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A Change of Plans

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:57pm by Sergeant David Novak

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: David’s Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0130
564 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


After an hour of lovemaking, David and Dana laid together in bed in each other’s arms. After a few minutes, he had slipped from her embrace and had gone into his minuscule bathroom to take a sonic shower. Not ten minutes later, he emerged from the room with a towel around his waist, looking for her in the darkness.

“I’m right over here where you left me handsome” Dana smiled as she still lay in David’s bed. She’d enjoyed every moment of their lovemaking but was afraid she’d rushed him.

"Oh, right.." David said, approaching the side of the bed slowly. he looked at her without saying anything for the space of several seconds. He seemed to be chewing on something, but he kept his mouth closed. Slowly, he started to rummage through a nearby drawer and pull out new clothes for himself.

Dana sat up pulling the covers over herself. “I’m sorry, You’re not happy about what just happened between us, are you?"

"Are you kidding? I loved it." he said with a sad smile, "but I think it might be more complicated than that."

He let the towel fall without reserve and grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs.

"I don't know what to say. I like you...but I'm afraid I might be leading you on." he sighed. "I'm just...confused right now."

Dana nodded. “I can’t say I’m surprised to hear that, you did say you had a girl back home.” She dropped the cover and moved to pick up her clothes.

"No, its not her." he said. "Like I said, I'm probably never going to see her again. I'm just not sure exactly where I am emotionally."

He paused, moving over to her and grabbing her hand.

"But I know I want to see you again. Clothed, if you'd's not about that for me."

Dana paused getting dressed and looked at David. “I’d like that very much!” She smiled warmly. “For what it’s worth, this...” She motioned to the bed. “It’s not just sex for me it’s...” She paused to think how to word it best. “It’s making love, when between lovers it’s special. You’re the first man I’ve been with in a very, very, long time.”

David put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, his eyes finding hers easily.

"It was pretty amazing." he said, his lips staying open though no more sound escaped. "I'll see you soon, Dana."

“I guess that’s my queue to go” Dana offered a smile as she quickly finished dressing. She would have liked to stay for longer but not at the risk of pushing herself on David when he obviously wanted to be alone.

Once she was dressed, he walked over to her and placed a strong hand on her arm. Leaning in, he kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers. His grip on her arm softened as they did.

Dana returned the kiss as her hands rested gently on David. The more time she spent with him, the more she was sure that she loved him.

"Get going." he said, when the kiss was over, patting her bottom affectionately. "We can talk later, okay?"

Dana nodded. “Can’t wait” She smiled before heading out of David’s quarters.


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