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A Walk

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2022 @ 4:56am by Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:25pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Gardens, Grand Imperial Palace, Rome
Timeline: Date 2371-05-09 at 1215
731 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

After the meeting had concluded, Lord Lachlan King and two of his partisans on the Council of Lords made their way out for further conversation and planning. Their confrontation with the Emperor hadn't gone as they had planned, but they ended up getting something at least. They would need to put their heads together to exert some control at the conference. Their conversation eventually brought them to the palace gardens. The gardens of the Grand Imperial Palace in Rome were the most spectacular in the Empire, perhaps in the quadrant. There were groves and ways of flowers and plants of such beauty, one felt they might be in paradise. Water fountains and statues of Imperial figures also dotted the gardens with size and golden grandeur.

As his conversation was concluding, he spotted a familiar face standing alone up ahead.

"Go on. I'll get in contact with you later." he said, and watched half-heartedly as they nodded and walked away. Then he approached they woman from behind. "The flowers suit your eyes, your highness."

Elana turned and inclined her head. "They are Mothers favorite" She said. "Lord King. You were very vocal today."

"I am always very vocal, ma'am. Today was nothing new." he said with a confident lift of his head. "And I shall continue to go on being vocal, because that's what I believe our empire needs."

He stepped up and stood beside her, his eyes falling on the gilded fountain flowing before them.

"I notice that you said nothing, Your Highness." he said then, placing his fingers in the water and feeling the coolness.

"What could I have said? Been permitted to say? I was not allowed to be down there with my Father and brother. Had the aides had their way, I would spend my time in some distant palace being waited on until my mother convinces some poor man to marry me" she watched him out of the corner of her eye. "Father has stated that we need to stop meeting like this."

“But I now know you do not always do what your father says.” He said, giving her the slightest raising of his eyebrow. “I’m sure your mother doesn’t tell you who all the interested candidates are but only those she likes. For example, she ignored my inquiries.”

"Because my Father would never approve of you. Unless you can show him that you support him." Elana said softly. "Gods knows, he does not approve of my eldest brother."

“That much is clear.” He said, looking at her. “But I don’t care what your father approves or disapproves. I spend time with whom I like; I go where I like. The new Empire is different than the old. This is no longer a petty tyranny and you are not a slave. Are you, Elana?”

"To the Empire, to my father and his rule. I am a slave to the duty I must do" Her reply was soft barely heard. "I am off to Paris tomorrow. I have purchased a parcel of land outside the capital to make into an orphanage."

“And is that duty and obedience on your part? Or is this you?”

"It is me" She said softly. "It will be seen as a whim, a flight of fancy by my father's aides, but they are wrong." She bent slightly and picked a flower from the bush. "Family aside, Lord King, I would be happy if you pressed your suit." She handed him the flower, curtsied and turned to slip away.

Family aside might be the only way to make that happen. he thought to himself, picturing her fathers face should he ask to court her. He grabbed her hand before she could get fully past him and drew her quickly to him. He placed his lips gently against hers, his strong hands holding her by the arms. It was a deadly act; a treasonous one in some peoples’ view. But he wanted to kiss her, and he refused to live in fear of power or pomp.

Elana was shocked but she kissed him back, letting it push thoughts of how badly she would be punished when her father heard about this out of her mind. When they came up for air, she stepped back, her eyes sparking, her cheeks red. "Good day Lord King" she said and hurried off.


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