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Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2022 @ 5:49am by Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:24pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Waikiki, Hawaii
Timeline: Date 2371-05-06 at 0930
2408 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Elana's plans had not changed. She had arrived in Hawaii the night after the family dinner and now, dressed down into what she termed, lower class casual, in Black slacks, and dark blue blouse with low heals she was walking down the main shopping area of Waikiki. She was looking for someone, though she was not obvious about it.

Several moments journey away, a handsome man in his early 30s walked out of a store and turned to talk to one of the serious-looking suited men standing around him. He was wearing a black polo which clung to his fit form and a pair of tan pants along with them. A set of brown aviator sunglasses were on his face. He looked rich, sure, but not nearly as powerful as he was in the Empire. His father had been the champion of their particular political cause; one shared by more than a third of the nobles of the Empire. Whereas he wasn't the Governor of the Pacific Dominion as his father had been, he still held great wealth and sway within Australia and, beyond that, honorary leadership of his political faction. The men were there to keep him alive, as many wanted him dead.

Elana moved slowly down the street, her body guards were spread out as she did so. Her lips curved slightly as she paused to look into the window of an antique book store. Distracted she considered one of the illuminated volumes then she turned, all but running into the man. "Oh, Lord King." she said politely.

The typically polished and self-controlled man paused in his tracks, taken aback by the presence of a young lady in his path. But, when he recognized her, his demeanor changed again.

"Your Imperial Highness, excuse me for bumping into you." he said, and then he gave her the Terran salute. "Long live the Emperor."

Elana true to her up bringing, inclined her head. "I am the one who should be apologizing to you, I turned into your path." She said.

"Then let us apologize to one another and forgive one another as well." he said with a slight polite smile. Unlike most people, he wasn't fawning over her or being much more careful than he typically was. He raised an eyebrow over his glasses as he looked down at the princess. "It's an amazing coincidence we're meeting here, isn't it?"

"Yes, I arrived last night. I needed away from New York." Elana added. "Are you on holidays here My Lord?" she was not stepping back from him, or looking away. He at least treated her normally.

“I thought some time on the beach might bring me a little calm and perspective.” He said, looking down the beautiful street. He smiled at her, charming yet reserved and appropriately distant. “It’s breathtaking here. It seems we made a good choice for vacations, yes? Are you here in secret or is it known? Well…I suppose any time anyone sees you, it’s known by everyone. It’s just…I don’t see any holovid cameras.”

"They stayed with my sister" Elana replied casually. "I am here to do some exploration. I am learning more about the people in our Empire."

“I think that’s very admirable, ma’am. And rare from a royal.” He said, trying to keep any bite out of his statement. He was not here to insult her, and besides, she had done nothing wrong. “Are you going to Lady Calliope’s famous party this evening? A beach luau, they say. Or are you only here to meet the common people?”

"Oh I am here to meet the common people, and Lady Calliope did not invite me, she doesn't know I am here" Elana lowered her voice at the end. "And I like it like that. Our Empire is built on the Common person, I want to know what they want to have the Empire do, do they want more war? Do they want peace? We need to know,"

“The word peace is treason in the Empire, it seems. I’m not sure what kind of answer you’ll get. Your father’s pro-war media frenzies have made the conversation impossible to have with most people. They’re so patriotic, many of them want what the Emperor seems to want as almost a matter of religious devotion.” He said, speaking perhaps more plainly than he should. “Are you planning on taking the temperature of the common man in a luxury shopping plaza, your highness?”

Elana smiled. "No, I was looking for a book for my brother here. I have aides finding places for me to go." She paused "I hear there is a number of parks here where the common person goes. I have people checking."

“Forgive me for perhaps overstepping..” he said, smiling in spite of himself, “but you are adorably naive about all this. As soon as someone besides me gets a good look at you, the park will be covered in news cameras and sycophants. I’d be surprised if you even managed one good conversation before you’re swarmed and a big spectacle is made of it. But that’s probably what you want, isn’t it? The quiet princess comes down to a park to talk with the common people and is just delightfully befuddled when she’s caught in the act on holovid.”

She gave a soft laugh. "Who said this face will be the one they see?" She asked softly. "Shall we walk My Lord or should we stay here?"

“What?” He asked, confused. “you’re inviting me along with you?”

"Do you want to be noticed?" Elana asked as she turned and headed down the mall.

“Not particularly, no.” He said as he started to walk beside her with slow and hesitant strides

Elana enjoyed throwing people off their game. She knew her image among those in the nobility. Quiet, dim. She kept her gaze front. "So, aside from the party this evening, are there other ... social events you are aware of?"

“In Hawaii, no, not really. I was debating on going there or just spending the evening walking a beach somewhere. It depends on my mood, honestly.”

"The beaches at night here are very beautiful, pristine." Elana said casually "When I was little I used to sneak down to the beach below the House and wade in the water. Until my governess found me of course." She added with a small smile. "I had hoped my parents would be able to take some time this week, but events have hampered that. They enjoy the house here a lot"

“I hear the Imperial Family has quite the estate here.” He commented, reflecting from what he had indeed heard. “Mine is more humble, but if I had a grand mansion here, I’d visit more often. Perhaps I should look for one.”

"Compared to our others it is the smallest but I find it the most comfortable for me." Elana said with a smile. "That and I love the weather here."

“What is Hawaii compared to the moon?” He asked rhetorically. “I’d keep that kind of talk out of it when you talk to the common people. Though global travel is now just a transporter beam away, most people only have one modest house. You don’t want to look out of touch.”

"Hence why I am here, and not in New York buying out the stores with my sister." She had plans and she wondered if this man was going to be an asset or a hindrance to them. "My father," she broke off and glanced around. "Feels his current advisors are not giving him the whole story.."

“I’m sure they tell your father what he wishes to here, your highness. Though, for all the Emperor’s inclinations, he has never been able to suffer sycophants. His Imperial Secretariat is full of senior civil servants who now live extremely comfortable and busy lives. They will not be tuned into the political realities of the common man. As for the Council of Lords…I can attest personally that it’s meetings are too far apart and too short for my liking. We cannot advise him."

"Oh? How often does he meet with you? I rarely see him, his schedule is so full." Elana looked up at him.

“His father and grandfather before him used the Council of Lords as a sounding board for imperial government. The body is powerful in theory, but when the Emperor is strong, it is mostly advisory. Your father has used us as a rubber stamp for his decisions as the Emperors used to do before the civil war deprived us of our Empire. We are meant to meet once a month, but Antonius has seen to convene us at a rate of around once every six months. So, in other words, it’s no wonder he isn’t getting the perspective he needs.”

Elana nodded. She considered how to fix that as they walked out of the Mall itself. "It is a dilemma to be sure. Are there apparatuses in place in case the Lords need to see the Emperor urgently?"

“Yes, the Speaker can contact the Imperial Palace directly in hopes of getting through. They have little qualms about putting those calls on the back burner unless it’s an emergency, however. Most discouraging, and not at all what we would expect from an enlightened emperor.”

It was at this point he realized he was speaking too freely, especially for a man in his position. “That is…I say that with total and unshakable loyalty to his Imperial Majesty and the Empire as a whole, of course.”

Elana continued on without acknowledging the small gaff. "Perhaps My Lord," She suggested, "We could arrange a time where you could, assist me with the task my father has given me, in finding more about what he has been missing?"

He looked at her skeptically, his mind clearly working behind his sunglasses.

“All due respect, what’s your angle? Are you really starting to take an interest in politics now?”

Elana looked at him. "Do not believe everything you see in the Holo news My Lord. Just because I am not flashy like my sister and older brother, does not mean I do not have interests outside of what you see there." She said calmly. "My Father is curious about the true state of his empire. I am to assist with that as any dutiful member of his empire would."

"I don't mean to be rude or presumptuous, but you just aren't normally doing your father's bidding in my experience. Normally the Crown Prince is the one making the rounds, and he is far less...subtle." Lord King said with an even expression. "But, if that's really-"

He was cut off by a young woman around Elana's age with long blonde hair and big green eyes. One could tell she was starstruck before she even spoke.

"Oh, gods, it's Princess Elana!" she said, running at the two of them at top speed. Before she was able to make contact with the Princess, a member of the Imperial guard in a blue shirt swept her up with one arm and dragged her, screaming from the area. Though the fan was gone, all eyes were now on the pair of them as they realized who they were.

"Great." Lord King said, crossing his arms under his chest. "Your car or mine?"

"Yours" She replied. "I walked down from the house."

Lachlan King signaled that the car should be brought around. It took only seconds before the black vehicle pulled up and the door slid open in the back seat. He motioned for her to enter first.

“Your highness, after you. Don’t forget to smile for the cameras, because people are recording.” He said, wondering what might be said of them getting into a car together on vacation.

Elana sighed and put a very fake smile on her lips, mimicking Giana. She slid into the car and sat on the farside of it.

He climbed in next to her and, after the door closed, he looked at her. “Where to?”

"If you could drop me at the road at the bottom of the house's drive"

He thought about the request for a split second before reaching for the comm button that allowed him to communicate with his driver.

“Take us to the Imperial House.” He said simply, and then closed the link. Looking at her, he removed his sunglasses. “Strolling through the mall together, grabbing a car, and going to your place…the tabloids are going to have a field day.”

"They will start looking for Giana." She said calmly looking out the window. "They will think I am the decoy."

"I'm a man of note as well...not necessarily in full agreement with your father. It's a bit controversial, don't you think?" he asked, then his expression changed. "Is that your plan? Did he send you to embarrass me?"

"no and no." She replied looking at him. "My father did not send me here to embarrass you My Lord. And frankly there are other ways to discredit people you know."

He seemed to mull it over as the car pulled up to the edge of the Royal estate and the giant gates that presented themselves. Seeming to accept her assurance for the moment, he looked out of the tinted window at the house beyond.

“So, what’s next?” He asked, seeming the be open to the possibility of further participation.

Elana reached for the door handle and opened the door. "Now I go back to what I was doing." she said with a smile. As she slid for the door she said "Thank you for helping me loose my guards My Lord" she slipped from the hovercar.

He looked at her curiously, more intrigued now than before. He said nothing as she got out of the car, however, but instead simply watched her as she moved freely by herself. In the back of his mind, he entertained a worry something might happen to her and he might be blamed, but he swiftly dismissed the fear quickly. He was sure she could handle herself.

Elana herself was walking briskly back the way they had come, pulling her hair free of its braid as she did so.


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