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Let's Light This Candle!

Posted on Fri Mar 18th, 2022 @ 4:36am by Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Delta Quadrant, ISS Vengeance, Engineering
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1330
960 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been several hours since the warp core had been taken offline, to prevent a breach. During that time, Johnathan was splitting his time between clearing up the mess in his shuttlebay, and helping in Engineering. Currently, he was waist-deep, inside and access port, up on the second level, surrounding the core, working to get bring the system back online. "Alright!" He called out after he finished his task. "Try bringing it back online now!"

“Hold your horses, Lieutenant.” Revana said with growl-like tone from her position at the large second-tier console overlooking the darkened core. “We may have cleared the matter and anti-matter injectors, but if we start up the core without flushing out the coolant vents, we might blow the whole ship to Hades.”

The shapely green woman shifted her body, her trim waist and fit stomach visible through the less than modest uniform design. She wasn’t angry, but hours upon hours of work had soured her mood significantly; she certainly wasn’t the only one. She gestured toward a nearby console mounted on the wall.

“Use that console to generate the ionized field in the coolant vents.” She ordered, not seeming to mind that she was talking to an officer of higher rank.

Johnathan smirked playfully at the attractive woman. "Yes, Ma'am!" He gave her a slight salute, then moved over to indicated console and started to generate the field needed. Field generated," he said, all joking gone from his cutmrrebt demeanor.

The Orion Ensign and Acting Chief Engineer didn’t finch at the salute, but instead checked her console.

“Starting the thirty second countdown now for the purge.” She said, and then turned to him. “Nice of you to help us down here. Our crews are spread pretty thin working in almost every section and with every department on the ship. Nice to have someone walk down here with a wrench for a change.”

Johnathan looked over and grinned easily. "Our two departments are linked much closer than any other. Without a working engine, I can't pilot us anywhere. And without a pilot, you're just making wasted energy."

Revana looked at him with what seemed to be attitude, her hands on her hips. She parted her lips to protest his statement, but the doors opened, catching her attention.

Melissa entered the Engineering Section. "I have been rewriting the intermix formula during my time recoperating. It should allow us to bring the core back online in a reduced power setting so we can better see to all this damage."

Johnathan nodded as he replied. "Okay then. Let's get things rolling, so that we can bring this girl's heart back into rhythm."

“We have realigned the intermix chamber and the coolant injectors are just finishing their purge. We’re ready to start it up once you enter your calculations, ma’am.” Nazar said, turning her back to Johnathan. “As soon as you input your ratios, we can turn it on.”

While Lieutenant Jones was at work, Revana turned to Johnathan. “You ever started a core before?”

Looking over at the Orion, Johnathan shook his head. "Can't say as I ever have." He didn't say that he had caused one to explode once, to defeat something that had killed most of his crew. Those memories were still too fresh to make flippant comments about.

“Then let’s add to your resume.” Revana said, flashing a brief but beautiful grin.

Johnathan was caught off guard by the beautiful woman, but only for a beat or two. After regaining control of himself, he returned the grin with a boyish, lop-sided one of his own. "Sounds like fun!"

“Whenever your ready, ma’am, she said, turning to her strange boss.

Melissa manipulated a console. "Activating Matter/Antimatter injectors." Melissa's eyes turned to a Engineering Crewman. "Slave.... Your performance is lacking. Work harder. Your survival depends on it."

As the slave quickly scurried away, Revana worked the console, managing the scores of readings before her.

“Intermix is stable….full power is restored.” She said, a tired smile on her face. This meant she And the matter/antimatter crew had time to return to their other repairs along with the rest of the department. She turned to the Chief Pilot and offered a wink, laced with the charm of her species and upbringing. “We really appreciate your help, sir. Don’t be a stranger.”

Johnathan replied with a charming, boyish grin of his own. "Glad to help. I need your thrumming power to pilot this girl into the sweet spots out there."

"I concur. More can be accomplished when we're united in purpose." Melissa noted. "You have done well Ensign Nazar.. As acting Assistant Chief Engineer, you conducted yourself to the duties demanded by the Empire. See that you continue this level of loyalty." Melissa noted.

Johnathan nodded to Melissa. "United we stand, divided, we die horribly." He pulled a small PADD from his pocket. "Now I need to get down to my shuttlebay. Can you spare a few hands down there for repairs?"

"Propulsion is free now that we've figured out this warp core issue. They could easily help them, ma'am." Revana said to Melissa, her eyes still on Johnathan. "Some skilled hands always help to get the job done."

Johnathan would be lying if he said that he didn't feel an attraction to Revana. She was, undeniably, a beautiful, clearly highly intelligent woman. Of course, nothing could happen between them, as his heart belonged to Kassandra. He smiled at her, nonetheless, hoping she didn't get the wrong idea. "Thanks. I would appreciate any form of assistance you can give me."

“They’ll be in the shuttle bay in the next few minutes.” Revana said, and then politely turned to leave.


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