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A Plan For Joining Forces

Posted on Thu Apr 7th, 2022 @ 4:52am by Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:27pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Grand Imperial Palace, Rome
Timeline: Date 2371-05-07 at 1030
927 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

“Well, did they say yes or do we have to engage in more intensive rounds of begging?” The Emperor said, perched on his chair behind his huge oak desk. The room was incredibly large and built on a grand scale to accentuate the majesty of his office. The walls were painted blue above the black and white marble floor and marble pillars ascended to a ceiling inlaid with windows that allowed huge streams of sunlight to flow in. Before him, three people sat in identical chairs. Their eyes cast on him from the other side of the desk.

“Yes, sir, they finally agreed to the summit.” said the one on the left. He was a portly man with aging features and a soothing voice. One could look at Thomas O’Hara and tell he was once handsome. He had slowly climbed the rungs of Imperial Diplomatic Service to receive his current role, Imperial Secretary for Foreign Affairs. “The remaining question is, where will it take place? In the Empire or in the Romulan Republic?”

“In the Empire. It must be.” Came the voice of the man in the middle. He was tall and lanky with salt and pepper hair and a shrill voice. Like the Emperor, he appeared to be an erudite thinker. That is why, many speculated, he had been selected as the Imperial Chancellor, the head of the Imperial bureaucracy. “Remember, Tom, we must be seen to be senior partners in this alliance if it’s going to work. We can't go to the Romulan Republic, cap in hand, asking for them to join us in a war. We have to look strong.”

“That’s understandable, sir, it is… but I have concerns they won’t go for it.” Thomas responded again.

“Then they must be made to go for it.” Antonius said. “We cannot leave this to chance or to good will. What we need is self-interest.”

"Yes, your Imperial Majesty, but...if I may?" the Empire's top diplomat said, leaning forward. His cold blue eyes looking at Antonius. "First Consul t'Nairrehk remembers the tragedies that followed their war with us all those years ago. The mass suicide still leaves a stain on the Romulan people. She doesn't trust us, and security concerns will make or break this meeting."

"If we cannot meet on their turf and they cannot trust we will protect the First Consul's safety, than what is left for us to do?" asked the woman on the other end of the group of three, the Court Chamberlain, Nadiyah Singh.

"My recommendation is that we allow them to bring a large number of security forces, ensuring the safety of the First Consul and her delegates." Thomas said. "And we should have it on Mars rather than on Terra. It will give all of us some breathing room."

The Emperor seemed to run the idea through his brain for a few seconds before he turned to his Chancellor.

"What do you think of this, Richard?" he asked.

"I think it could work, sir. As long as we ensure that we don't give away the farm...I like it." the thin man in the middle said. He was easily the second most powerful man in the Empire when it came to managing day to day matters, at least, yet his air was quiet and humble, seeming more a professor than the head of the Emperor's Government. "I can discuss it with the Secretariat and, I think, they will also be onboard.

The Emperor shook is head in quick and short bursts, like his mind was working so fast his face couldn't keep up.

"Oh uh huh...." he muttered, "yes, do that. And we can schedule it for next month, assuming the Romulans are onboard as well."

"Would you like to gather the Council before a final decision is made, sir?" Nadyah asked, her light-brown hands laced in her lap.

The Court Chamberlain referred to the Council of Lords, the body with the legal authority to govern the Empire in coordination with the Emperor. While previous Emperors had used their powers and alliances to run roughshod over the Council of Lords, making them a mere rubber-stamp body, the body had gained influence and power since the sundering of the Empire and rise of the Orsini. In particular, it was strong because of the strong partisan split between those who wanted peace and those who desired a renewed conquest.

"The final decision has already been made, Nadiyah..." the Emperor said, pausing and indicating that he did not intend to hear objections from any Lord on this matter, "but summon them anyway. It might be good for us to find out who is planning on making this even more difficult for us than it has to be."

The three of them nodded, but said nothing. A few quiet, slightly awkward moments passed between them before Thomas O'Hara opened his mouth to speak. Before he could get a word out, however, a button on the Emperor's desk was pressed which rang a bell outside the door. The sound of footsteps on the stairs ended with his Private Secretary standing behind the three of them on the other side of the room.

"Your Imperial Majesty, it is time for your next appointment." he said in a strong Russian accent.

"Oh, yes." The Emperor said with a sigh. "Well, run along, you three. Make it happen quickly."

Then, with a flourish of moment, several well-timed and in-synch bows, and the sound of shoes on perfectly polished marble, they were gone.


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