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A Little Shoulder Pain

Posted on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 @ 11:06pm by Sergeant David Novak

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1100
1236 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Corporal David Novak entered Sickbay still in his basic marine uniform. His wincing in pain had stopped hours before as he put the acute discomfort behind him to continue his duty of protecting the life of the Captain. It was only now that he had been ordered to come down and get himself fixed up that he had relented and left Petrov’s side. He paused in the doorway, noticing that the room was quite busy. He decided to post up and wait for someone to be available, folding his strong arms over his bulky and chiseled chest.

Dana was just wrapping up taking inventory in Sickbay, now they were stuck out in the Delta Quadrant every single item had to be carefully kept track of or they could risk running out of important stock. She paused as she rounded the corner and set eyes on the man waiting to be seen, she had no doubt he made most women's hearts flutter. She smiled warmly as she approached him. "Hi I'm Dana, can I help you?"

“Hi, Dana. Corporal David Novak. I could ugh…use some medical attention right about now.” He said, flashing a pained grin. “Can you help me?”

Dana nodded. "Of course I can" She smiled and motioned for him to follow her. "As you can see it's pretty busy in here, I'll take you through to the nurse's office I can check you over there. It'll give you some privacy too."

“Thanks.” He said, following her. As they moved from one room to the other, he observed her movements and, finally, his eyes rested on her features. “You a Vulcan, Dana?”

Before her answer started, he unhooked his vest and, pulling it off over his head, began to undo the jacket of his uniform.

Dana smiled as she turned around keeping herself level headed as she admired David's physique. "I'm half Vulcan, yes. I'm also half human." She picked up a medical tricorder and tapped it ready to run a scan. "How did you injure yourself? were you unconscious at all?"

“When the wave hit I flipped over the bar and hit my shoulder on a step. I lost consciousness with the rest of them, but I came to faster and got to work. It took me a while before I noticed it hurt every time I tried to move my shoulder.” He said, then he pulled his shirt over his head with a sharp wince of pain, revealing an amazingly chiseled torso. “Hope you don’t mind the state of dress, ma’am. In the marines, we're used to seeing it all.”

He offered a smile of understanding as he placed his uniform materials in a neat pile and hopped up onto the bio bed.

“Work your magic.” He said to her with a wink.

"Ohh err, no I don't mind." Dana smiled the biggest smile yet as she ran a scan of David's shoulder. "I've seen most things before." she tapped the tricorder before placing it down and gently taking hold of his arm to gently move it and exercise the shoulder. "It looks like you may have torn some ligaments in your shoulder. There's no sign of a break or fracture I'm glad to say. I can sort out the ligaments for you in no time."

“That simple, huh? The wonders of modern medicine.” He said, flinching slightly from the touch of her cold hands.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Dana offered an apologetic smile. "I was checking supplies before you arrived, including what we keep refrigerated." she walked over to a tray of equipment and picked up what she needed. "Okay you just lie there and look handsome while I sort out those ligaments." she grinned.

He leaned back, satisfied by the compliment. This sort of attention was normal, but he always acted a bit surprised. Laying back on the biobed, he rubbed his shoulder and watched her set about her job.

"So I guess a guy like you must have a whole plethora of women chasing after you" Dana looked at David curiously as she did her work.

“I get a bit of attention.” He said, shrugging with his healthy shoulder. He played it close to the best, romantically and tended to respond with politeness to flirting. He found it drove women even more crazy and, to be honest, he didn’t like complications.

"I'm sorry that wasn't really very professional of me" Dana smiled warmly. "I'm not used to male company. There aren't many Terran men out there that find a half breed with Borg implants attractive." she finished off the repairs she was doing and picked up the medical tricorder again.

“I find that surprising.” He said honesty, looking at her and remaining calm even though she was embarrassed. “You’re attractive…or..I find you…uhm.”

He trailed off awkwardly, having put his foot in it as well.

Dana paused the comment making her blush, she offered a warmer smile. “Thank you, you’re very kind.” She looked at the tricorder then back at David. “How err ... how does your shoulder feel now?”

“Still a little sore, but much better.” He said, sitting up straight and offering her a smile. “Thanks a lot. You’re a life-saver.”

“That’s why I’m here” Dana grinned. “Hold on just a little longer and I’ll get you a pain killer, and anti-inflammatory.” She walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a couple of hyposprays. “These should take the edge off for you, just keep your shoulder gently exercised, and if you have any further problems come back and see us.” She gently pressed the first then second hypo to his neck.

He waited and then, when he felt the pain go away, he nodded to her. Standing up, he grabbed his beater but didn’t move to put it on yet.

“Aren’t you the one who was held prisoner in that Alliance ship?” He asked, looking at her with a curious expression.

Dana nodded. "Yes that's right. They kept me alive because I had medical skills and could treat their people." She paused. "I'm just grateful the Vengeance arrived."

“Captain Petrov knows what it’s like to live under the lash of the Alliance.” He said, then thought for a moment about trying to connect with her on a deeper level; he was alone out here as she was, but he had a girlfriend back on Terra and he had to think of her. He pulled his beater on over his muscles chest followed by his shirt, jacket, and armored vest. Checking his sidearm and his dagger were there, he offered her a grin.

“Remind me to call on you next time I bust myself up.”

Dana couldn’t help but smile, it was nice to connect with someone on a personal level. “I’ll be here anytime you want to drop by.”

“I might have to do that.” He said, offering a wink that hinted at a certain cockiness he hadn’t previously displayed. “Though, maybe next time I’ll have to keep my shirt on.”

Dana grinned. "Don't feel you have to do that on my behalf. Oh, and take it easy for the next 24 hours, give yourself time to fully heal."

“Gotcha, Dana. Good luck with the rest of your day.” He said, and turned to go, his stride a quick confidence.


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