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Invasive Procedures

Posted on Sat Apr 23rd, 2022 @ 9:09pm by Callie Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Medical Facility Alpha-3, Ocampa
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 2130
1515 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Callie awoke to find herself lying on a bed in the medical facility, her hands and feet were restrained leaving her with no option but to look around from where she was. Her senses were picking up on Kass somewhere around, and she also wasn’t alone. “Hello? Is there anyone there?”

The sound in the room moved, but no voice sounded to answer her question. The sound of metal rang out, like an instrument being picked up, and footsteps approached her.

Callie lifted her head and looked towards the sound seeing someone approaching her bed. “Who are you? What do you want!?”

A bearded gentleman in a white coat, much stronger and more capable looking than the one they had killed, approached the bed and offered a kindly smile.

"We only want to learn more about you. Be calm; this research will save lives, and add years to the Ocampa."

“I’m all for saving lives .. under the right circumstances” Callie gave the man a curious look. “But why do this to my son?” She motioned to her stomach. “His growth has been forced months from the point where it was when I was taken. You could be doing goodness knows what to him!” She struggled against her bonds.

"Calm yourself. Your baby is fine." he said in a warm voice. "The acceleration was necessary so we could observe the gestational period. Our current working theory is, if we can adequately modify our gestational periods, we can achieve the result we seek. The procedures are...invasive, but they will hopefully yield results. The Caretaker tells us that you and your friend are excellent candidates. If only you could stop killing our researchers..."

Callie stopped struggling, at least she was getting some answers. “Procedures? What procedures? What are you going to do to us?”

"Don't worry about it, my dear. Just relax." he said, picking up a cylindrical white object and moving toward her legs. He pressed a series of keys and then bed started the shift up, raising her head and forcing her legs open. "I will, of course, speak to the doctor who does our anesthesia. These things are less upsetting when you are..asleep."

Callie struggled against her bonds again, not that she could free herself from them. She wanted to put up a fight but there was very little she could do. “Get away from me! You’ll regret it if you don’t!” She’d warned him, she wasn’t averse to using her abilities against those who would do her harm.

"You and your people are a wild sort. Few patients have done so much damage with so little. Some in our leadership are starting to think you might be worth more trouble than your worth, but I have been a consistent advocate for your being treated well and released when all is said and done. Not everyone is treated thusly."

He reached for her and lifted her medical gown, exposing her bottom half. Gently, he placed a hand in the hair of her mound and rested his thumb by her clitoris.

"If you don't mind me saying so, your two species have a very tidy arrangement down here. Oftentimes, things get very complicated and it can take me a while to figure out how to get comfortably inside. He lifted the white cylindrical device and activated it; it lit up with sequential flashing white lights from base to tip. It was clearly meant to resemble a medium-sized human priapus. "All I'm doing is studying the vaginal response to stimulation in your species. Rest assured, it is for scientific purposes only. I am a married man. If it's any consolation, I've been told the experience is quite enjoyable, physically. I would not know."

Callie gasped, as much as it felt like a violation she couldn’t help but respond to the stimulation. Even if she wanted to fight him she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on it long enough given her body’s reaction to the stimulus. She tried not to moan but a little moan escaped her lips as her hands clenched. The pleasure the machine was giving her was surprisingly good, and rapidly pushing her towards a climax.

He fastened a strap to the device and went on with his work, almost as if he were bored. Apparently, he meant what he had said about his lack of interest in the situation. The fact that she seemed to be enjoying herself, he knew, was likely incidental. No doubt she would be quite angry when all was said and done. He worked the console on the bed between her legs and monitor her vitals and the readings of her muscles and tissues. He noticed they were quickly tensing up.

"Some species have this delightful adaptation where their muscles quicken quite strongly during the reproductive act. We do not have this adaptation, unfortunately. It seems...enjoyable." he said with a warm voice. "I doubt it has anything to do with your gestation, however."

"You also have an incredible amount of nerve-endings here." he said, lightly touching her clitoris with his finger. "We have something like it in our lower-neck, near our shoulders."

Callie couldn’t help but writhe and moan, the sensations were incredible. She wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer against the onslaught of stimulation. “There’s a whole ... lot more to it!” Her body writhed as her climax took over all though of embarrassment going out of her head as pleasure took over.

He watched as she climaxed, a smile on his face, though it was more a sympathetic and dispassionate smile, like someone watching another person enjoy a dish they had prepared for them. Once she started to come down, he plied the console and turned off the device. Though he left it inside her, he moved to a console next to her head and worked. He brought up all the data he had collected, but looked over at her as she recovered, her eyes closed.

"I envy you. It seems quite fun. The process is not always so painless for other species, unfortunately. You are lucky." he said. "But this data may help us to replicate some of your luck in other areas."

Walking over with a warm rag, he removed the device and placed in on a tray and went to clean her up.

"It's almost over, dear. See, easy. Just as I told you. And no one had to die." he said with a smile.

Callie couldn’t help but feel humiliated by the whole process. “Exactly what do you mean by almost over?”

He ran the warm rag over her and cleaned her off before restored her gown to a modest position. He also started the bed shifting back to its standard, flat position. He placed a small scanner over her stomach from its position dangling from a boom. He went to the console next to her and activated it.

"We need to take scans of your child." he said, pressing a few more buttons. "Would you like to see him?"

Callie’s facial features softened as she nodded. “Yes, please!”

Grinning, he cued up the image of the child on the nearby screen.

Callie’s eyes focused on the screen, she couldn’t help but shed a few emotional tears as she looked at her son on the screen. “He’s amazing!” She couldn’t help but wish Troy was with her to see his son.

"I can leave the scanner on for a while if you'd like." the man said. "Would you like that?"

Callie nodded. “If I promise to behave will you remove the restraints? It’s uncomfortable lying like this.” She looked at him curiously.

"I can't do that. I have strict orders. You and friend are very resilient, and my bosses are doing what they can to keep you alive. I'll see if I can do more."

Callie nodded. “Very well, then I guess I’m going to have to make do.” She looked around. “Where is my colleague? I don’t see her from here.”

"They thought separating you might be best, considering her...volatility." he said. "If I have anything to say of it, you will see each other again soon."

Callie nodded. “She was just protecting me, we protect one another. We want to go back to our ship.”

"I'm sure." he said with a frown now. "I've got to put you back under, you know."

“Is that really necessary!?” Callie was hoping to remain awake. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”

"This is my job...and I don't have a choice." he said, and approached with a syringe in hand. "Just relax."

“No ... please! Don’t!” Callie shook her head.

With a sober face, he injected the liquid into her arm. He looked at her with a somewhat sorry-looking face as she began to drift away.

Callie tried to put up a fight but it didn’t take long before she was asleep once again.


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