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Conversation with Father

Posted on Sun May 15th, 2022 @ 9:11pm by Emperor Antonius VI & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:39pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Timeline: Date 2371-05-09 at 1145
1136 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

As the crowd dispersed, Elana rose from the bench where she had been watching and made her way down the stairs to greet her father. Aides dismissed her with their eyes as she stood, quietly waiting for them to finish with her father.

It was normal, she thought as she watched them ignore her in favour of currying favour, and only those who had marriageable sons gave her a second look.

As various lords departed, the Emperor had gotten to his feet and was discussing minor details with the nearest members of his Secretariat when his youngest daughter approached from the side.

"Elana, what the devil are you doing here?" He asked, dismissing the men he had been speaking to with a wave and turning to her. "I wouldn't think this sort of meeting was your scene."

"My apologies Father, you are correct, I was hoping to speak with you about something important." Elana said politely. "It was considered too minor for your aides to allow me to book a time to speak with you, so I thought I would take a chance."

“You are my daughter and can speak to me when you like.” He said, seeming a bit indignant about his aides having turned her away. The old man put a hand on her shoulder and drew her close, walking her over to a nearby window which overlooked the Imperial Quarter of Rome. “Now, what is this minor thing of which you speak, my dear?”

She took a breath. "Father, I have been ... working on somethings these past few months. I have purchased a building in france. A property to be exact.. I am looking to make it into an orphanage for our less fortunate. I was ... hoping for your blessing."

“For the poor children? What should a Princess not do?” He asked, poetically. “Are there many orphans in France?”

"from the last census data, there are several hundred children living on the streets in Europe alone. In the Northern American states, that number is in the thousands. These children will never be able to assist with the growth of the Empire as they have never been given a chance. They could join the military, learn how to protect our Empire, but without the resources..." Elana said calmly.

Though the Emperor was surprised by this information, he wasn’t surprised he hadn’t known. Such things were still considered local issues. He raised his brow as he imagined it.

“We’ll Elana, if that is what you want to do, then by all means, do it. Just don’t let it get in the way of your official business.” He said. “Kissing babies and helping the less fortunate is a help to the crown. Some of your other activities, however…they may do us in in the end…”

She calmly looked at him. "I am loyal to you Father, and our family. I would never let my project interfere with that."

“Then you will have to explain your activity in Hawaii. The new friend you’ve made just before this meeting.” He said, looking at her with tight facial features now. “It’s clear to me that we did not have the element of surprise; the Blues knew what we were about and they tried to stop us.”

"While I admit to meeting Lord Lachlan King, Father, I have no idea how he would have found out about it from me. I was not aware of your plans. How could I be? You never told me." All that she said was true. He never told her and no one from his team wouldbhave told her.

He had to admit the logic of the statement. He could think of no way she would have known what was going on here. It still didn’t sit right with him, particularly because she was here today.

“We’ll why we’re you with him anyway? And why are you here today? Do you have some sort of…infatuation with that man? He’s half a traitor, Elana.”

"I told you why I am here today Father. Your aides when rejecting my appointment told me you were busy with a council meeting. I came to catch you at the end of it. And as for why I was with Lord King, it was certainly not my intention. I did not know he would be walking down the street when I ran into him." Elana's voice was level, calm and not panicked in any fashion. Then she tilted her head slightly, like her mother did when she had a question that made people think. "As for an infatuation, well, it is not hard to notice Father that the Lord is very good looking. And what do you always say about keeping enemies close?"

The Emperor’s eyes narrowed at that as he looked at his daughter square-on. His expression was one of suspicion and displeasure, marked particularly by his lined face.

“Not that close, girl.”he said, stepping toward the table in the middle of the room.” Not that damn close. Are you mad? Is that the reason he came to visit with you at the Hawaii House last night? Why you sent time together drinking in the gardens? Or…perhaps there is more to you than once I thought…”

The man looked at her, his wrinkled hand sliding on the mane of one of the golden lions that made up the armrest of his council chair.

Elana gave him a placid look. "We shared a drink, some conversation about the common people father. I have my interests in growing their loyalty to us. And if he thinks he can gain something from me? More the better for you, don't you think?" She let her lips quirk slightly. "And lets be honest, Giana would bore him to tears."

"Sometimes, Elana, you make me wonder..." he said, eyeing her suspiciously. "Stay away from him. Leave the spying to spies. Get on with that project of yours...the one where you're helping homeless in Paris...and stay out from under Lord King, politically or otherwise."

She nodded "Very well father, but if he pursues me?"

"Then you can remind your interest...that it was my father who made his grandfather Lord of Sydney, and it is I who can unmake him." he said, his eyes twinkling with fire. "He seems to have forgotten that fact today."

She curtseyed to her father and then as she rose she said "Maybe he needs a firmer hand?"

"Perhaps he does." he said, cryptically, clearly meaning to say no more. "Daughter.." he spoke as a salutation.

"Father" Elana gave him a smile, rare from his youngest daughter, and then she left him alone, walking past his aides who, all grudgingly bowed as she did.



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