips curved almost evilly as he turned towards her. She waited until his eyes met hers, then with a smirk the size of Texas, she turned and sauntered off into a small crew lounge which was empty. Just as she turned into the room she let her head turn back to lock eyes again then she was in the room.

Briskly she moved to a far table and sat down.

"Somebody seems far happier to see me then last time." he commented, his eyes narrowed into a skeptical grin. He followed Ensign Selin where her seductive lead took him and sat down at the table across from her. "As much as I would like to sit here and play footsie with you, Selinofoto, I've got a much longed-for date with a couch, a bottle of wine, and an excellent book."

He leaned back in his chair, his grin leaving him as he positioned himself casually, rebelliously.

"So, with all due respect, unless you're going to be showing me what's under that standard-issue midriff top, then I might just skip this round of witty repartee."

Kass merely smirked and slid the padd across the table to him. "My boss has me pulling double shifts, monitoring security cameras. Nice Technique there, Andrei"

"The fuck are you talking about?" he asked, accepting the PADD with little interest. "You know, your department is supposed to be focused on external intelligence. Reviewing ships cameras is my job, not yo-"

He paused in the middle of his sentence when he saw the video playing out in front of him. It was an image of the Chief Operations Officer on all fours atop the Captain's desk, completely nude, with him behind her pounding away inside of her. His first thought was about how fortunate they were the desk was strong, but the second was related to the nature of this confrontation. He lifted his chin defiantly as the digital version of himself grabbed ahold of Callie's hair and forced her face down onto his father's computer terminal.

"'s incriminating.."

"My department is Intelligence Lieutenant. We focus on all threats. And neither you and the lieutenant there were cleared to be in that area." Kass said calmly. "That said, It has not been brought to anyone's attention just yet. Its sitting in the backlog. I really did not expect to see such activities." She fluttered her hand at him. "Seems you do the tales justice."

"I do, yes." he responded, looking up at her with a critical expression full of a natural pride which wasn't increased by what she'd said. He was too prideful to be puffed up any more, anyway. "Talk about being caught with my pants down...I don't suppose you've lured me in here in hopes of a private demonstration for yourself, have you?"

His expression almost seemed hopeful, but he caught it and relaxed again.

Kass waved a hand at that. "No. You are my sister's leftovers, I'll pass thanks" She said calmly. "It does not bother me who you fuck Andrei, but have some discretion please. What next? Oral sex on the captains chair? Your father has not seen this, and he won't from me."

"Well, no, obviously. I couldn't get away with that. The Bridge is always manned." he said, clearly picturing it in his mind for a brief moment. "I was perfectly discrete, Common Cassie. We were in a private room and it was locked. The Captain's Quarters are only camera viewable for people besides him on a need-to-access basis. In other words, you'd probably be in as much trouble for having it as I would be for...doing what I did."

He cleared his throat, leaning forward.

"You're telling me you wanted to show me you had this because about my wellbeing? My military career?" he leaned even closer, smiling devilishly this time. "No, you want to see it, right? I mean, I can show it to you very easily. All you have to do is ask. Just say it: 'Andrei, I just want to see your legendary cock up close.'"

Kass smirked at him. "Andrei, I saw it years ago." she said. "It didn't impress then, it doesn't now. Keep it up and this recording, which by the way is not the only copy, will find its way to a place you do not want it to go. And I am not talking about your father."

"Oh, right, it's blackmail. Now, that I understand." he said, nodding his head. "Well then, in that case, fuck you. Eat shit....also...who would you be sending it to?"

"Your mother." She stood and smirked "Then I would send it to your boss and HER father." She added with a casual thought. "You can keep that copy there Andrei. Maybe it will be good for your memoirs?"

The prospect of his mother seeing him "on the job" made him almost physically ill. His face contorted into a from as the Intel officer stood up.

"Wait, hold on. This is ridiculous." he said, shaking his head. "I'm innocent; I've never done anything to you. Why are you doing this? Just delete your copies so I can blank it from the security camera record. Come on, be a friend."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "oh sure never done anything. You and my sister are bullies and I hate that. And I am not your friend"

“Oh, I was joking, Kass! You need to learn to take a joke.” He remarked, deactivating the PADD screen and folding his strong arms over his chest. “All this for a couple jokes? You know, it’s actually kind of cute how pathetic it is.”

Kass rolled her eyes. "Keep screwing women in secure places and see how cute your mother thinks it is." She replied. "You are here as an officer of the Imperial navy. You might want to consider how doing well is the best revenge against Daddy Dearest, instead of screwing anything with tits"

“Again, I repeat: eat shit.” He said, actually starting to pout like a child. “Get out of here.”

Kass gave a soft laugh as she walked out the door. "Don't pout Andrei, it will give you wrinkles." Her voice had changed as she spoke so it sounded like her sister. "And we both know how you would hate that!" Then she was gone.



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