
Truth or Dare

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:52pm by Sergeant David Novak
Edited on on Sat Jun 11th, 2022 @ 5:39pm

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: David's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 2330
2301 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

If David's small room had access to a window, he would be staring out of it right now. The only alternative, however, was a painting on the wall which depicted a starry scene with the crest of the Imperial Marines on it. He studied it and contemplated the decisions which had lead to him being stranded in the Delta Quadrant with the rest of the Vengeance crew. After the destruction of the Caretaker's Array, he was coming to the realization that he may truly never see his home again. He may never see....her again. His family was long dead, so he had less to live for on Terran than most others onboard. Still, the girl he had spent the last few months with was 70,000 lightyears away and he felt nothing.

He stood up and made his way over to a squat wooden cabinet. Pulling out a bottle filled with blue liquid, he moved to his coffee table and poured a small amount into his glass. Sighing, he took a sip.

Shouldn't I feel something? he thought to himself over and over. Being stuck here felt as good to him as anything else.

Dana was worried about David, that and the fact that she simply wanted to be spending time with him. Making her way to his quarters she pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

“Come in.” He said, turning his eyes from the painting to the door.

“Hi I hope I’m not catching you at an inconvenient time?” Dana smiled warmly. “I thought I’d check and see if you were okay?”

He gave a slight grin at seeing her enter the room.

“Ah, I’m doin alright.” He said, only half telling the truth. “How about you?”

Dana shrugged her shoulders, “To be honest, I don’t really know.” She offered a half hearted smile. “Knowing that we could be stuck out here for who knows how long...” she sighed. “It must be harder for you, you have someone waiting for you back home.”

He studied her features, trying not to turn his own mind to the subject she’d just brought up. Silently, he patted the seat next to him on the couch to indicate she should sit and then rose to the cabinet.

Dana smiled as she took a seat on the sofa. Sitting back she made herself comfortable.

He grabbed a second glass and sat back down, pouring a glass for her.

“Romulan Ale might make things clearly.” He said so, giving her a grin. “Or less clear.”

Dana grinned. “Just be careful, one too many of those and who knows where it might lead!” She smiled a wry smile.

He smiled a boyish smile at the obviously flirtatious comment. Then his mind seemed to wander away for a bit before he spoke, this time in a low tone.

“Her name was Laura; she was a walking party and we had good times together. She wanted more, but I wasn’t sure.” He said, looking into her eyes with a sense of certainty. “Now that she’s on the other side of the galaxy, I know I’m probably never going to see her again…and I think I’m okay with that. I never felt at home there anyway.”

He leaned forward then and filled their glasses up the rest of the way. “So let’s drink to much…and see what happens.”

Dana smiled as she picked up her glass and offered up a toast. “Here’s to having good times together.” She chinked her glass against his and sipped her drink.

He sipped his as well, closing his eyes for an extended period as he did so. Then he looked at the glass of blue liquid and leaned back far on the couch so that his legs occupied all the room she wasn’t taking up.

“My Sargent gave me this in basic. It’s expensive as hell, I hear.” He said, his finger dancing on the bottom of the glass.

“That it is” Dana smiled as she finished off her glass, leaning closer to David. “Though I think I’d rather be sober enough to remember this...” She leant forward giving him a romantic lingering kiss.

David returned the kiss, moving his glass away so that it didn’t spill, but still holding it in his hand. He felt the warmth of her breath against him and the taste of the ale on her tongue. He wrapped his free arm around her for an instant, but pulled it back and left her tender kisses.

I can’t rush things here. I’m too confused for that right now. Best pump the breaks.

“Let’s play a game.” He said, making no attempt to block the large bulge growing in his shorts and pressing against the fabric, though he pulled back from her ever-constricting embrace. “Ever heard of truth or dare?”

Dana nodded as she sat back hoping she hadn’t pushed too far too soon. “I have but I’ve never played it.”

He grinned and comfortably took a sip of his drink.

“Alright, you go first then. And I promise it won’t hurt any more than you want it to.” He said, winking at her. “Truth or dare?”

“Hmmm good question” Dana paused. “Let’s go... truth.”

"What's something you're glad your parents don't know about you?" he asked, a cheeky grin on his face. He allowed his leg to brush up against hers.

“Ohh Heavens... erm...” Dana had to stop and think about that one. “I guess I’m glad my parents didn’t see how wild I let myself get at the Academy! I was always so quiet, but at the Academy parties I used to let myself go. They brought out the worst in me.”

"Oh yeah?" he asked, snickering a bit. "I don't think you're the only one. I've known a lot of girls to move away from home and get wild. Especially NCOs like us. My turn."

Dana nodded. “Okay truth or dare?”


“Okay” Dana paused to think. “If you could change anything in your life what would it be, and why?

"I'm pretty sure I would have...em...gotten on a different ship?" he said, with a broad laugh. "I don't have too much for me back on Terra, but still...getting stuck in the Delta Quadrant isn't my idea of my next career move."

Dana nodded. “I guess that could be said for all of us.” She smiled. “So my turn again.”

"Alright, Miss Dana. Truth or dare?"

“Hmm well we’ve done truth, so make it a dare.”

"Okay..." he responded, thinking. "Yell out the first thing that comes to your mind."

Dana grinned a wry grin. “Us ... in there!” She nodded towards his bedroom. How about you David? Are you willing to take a dare?”

He turned his head to the side, studying her face. "I think I am, yeah. Dare."

Dana nodded. “Okay, in that case I dare you to strip down to your underwear.” She grinned as she sat back and folded her arms across her chest.

David smiled and stood tall, right in front of her.

“I knew you’d find a way to catch me without a shirt on again.” He said, grasping the bottom of his plain whit tshirt with his fingers and pulling them over his head, revealing a sculpture-like physique underneath. Next, he reached for the black shorts which were already low enough that she could see the chiseled path down the front. He lowered them unceremoniously and let them drop to the ground. All he wore then were dark-green boxer briefs which hugged his large member close to his body, laid sideways over the front of his leg rather than down. Still standing, he gave her a cocksure look, like a man who was perfectly comfortable with himself and confident.

“Truth or dare?” He asked, his voice low and less friendly than before.

“I think turnabout is fair play” Dana smiled. “Dare!”

“Alright,,” he said with a smirk, “I dare you to do the same.”

Dana grinned. Standing up she slid out of her dress with ease picking it up and tossing it on top of David’s clothes. Leaving her just wearing a lace bra and matching panties. She stood for a moment before taking a seat back beside David. “So truth or dare?”

David’s eyes lingered on her face before drifting down to her body. Once he reestablished eye contact with her, he gave her an answer.

“Let’s say…truth.”

Dana nodded. “Truth it is .. Do you want to take these off?” She motioned to her bra and panties.

“Yeah, I do. A lot, actually.” He said, his eyes wandering again. “Truth or dare?”

“Ohh it has to be a dare!” Dana grinned knowing just what David might ask.

“I dare you to take them off for me.” He said, leaning back as if to watch a show. He spread his arm over the back of the couch and lifted his head confidently. “Make it good.”

Dana grinned and stood up, standing right in front of him she slowly and teasingly removed her bra letting it drop to the floor before her hands moved slowly down her body to her panties. She looked into his eyes as she slid them down and off kicking them to one side. Without any more ado she moved to straddle his lap. “Hmm now what would you like?”

“Dare.” He said, as the blood began to flow from his brain elsewhere. He returned her gaze with intense eyes.

Dana grinned. “Dare it is ... I want you to remove your underwear.”

“Well, a deal is a deal, I guess.” He said, shrugging. “Just stand up a minute.”

Dana moved and stood clear watching David with interest.

Once she had gotten off of him, he stood in front of her and pulled down his underwear and stepped out of them. Now they stood together, naked, and in the back of his mind, he wondered if this was the right thing to do. Part of him said yes because he liked Dana and was attracted to her, and the other part remembered the feelings Laura had for him. Before he could reach a conclusion, his lips were pressed against hers again and his strong arms were drawing her in for a firm embrace. The warmth of her skin turned him on to the extreme, and he felt a sudden wave of adrenaline course through his body.

Dana returned the kiss with passion as she embraced him, if he’d have asked she’d been had honest in saying this was what she wanted all along. Something about David drew her like a magnet. Her hands ran over his skin as they embraced before they finally came up for air. “Maybe we could continue this in your bedroom?”

“I like the way you think, Dana.” He said, kissing her again. With two huge arms, he lifted her up and held her close to him. As she wrapped her legs around him, they giggled and kissed again passionately. Unlike most others on the ship, the marine quarters were single room, so his bed sat against the wall at the other end rather than in its own esperar room. Lowering her onto the bed, David climbed on top of her, kissing her the whole time. “Are you able to go on without.. ya know.. getting pregnant?”

Dana nodded. “My birth control is up to date, I don’t plan on bringing kids into the world as yet.” She grinned as she encouraged him. “I’m not letting anything spoil this.”

He kissed her neck and slowly made her way down to her collarbone. Lingering there for a while, his hand cupped around her breast, where he massaged gently, then moved his kisses to the other one. His rhythm was slow and steady, demonstrating his skill at the art of lovemaking in even this small act.

Dana let out pleasured moans and sighs as she enjoyed David’s administrations, her fingers trailing along his skin and into his hair encouraging him onward.

He kissed then around one of her tiny pink nipples and then began to tease at it slowly with his tongue. His hand, for its part, slid at a tremendously slow pace down her belly and into the mound of hair beneath. With gentle fingers, he found her clitoris and, while taking her nipple into his mouth, played with it slowly. Her body responded beneath him with a shiver and a squirm and her moaning came like music in his ears. Gradually, he increased the pace of both his mouth and his fingers until he was moving quite fast and her moaning was turning to pants of pleasure.

Dana’s fingers pressed into David’s skin as she came ever closer to a climax, her moans grew louder under she suddenly cried out his name, her body trembling with the force of her climax. It took a few pleasured minutes before she came down from her high.

David collapsed next to her, his lips finding hers again. When he moved away from her lips again, he placed his hand back between her legs again, his finger exploring her opening.

“So, do you like truth or dare or not?” He asked, a handsome smile on his face.

Dana grinned as she moved her hips against him. “Hmmm you bet I do!” Her fingers trailed down his body, gently running along his length giving him as much pleasure as he was giving her.

“Well then, if I remember right, it’s your turn.” He said, winking at her. “Truth or dare?”


