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Drowning Sorrows

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2022 @ 11:02pm by Callie Marshall
Edited on on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 12:42pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0000
1677 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhen was slouched over a table in a corner of the mess hall nursing a glass and bottle of scotch. He was rolling his wedding ring over the table top just lost in his thoughts. He was trying to keep his mind off of the problems at home and his wife seemed like he took a step forward then two steps back every time. With a saddened sigh he took a drink and rested his head on the table still rolling his ring.

Having decided to take a walk and get some exercise Callie entered the mess hall to get herself a refreshing drink. Seeing Rhen sitting alone she made her way across to him. “Penny for your thoughts?” She offered a smile.

Rhen lifted his head recognizing the woman from the Rescue breifing he quickly sat up. "Lieutenant, what are you doing here? How are you feeling?" He asked a bit surprised to see her.

Callie smiled warmly. “I’m fine thank you, I was just taking a walk to get some exercise. Do you mind if I join you?”

Rhen's spark of life quickly died down before sitting back down feeling down again. "I think I make bad company right now, Lieutenant." He confessed.

“Nonsense” Callie walked around to a seat and slowly sat down. “There’s no such thing as bad company. If you’d like to talk without it going on record with the Counsellor I’m happy to listen.”

Rhen leaned back in his chair taking a moment to put his wedding ring back on his finger. "I doubt you could really do much it's not some system issue you OPS types can fix." He said in a soft tone. "Plus, I wouldn't want to trouble you with my issues anyway."

Callie offered an understanding smile. “I may be Chief of Ops but I’m discipline inspection trained, in other words I’m a Counsellor too. Besides talking to someone about your problems often helps. Besides right now all those of us on this ship have out here is each other.”

Rhen sat up straight downing the rest of his drink and putting the cap on the bottle of scotch. "If you insist, maybe over a more proper drink and snack?" He offered calling over a server with his hand.

“Sounds good to me” Callie smiled before ordering herself a fruit juice and a treat of a piece of chocolate cake.

Rhen had the scotch taken away and ordered a uttaberry juice and a fudge sundae he rarely indulged himself in sweets except with Kiera and liked to maintain his figure. "Well, what would you like to know?" He asked as they waited for their order.

“Well I’m guessing from the way you were rolling your ring around that you’re having some marriage issues?” She looked at Rhen curiously. “If you want to talk about it I’m all ears.”

"That obviously is it?" Rhen began feeling a bit down. "Yeah, it's been going on for a while actually not to the point we want to divorce but we've been thru some hard times before joining Starfleet. It just feels like she and I we seem to take a step forward and then two steps back almost in our relationship."

“Hard times I can understand, I was raised by my father. He’s an Admiral in the Empire, my mother is his slave. Hell for all I know she’s dead, I’ve never actually set eyes on her. My father raised me to be the best at what I do, to be a ruthless killer if I have to be but the crew here have so far proved themselves to be more family than my father ever was.”

"Family? I don't know if 'family' is too strong of a word for me right now I still don't know many on this ship beyond my wife. She tried to have me go to someone's wedding recently I couldn't," He choked up a little. "I couldn't handle being there not cause I was trying to be rude but it just reminds me much of a failure I been to her as a husband."

“That was my wedding” Callie flashed her ring. “Don’t worry you weren’t being rude, it’s not easy. I’ve seen you both together, she doesn’t look unhappy with you in-fact she looks like a woman whose very much in love.” Callie smiled.

Rhen was taken back by her omission immediately his face turned red. "Oh..." Their order finally arrived helping his redness go away a little. "Lieutenant," He paused to look at her attire she wasn't in uniform. "Hey, would you mind if we did away with protocol?"

Callie nodded. “We’re off duty, so please call me Callie.”

Rhen smiled a little. "I'm Rhen." He took a bite of his sundae. "So, you aren't upset I couldn't be there for your wedding?"

Callie shook her head as she sipped her drink. “Of course not, it wasn’t like it was a required event.” She smiled. “We’ve only really just gotten to know each other.”

"Thanks, Callie, for being understanding I would have stayed if things were different." Rhen took another bite of his sundae. "So you believe she loves me? Even, after all, I did ruin our lives?"

Callie offered a curious look. “I think if you ruined her life she wouldn’t be here with you know.” She paused to eat some of her food. “It’s plain to see from the way your wife looks at you, that she loves you. Whatever it is that’s coming between you obviously needs to be addressed.”

"I agree, but I don't need to be questioned on my loyalty to the Emperor every time when I have a fight or disagreement with my wife." Rhen pointed out as he set his spoon down interlacing his fingers.

Callie studies Rhen curiously. “Your wife questions your loyalties, or do you feel other people do?”

"God no, Talking about the jackasses in discipline inspection. I rather not be interrogated first before I get a chance to talk about my problems at home." Rhen retorted.

Callie nodded. “That I can understand. Trust me I’ve been there myself.”

"As for the loyalty of my wife," Rhen paused slouching in his chair a little he shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't tell you honestly sometimes I wonder if she wishes I should of just-" He cut himself off looking around noticing there were too many ears around. "Know what, I am sorry no point telling you about it here too many people."

“That’s true” Callie looked around. “How’s about you drop by my office sometime? Being a Chief I get the option of having my own office which comes in handy!” She smiled. “I’ll be spending more of my time there going over reports now I’m this size!” She grinned resting her hand on her stomach.

Rhen sighed the sight of her belly he wish Kiera was with child but how could they bring one into the world right now while their love life was shaky. "I don't wish to intrude and you are a very busy lady." He took a drink of his juice.

“I’ll be less busy than I was Rhen, my door is always open if you need to use it” she smiled as she politely tucked into her food. She paused eating to ask another question. “Do you and your wife want to have children?”

"Of course, we do just...what is the point of bringing a kid into a environment if Kiera and I can't even get over the terrible things we did to one another." Rhen dripped his spoon into his food. "It's not the right time."

“I wasn’t going to suggest now was the time to try” Callie smiled warmly. “I just saw how you looked at me, like a man longing for a family life."

"The moment I met, Kiera, for the first time I knew I was in love and wanted her to mother my children." Rhen took a bite. "When we was professional athletes we did a lot of charity work with kids she was fantastic with them."

Callie nodded. “She sounds like a natural mother. So what changed all that? Something big has obviously occurred to throw such a proverbial spanner in the works.”

"I think so too she’d make a fantastic mother!" Rhen beamed. "It's just, we had to do some horrible things as slaves in the gladiator arenas."

Callie could only imagine. “I can’t say I understand because I’ve never had to face that, but I’m always around if either of you need to talk to a friend.”

Rhen took a drink of his juice. "How bout dinner? Your place? I can bring, Kiera, by let you both chat." He suggested.

“Sure” Callie nodded. “Let me arrange it with Troy and we’ll make it a double date.”

"Sounds good! She could us a different ear to chat with." Rhen replied somewhat excited.

“She’s not the only one!” Callie grinned. “I’d like to have some more friends.”

"I think we all could honestly after all seems our life goals are put on hold for now." Rhen replied.

“Not quote in my case!” Callie grinned. “If anything my goals are well ahead. I’ll get back to you with a day for that double date.”

"Sounds good, any ideas what we should bring?" Rhen asked polishing off his food.

“Don’t worry about that, if you want to bring something then whatever you deem suitable.” Callie smiled warmly.

"Very well, I am sure she and I will come up with something to bring." Rhen said polishing off his food before setting the dish aside. "I look forward to our double date."

“As do I” Callie smiled warmly. “I’ll call you with a day and time.”

"Look forward to it." Rhen replied.



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