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Posted on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 12:21am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Sergeant David Novak & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0015
4418 words - 8.8 OF Standard Post Measure

It hadn't taken long for Ivan and Yana to make their way down to the shuttlebay after the discovery on the Bridge. The whole way down, they discussed the implications of what happened and marveled at the possibilities. They arrived with the stately strides of Imperial Nobles, their heads held high and their backs straight. The doors to the Alexandria were still closed, yet Corporal Novak stood on the other side of Ivan, his right arm relaxed over his marine-issue phaser pistol as always. He would be ready for anything.

Inside the shuttle, Kaleigh made sure Daphne was neatly dressed and smoothed down the child's hair. She then smoothed down her own shirt and pants. She looked towards Micheal. "Is this a good idea?" she asked softly.

Micheal finished the power-down of the engines, placing them in stand-by. Looking over at his beautiful wife, he sighed softly, then replied. "It's better than staying out here on our own. While we won't be as able to start our own empire, both you and Daphne are much more protected now. Ivan was a good man when I knew him. And if his wife is here with him...well...he would never do anything to risk her safety. So, we will be safe here as well."

Moving over to the ramp, he looked over his family again, smiling softly at them. "No matter what happens, neither I or Rebecca will allow any harm come to either of you."

Kae nodded. "We should go out and see them. You first though. We will follow." She took Daphne's hand and the girl pressed close to Kae's side.

Micheal nodded. "Rebecca," he said aloud.

"Yes, Master?" Her image appeared in front of them, a pleasant smile on her face.

"They will try to scan the ship and your systems. If you prevent it, they will grow suspicious and try to force their way in. Allow them some access, but don't allow them to see anything vital, understand?"

Rebecca's avatar nodded. "I understand, Master. Shall I keep a transporter lock on the three of you?"

Micheal nodded in reply. "Yes. But, remember your standing orders."

Rebecca nodded, then vanished.

Micheal looked at Kaleigh and Daphne again, gave them a loving grin, then pressed the controls to lower the ramp.

As the ramp lowered, those who were gathered got their first in-person look at the Alexandria's occupants. Yana's hand, upon seeing the appearance of Michael, rose to her mouth.

Once the ramp was down and locked, Micheal stepped down and out of their ship, ducking slightly, until he cleared the underside of the hull. Then he straightened up to his full height, seeing Ivan, Yana, and another man, waiting a few meters away. A new bodyguard I see, he thought to himself.

"Permission to come aboard?" He asked clearly, his tone calm and level.

"Permission granted." Ivan said, stepping forward himself without hesitation and stopping only when he got to Michael. David moved to follow him, but thought better of it, and stayed where he was. Ivan extended a hand toward the man. "Mad Dog. You're the last person I expected to see out here...but I'm glad to know you're alive. I can't wait to hear the story."

Micheal held back for a beat, then took hold of Ivan's offered hand. After shaking it twice, he pulled the Russian in for a bear hug, his artificial left arm squeezing a bit tighter than his real right arm. "The feeling is mutual, Ivan." He then gave the traditional Russian greeting by kissing Ivan on one cheek, then the other.

Behind Micheal, Kaleigh stepped down the ramp, Daphne right beside her, pressing close to her.

As then men hugged, Yana took several stepped forward toward the young woman and the girl with her. She eyed them for a moment, but decided to be friendly.

"And who are you?" she asked, her Russian accent strong.

"Crewman Robertson" Kaleigh said softly as she dropped a curtsey to the woman. "This is Daphne Hastings, my ward."

Releasing his hold on Ivan, Micheal stepped back and took Kaleigh’s hand into his. "This is my wife, Kaleigh." Looking down into Kaleigh’s smiling face, he grinned softly. "My love, allow me to present Captain Ivan Petrov and his better half, Yana Petrova."

"Captan, Ma'am" Kaleigh said softly. She saluted.

"Your wife?" Ivan asked, looking at Michael in amazement. He walked over to Kaleigh and embraced her with a bear hug like she was family, smiling. "Welcome to Vengeance. I'd roll out the welcome wagon but, as you can see, we're in a bit of a bind right now. What I don't understand is...what are you doing out here and....what the hell happened to you?"

As he asked the question, Yana approached Michael and placed a hand gently on the metal portion of his face. She looked on him with compassion, like he was a brother who had been wounded in war.

Micheal looked down into Yana's face. He smiled softly, remembering how they had looked after each other after he was dishonorably discharged. He then moved his eye to the man who was standing silently by himself. "Perhaps, Ivan, we talk somewhere a bit more comfortable?"

Kae struggled to understand what was happening.

Daphne kept close to Kaleigh's side watching the couple carefully.

“Of course.” Ivan said and then eyed his crew observing the exchange. “We’ll go to my quarters and have a chat. My crew will prepare a cabin for you in the meantime.”

"Thank you," Micheal replied. He then turned to his family and reached down to pick up Daphne. He would keep her safe, no matter what.

Daphne went willingly allowing him to pick her up.

Kaleigh was silent as she stayed close beside Micheal.

After shifting Daphne to his left side, his artificial left arm supporting her weight, Micheal took Kaleigh’s left had in his real right hand, giving her a slight squeeze of support. He then looked at Ivan and Yana expectantly. "Lead the way."

With a nod, the Captain and his entourage turned and headed for the exit to the shuttlebay.

As they moved away from their home, Rebecca retracted the ramp, sealing the runabout off from the outside.

Cabin 300 - Captain's Quarters
Several minutes later, Ivan, Yana, Micheal, Kaleigh, and Daphne sat in the comfortable living room of the Captain's Quarters. A slave sat a tray of various drink options on the coffee table in the center of their circle along with trays of charcuterie, grapes, and rice-crispy treats.

Ivan had stripped off his uniform jacket and sat in his crimson shirt and rank pips, his fingers moving slowly through his large greying beard. Yana leaned back, one toned leg crossed over the other, her face inscrutable and her dazzling eyes drifting from Micheal, to Kaleigh and Daphne, and back again.

"So, Mad Dog, I've got to be honest with you. I can't imagine how you could have gotten out here in the Delta Quadrant." Ivan commented, reaching for a grape and popping it in his mouth. "No one's heard from you in so long and now you show up here?"

"We were very worried, the kids and I." Yana said, her arms folded and her face still unreadable.

Kae looked at Michael to see what he would say next.

Micheal, Kaleigh and Daphne were sitting on the comfortable sofa, directly across from the Petrovs. Micheal was on one side, Kaleigh was on the other, Daphne sat between them. Micheal had his right arm up on the back of the sofa, behind Daphne's head, his hand on Kaleigh’s left shoulder.

Micheal took a breath, then began. "Well, it's been an adventure, to be sure. After you disappeared," he paused slightly, taking a beat to keep his anger in check. "I was arrested and court martialed. The judges wanted to execute me, because they initially thought I knew about your plans to turn traitor."

He took another breath, then continued. "Thankfully, enough evidence was shown to prove that I was innocent of aiding and abetting a traitor. At the time of my arrest, I had been hunting down several individuals who threatened your family. So, instead of death, they gave me a dishonorable discharge and threw me out of Starfleet."

He looked over at Yana, a soft smile crossing his face briefly. "I decided to use my savings to buy a ship and become a bounty hunter full time. Your wife helped me find the ship that's in your shuttlebay." He then paused in his retelling, to see if Ivan had anything to say for himself.

Ivan’s face set into one of uneasiness and irritation. He had once been a candidate for the Grand Admiralcy, but the political weakness of small men had ruined his life.

“I would never betray the Empire…” he started, “and I can’t believe you believed those lies.”

Micheal sighed softly, clearly feeling a mix of emotions right now. "Well, at first, I didn't believe it. I was very vocal in defending you. It wasn't until I was told that you had left Yana and the kids to fend for themselves...that's when I started to have the ghosts of doubts. Because, what honorable man would leave his family like that?" As he spoke, he looked over at his own family. He could never leave Kaleigh and Daphne to fend for themselves and just save his own skin.

"The man who didn't have a choice, Mad Dog." Ivan said, his own eyes wandering toward his wife's. "But I suppose my defection changed your life irrevocably as well as my own and those of my deserve to know why I did what I did. But understand this before I explain it to you: while I'm sorry what effect it had on you, I don't regret what I did for a second, and given the same options with what I knew, I would make the same decision again."

With that strong statement out of the way, the Captain grabbed his cup of tea and drank from it and then offered a long sigh.

"It was 2363 and I was juggling about a hundred projects at the Security Office at Starfleet Headquarters. As you remember, I had my own ideas which were slowly bearing fruit, but every now and then, a project would come down the chain of command which required more direct attention from me. I was briefed about one such project assigned to me by the Grand Admiral, highly classified and extremely politically controversial. Let's say that, if word of this project got to our allies and enemies, immense diplomatic pressure could be levied against us."

Yana placed a hand on Ivan's leg; a sign of support. She had heard the whole story when he had returned. After all, she had been left to raise their children by herself.

"I underestimated the loyalty of my team, an a senior NCO defected to the Romulan Republic and traded documents from the project for...what I imagine was a fortune. That damned traitor is still on the loose, as far as we know. The Romulans were furious and filed formal protests with Emperor Antonius. It seems that the Grand Admiral had neglected to seek the Emperor's approval with this one, hoping to protect him from responsibility. He was furious; anyone with half a mind could see that heads were going to roll, quite literally, and I knew it was going to be mine. With hours to prepare, I gathered my belongings, tied up as many lose ends as I could, and caught a transport out of Imperial Space. Unfortunately, my life as a free man in the Alliance was very short lived as I was quickly picked up by a Ferengi smuggler and sold into slavery."

He looked at Michael then, his eyes steely.

"You will remember the unexplained execution of Grand Admiral Hawk and his inner may also have noticed that his family died in a shuttle explosion on their way to Mars just a few months after? Do you understand what would have befallen me and my family if I had remained at home?"

Micheal shook his head slowly. "Actually, no, I don't remember. By that time I was out on my own, trying to find bounties to keep myself fed and my ship flying."

Daphne was silent as the man spoke. She was not really interested in the conversation and sat quietly wishing she had brought a book to read. But she didn't move or show any outward sign of her boredom.

Micheal took a breath before continuing. "One day, during my exile, a very powerful and extremely unstable wormhole appeared. I was pulled in before I could even react. To say the ride was violent would be an understatement. I was tossed about the cockpit and my ship was nearly destroyed."

He took another moment to compose himself.

Kaleigh slid her hand into his and squeezed it. She had heard this tale and it was not a good one. Her's was not good either.

"And it brought you here?" Yana asked, a look of concern on her face.

Micheal took un a soft, ragged breath and shook his head. "No," he replied simply. "I was ejected from the wormhole into the far side of the Andromeda Galaxy. There, I would have certainly died, had I not been discovered by one of the local alien species there. They did what they could to put both myself and my ship back together again. Though, as they had never seen a Terran before, well..." he indicated his eye. "My eye isn't the only part of me that is now artificial." He chose not to go into further detail just yet. "As for my ship, you saw her defensive invisibility system, she is also faster and packs a punch that is more on par with a light Frigate than a runabout. Also," he held up his left arm, forearm parallel with the deck. "Rebecca?"

A small representation of Rebecca's current avatar appeared a few centimeters above the Gauntlet. "Yes, Master?"

"Say hello to Captain Ivan Petrov and his wife, Lady Yana Petrova.

Without missing a beat the AI greeted the Petrov' s in flawless Russian.

"That's a fine bit of technology." Ivan said, eyeing with interest. "Now that you're back on an Imperial ship, I'm sure my Chief Engineer and Chief Science Officer wouldn't mind a look. There's no telling how the Empire might put such advanced technology to use."

Micheal deactivated Rebecca's image and lowered his arm. "No, Ivan. While I will certainly aid your scientists to attempt to create your own AI, Rebecca and my ship are not to be dissected. And before you think about forcing the issue, you should know that she is programmed to defend herself at all costs." He hoped that Ivan was smart enough to not push the ussue.

Something changed then in the expressions of the Petrovs. In Yana, it was more subtle; a narrowing of the eyes, a tightening of her crossed arms. But in Ivan, it was a darkening of all his features, like a great lion with his eyes on prey.

“It’s Captain, Micheal. And I might remind you that you are sitting comfortable on my ship, the representative of the Empire in the delta Quadrant.” He stated firmly. "You and yours are welcome to join this crew if you wish, gods know it’s good to see you and that it would be very difficult out here on your own, but your mysterious ship cannot remain a mystery to us…and you cannot refer to me as a colleague. I don’t recall you ever referring to me by my first name at any time before today.”

The Captain’s gaze was resolute and it was clear that he was quite serious. At this point, this group seemed more like a risk than anything else, and that ship of theirs wasn’t even greater risk.

Kaleigh let her gaze sweep the group. Micheal's temper was getting the better of him again. She slid her free arm around Daphne's shoulders, pulling the child closer as she watched the tension grow.

Micheal noticed everyone's reactions. While his human eye caught the minute movements, his artificial eye saw much more. Raising of body temperatures and quickening of pulses in jugular veins, even the change in iris sizes. Clearly, things were starting to spiral.

Closing his eye, he took a steadying breath. He then opened it again and responded. "You will have to forgive my manners. I have been alone, away from all Terran contact for many years. After the alien species rebuilt me and my ship, they told me of rumors they had heard of powerful wormholes that connected our two galaxies. They gave me coordinates to where I might find another opening, and I left their world. The technology that they possess, far surpasses anything we have. Not only is my ship sentient, through Rebecca, she and I are connected, technologically speaking. So, if one were to force themselves upon her and her systems, she would defend herself. This is not a threat, simply a warning."

As he continued to speak, it was clear that his temper was calming. "After I set out to find the wormhole, I encountered other alien races, some peaceful, others not so much. To say that my time in the Andromeda Galaxy was dangerous, is putting it mildly. However, I finally found the location of the wormhole, but had to wait until it appeared. Apparently, while the transit tunnel is constant, both openings fluctuate in their locations. Instead of returning me home, I was dumped here, in the the Delta Quadrant, over a year ago." He let that bit settle, then continued.

"A few months back, I detected the remains of a Cardassian vessel in the orbit of this world. As I was investigating it, I rescued Kaleigh and Daphne. We then set out to start our own satellite version of the Terran Empire. So, you see, Captain, while your ship is certainly far more armed than mine, I have already been representing the Terran Empire here. Perhaps, instead of fighting one another, we agree that we both bring something to the table. You and your warship, me and my detailed knowledge of this region of space. The choice is yours, Sir."

"I value your counsel, your abilities, and your knowledge." Ivan said, frankly. "I always have. But I am a military man again, as you once were, and this ship is a military ship. You seem to be proposing a partnership, but aboard this ship I have life or death authority over every soul. No one is suggesting we would violate your ship. It is, after all, yours. But keeping it a secret is...a strange act for a man who wishes to join a crew.."

Yana watched them, having sat in silence for quite a while. She decided, at this point, to speak.

"This is silly, is it not? We're squabbling over minor details. He can stay aboard as a guest, knowing that you are in command of this ship. He would put himself under your authority with the knowledge that he can leave whenever and if ever he chooses. He can share his technology on a case-by case basis, considering the needs of the ship, future opportunity, and the sanctity of his own shuttle. Kaleigh can join Vengeance as a full-member of the crew if she'd like and we can offer them family quarters." she said, looking between those sitting around. "Let's not ruin a good thing...a miracle by any calculation, over an ego contest."

Ivan said nothing for several moments and his face was still and hard. Beneath the mask, he was thinking. Then, slowly, it melted into a white-toothed grin as he placed his strong arm around his wife.

"See, this why I married her! Not only is she as beautiful as the day I met her, but she's got a first-class mind." he said, pulling her closer, much to her delight. "What do you say, Mad Dog? Just as she suggested?"

Micheal considered everything that was said for a few beats. Then he stood and stepped closer to Petrov. "You command this vessel, I command mine. I will aide you in updating your systems, on a case by case basis. I will act as your guide in this region of space. Once we are in virgin territory, I will offer my services as scout. While we are in public, I will refer to you as Captain or Sir. However, when we are alone, I will call you Ivan. I do believe I have earned that right." He extended his right hand to the still-sitting Russian.

"Do you accept my offer and terms? Will we start with a blank slate and be friends?"

Ivan looked at the hand of his former protector and bodyguard but made no move to shake it. After a second or two of awkwardness, Yana leaned over and whispered something inaudible in his ear. When she had finished, his face had softened and, soon, he stood and grabbed hold of Micheal's hand, giving it a firm shake.

"It's a deal." Ivan said, gruffly. In his mind, he knew that anything that had two heads was a monster and he knew that Micheal knew that they wouldn't be voting when it came to command decisions. He figured, no matter how bumpy the road, they could deal with each issue as it came.

Yana looked at Kaleigh and offered a tense smile; a smile that understood that the current situation was quite bizzare.

"You have a lovely family. We'd like to have the three of you over for dinner once this...pressing situation with the Ocampa is resolved."

"Thank you, Yana," Michael replied softly as he released Ivan's hand and moved back to sit with his family. "I rescued them both from the Ocampa world below us a couple months ago. Since then, they have become more than my family, they are my everything." He looked over at Kaleigh and Daphne, clear and obvious love and devotion for both of them in his expression. "I will do anything to keep them safe."

Kaleigh gave a brief smile at him and then turned back to Ivan. "Captain, now that things have calmed down..." She stood gently disengaging herself from Daphne. "My name is Crewman Kaleigh Roberts, I was assigned to the ISS Saratoga 5 years ago when it was attacked and destroyed by the Alliance. I was assigned to escort Admiral Hastings's wife and child to the escape pods. Daphne is his daughter. Her mother did not survive the escape. We were.. 'rescued' by people who called themselves Rebels but I do not believe they were Terran Rebels. Months ago we were in a firefight and Daphne and I ended up somehow on Ocampa."

"The Caretaker must have brought you here as well." Ivan said, having listened to what she had to say. "I remember the Saratoga...she was a good ship. And Admiral Hastings as well."

He turned to Daphne here and gave her a sympathetic expression before turning back to Kaleigh.

"Well, Crewman Roberts, seeing as you are come to the ISS Vengeance, a ship from a class that didn't exist when last you were in the Empire, what are your intentions?"

Kaleigh had been considering this while the others had spoken. "Sir, with permission, I would like my guardianship of Daphne to be confirmed. As the senior most officer of the Imperial Empire here, you have that authority. And if allowed, after debriefing, I would like to resume my duties for the Empire."

As Kaleigh and Ivan spoke, Micheal gently lifted Daphne up into his lap, giving her a soft hug and tender kiss on the top of her head.

"Daphne has been with you this long...I see no reason to change that." Ivan said simply.

"What was your billet aboard Saratoga?" Yana asked, her eyes fixed more on the girl in Micheal's lap than on Kaleigh.

"Intelligence, data Analyst under Commander Gregor Mortive" Her tone changed slightly, disgust when she said the name.

"Well then we may have to wait a while. The away team is down on the planet now looking for the head of that department." Yana said.

"My daughter." Ivan added, and then looked at Micheal. "it's a long story."

Micheal arched his right eyebrow slightly, bit said nothing as Kaleigh spoke up first.

"The Ocampa.. they... experiment on their prisoners" Kaleigh said softly. "I didn't stick around long enough to discover why or how but I saw the results. Not pretty at all."

"Is there anything we can do to help you retrieve your missing crew?" Micheal knew that no Terran deserved to be down on that planet, a prisoner to the Ocampa. Especially with all that Kaleigh had told him that she had seen.

"As gruesome as the details may be, we've got it under control." Ivan said with a confident nod. "The away team is already down. A group of Kazon helped them find an entrance to the Ocampa underground. For now, you three should get acclimated to your new home and...perhaps take a tour of the ship."

"You're in the middle of rescue operations," Micheal replied quietly. Perhaps we should return to our shuttle, for now, until the current crisis is resolved." He nodded to his former Commander. "Then, we'd be honored to have you show us your fascinating ship. And in return, we'll give you a tour of ours."

Ivan hadn't meant he would give them the tour himself. If he was honest, being here now was a stretch as his desire to get back to the Bridge was becoming unbearable. All the same, he accepted the plan politely and stood.

"Now, we must adjourn. Several of my crew's lives are at stake, and I must see to them." he said with meaningful quickness.

Kaleigh stood and saluted. "Thank you for your time Captain" She said taking Daphne's hand. "We will go back to our ship."

Micheal nodded as he stood back up. Putting his right hand on the small of Kaleigh’s back, he gently ushered his family out of the Petrov's cabin and led them back to their ship.


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