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Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2022 @ 1:57am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Maelstrom Bar & Lounge, Holodeck
Timeline: MD 37, 0015 Hours
2252 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The Maelstrom Bar didn’t open until part way through beta shift, meaning that it was normally frequented by alpha and gamma shift staff during that time. At 0000 hours, however, a flood of well-dressed beta shift crew would pour through the doors looking for fun during the lounge’s last two hours of operation. Andrei was sometimes one of those people, as he was on this particular day. He stopped at the bar to grab a drink and settled down with some guys he knew to chat. Dressed well in a pair of grey dress pants, polished black shoes, and a silky dress shirt which clung closely to his attractive physique. He hadn’t really taken the time to look around on this particular evening, opting to focus on the people near him with witty banter and inside jokes.

Karen was at the bar, still in her uniform. She rarely came here and she was by herself. Her legs were crossed at the knees and she leaned back languidly in her seat, one booted foot dangling. She held some exotic concoction of swirling blues and greens in one hand, taking the occasional, lazy sip as brown eyes surveyed the place. She smiled slightly as her eyes passed over Andrei.

Andrei noticed the look right away, but pretended he hadn’t. He had taken something of a silent interest in the doctor since she had arrived on board, but had made no move to speak with her. Romance was like good wine; it had to be aged just a bit before it was ready for the first draft. As she looked away, his eyes moved from his companions to the shape of her legs hanging off the stool. Though he admired their shape, Andrei Petrov was not a puppy and he couldn’t be summoned with just one look.

“So, is that our clue you’ll be off soon to talk to a woman as usual, Andrei?” Came on of the voices of the men around him, smiling.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Andrei replied with a jocular grin. He and the guys shared a gentle laugh, their conversation so far beneath the roar of the gathered crowd and the steady beat of music that no one would be able to hear them.

Karen acted as if she didn't notice Andrei's eyes on her legs. In truth, she hadn't intended to summon him but now she was wondering if he would come over. She let it sit a moment. She was also not the kind to go running over. She wasn't even sure she was interested and she liked to be chased a bit. Perhaps that might seem a little old-fashioned for the generally sensitive doctor but she was every inch a Terran with a certain primal way of looking at some things. She another slow sip of her drink and pretended to be watching the room. She even waved away another man who offered to buy her a drink. He had been too eager. It did not impress. When she finally finished her drink, she went to the bar to order another. She stretched her legs as she rose, walking with a predatory sway of her hips as she leaned over the bar and slid the empty empty cocktail glass to the bartender. "Another," she ordered.

Andrei watched when her back was turned, completely ignoring the conversation of his companions, even though he had been the center of it. His shift in attention caused a certain awkwardness in the group as the man who was trying desperately to tell a funny story stopped, not feeling that the attention of the rest of the group was sufficient. Andrei, however, didn't seem to notice this, as his eyes were direct squarely at Karen's backside.

"Move." he said, waving his hand dismissively at the men around him. The ones in his way looked confused at first and then, understanding, scooted disappointedly out of his way. Andrei stood, subtly straightening the dress shirt he was wearing which clung closely to him, and walked confidently toward the bar. Stopping next to Karen, he lowered himself onto the stool without fanfare and looked right at her. There was something in his eyes then; a glint which all at once told her that he was unreservedly interested in her and, at the same time, that everything was far more complicated when it came to his interest. He skipped the greeting, as he so often did; maybe he felt he was too good for them, or maybe he just understood how boring they could be. "Truth or dare, Doctor."

"Truth," she answered, watching him speculatively. Her gaze was direct. Curious. Indecisive. She was waiting to hear what he would ask.

“What’s something you’re glad your parents don’t know about?” He asked, smiling easily. He winked at one of the waitresses passing behind the bar; an indication that he wanted a refill.

"I once turned down Admiral Satie's nephew," Karen answered as she took her drink. "Now, Lieutenant, truth or dare?"

"Oh, I imagine that would make them rather irritated. Parents do so love their connections in high places." he said, offering a charmingly dark smile. Then, without apparent thought, he answered her question. "Ooo dare."

"That they do," Karen agreed. Her grin grows when he chooses dare. "Dance for me."

"Hmmm..." he said, seeming to think for a short moment, his small broadening. "What kind of dancing are you after? Ballroom? Calypso? A lap dance? Or..there are a few poles in here."

"Do you know ballroom?" Karen said with faint amusement, though her eyes did take in the place, noting the poles.

"Ballroom dancing is a must in imperial high society. I can't count how many awful dances I've been dragged to in my life." he said, and then stopped himself from talking. He was going to regale her with the time he charmed one of the Emperor's daughters, Princess Giana, off of her feet after a waltz, but he kept it to himself. He wasn't here to play rich-boy, and he didn't want to talk about the past. "Personally, I think the room would enjoy the pole dancing more."

"That's why my father made me learn," Karen agreed, "and I suppose he must have when he was a young man but I can't remember ever seeing him dance. He..." She suddenly decided she didn't want to talk about this. "Ballroom. You and I. We can use the Holodeck if you prefer?"

"I think, strange enough, I'd like to see your father pole dance...but I suppose your plan works too." he said, clearly joking based on the ambiguity in what she had just said. His smile was small however, as he was already thinking of the next step. "You know, typically I only ballroom dance when I've been sufficiently inebriated, but I'll make an exception just this once."

He got down from the stool with a smooth motion and took her hand in his without asking, helping her down from the stool. This was certainly different than the context in-which he typically left this room with a woman, but he found it intriguing nonetheless.

"I wouldn't. Daughter or no, I don't think he'd allow witnesses to that," Karen said. She was joking. Mostly. Probably. She slid her hand easily into Andrei's as he led her to into the corridor and towards a holodeck.

The two of them proceeded to the turbolift hand in hand, flirtatious glances being shared all the way. The interest between them was obvious, but Andrei remained rather strategically distant. Once they were in the lift together, he called for Deck 6 and turned to her.

“They say that dance is an excellent way to gauge one’s abilities with graceful motion in other areas.” He said, looking over at her from across the turbolift, his eyes locked on hers with the same fire they’d shown at the bar. He was appraising her, and not merely flirting. “But you’re the medical expert. Do you think that true, Doctor?”

"To an extent, perhaps," Karen allowed, "but I wouldn't overstate it. Dance is also a measure of practice, of knowing the proper steps. One might be experienced in dance and not in other things or vice versa." Her tone was lightly teasing. She smiled at him. Her interest was not hidden. But neither did she want to rush across that strategic distance. The man did have a bit of a reputation.

“What a…prudent judgement.” He said, smiling, and then turned toward the opening doors. He stepped out of the turbolift first and made for the Hilo deck with Karen behind him. When the arrived, he logged in to the console and called up a list of dance programs. Finding the right one, he selected it and then watched as the doors opened.

Stepping through, they found themselves in a grand lobby with tall ceilings and a red carpet. To one side were a rack of tuxedos and to the other, the same of ball gowns. Andrei gave Karen a wink before stepping over to his rack, selecting a tux for himself, and stepping into a changing room. When he came out, he would wait for Karen to finish before they went into the ballroom.

Karen steps over to her own selection, picking out an elegant red number that leaves her shoulders bare, elbow-length gloves of the same color, and matching shoes, no more forgiving than her uniform boots. She heads into the dressing room and returns a moment later, striding towards Andrei with one hand extended. "Don't even think about suddenly ending the program," she says, hopefully not fiving him the idea.

“Damn! My whole plan foiled..” he said jokingly as he offered her arm to her. “Not to worry, Doctor. If I ever see you without your clothes on, it will be because you want me to.”

"How about you call me Karen?" she answered him.

“Karen it is then.” He said with a grin.

Two holographic stewards opened the grand double doors in front of them in perfect concert, revealing a room full of people standing in the ballroom. The two of them entered together into the throng of simulated people who were all laughing, smiling, and talking, and the orchestra near the back of the room struck up a tune; a waltz. All around them, people started to dance.

Andrei’s hand found Karen’s waist, and he used it to guide her closer to him. Taking her hand in his, he began to dance with her, smooth, and slow, and practiced. His eyes met hers again with a facial expression that was difficult to read.

Karen met his gaze. He had her rapt attention as her finger intertwined with his. She moved gracefully, slowly, taking his lead easily. For the first few seconds, she might have seemed out of practice. She had not spent so much time in imperial high society since she had pursued further education, what she considered a "proper" MD, and angered her father.

“You dance well.” He said, moving to the rhythm of the music and lacing them in between the other couples on the dance floor. “And you look lovely in that dress. As nice as the standard female uniform is, this elegance is a welcome change.”

"Thank you, Andrei. You look rather dashing yourself," Karen replied with a warm, soft smile. "It's fairly obvious a man designed Starfleet's uniforms..." She paused for a second as if considering. "Although the male uniforms aren't exactly modest. A man must have nice arms if he wants to serve."

“We’ll, I don’t know. Women do tend to have a certain power over men that the uniform accentuates.” He said, spinning her slowly. “Perhaps it was a group effort.”

"Is that how you feel?" Her tone was still light. Still teasing. Still amused. Her body shifted just a little closer.

“They say that Antonio I forged the Empire to win the heart of a beautiful woman, don’t they?” Andrei said, sweeping her across the room in a huge and impressive arch and effortlessly weaving them between holographic couples. Slowing down again, he braced her in her closer position, feeling the shape of her body through the dress she was wearing. He kept his mind focused. “Some say Orion men are the real slaves in their society, so much is their desire for their women. I must say though, the fewer clothes we wear, the less we dance like this.”

He spun her around and drew her close to him, looking her in the eyes with a grin.

“And I like all kinds of dances.”

"One hears all sorts of things about Orion women," Karen said as she pressed close against him. Her eyes remained locked him his as he focused on her, feeling his body against hers through their elegant courtly costume. "Rumors about some of the Orion courtesans who found their way into the imperial household. Didn't Empress Sato expel them at one point?"

She leans in and very lightly kisses the corner of his mouth. "Terran women have a lot to offer as well."

He looked deeply into her eyes again. Tonight would not be the night for them, no. Karen was one of those people who liked things best when they took time, he could tell. He smiled somewhat devilishly at the kiss.

"Or maybe even more..."


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