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A Late Night Rendezvous

Posted on Wed Jun 1st, 2022 @ 1:02pm by Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:28pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Mayoral Estate, Sydney, Australia, Pacific Dominion
Timeline: Date 2371-05-28 at 2215
1678 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The hour was late and Lord King had just concluded a dinner with several of the city's richest citizens. It had been a boring affair which had left him tired and disinterested. As soon as the servants had shown them out, he striped out of his suit and into casual clothing and walked down to the kitchens for a night cap.

The back door to his kitchen opened and a slender figure slipped in through the door. Dressed in black and hooded, the figure paused just inside and pushed the hood back from her face, revealing Princess Elana. She had spent the day with aides being bombarded by them around inane things, things to keep her from heading out of their domain and back to Paris, which is where she went and then beamed to the private Transporter Padd, Lachlan had told her about.

Lachlan looked up toward the sudden motion expecting to see a maid or even his chef. When it was Elana, his mouth opened slightly. The corners of his mouth turned upward.

"I see you found your way in." he said, holding a bottle of orange liquid in his hand. "You least meet some resistance coming here, didn't you?"

"From your men, yes but once they saw my face, they let me through." She said softly "And I have been facing resistance at home as well."

"Obviously it can't be too bad. You came." he said, walking over to her and grabbing her hands in his. Looking into her eyes, he smiled more deeply. "I'm glad you did."

She smiled up at him. "I am glad as well. Lachlan... my mother had a warning for us."

“Oh?” He asked, removing his hands from hers and putting them in his pockets. “And what might that be?”

"If we continue this, go further, then it will end in bloodshed. Yours." Elana said softly. "I do not want you hurt."

He shook his head, a serious look in his eye.

"This is hardly the first time your family has threatened my life, but its certainly the first time I've heard it from a member themselves. Normally its a stern warning by a lord on their side." he said, leaning against his counter. "If they kill me, all they do is make a martyr. They might be wrong, but they aren't stupid."

"Anger makes people do stupid things." Elana said softly. "I had an argument with Mother over this."

"I don't know the Empress, but I'd bet she's looking out for your safety. After all, she's trying to find you a husband." he said, grinning a bit. "And I can see clearly I'm not on the list."

"The List, as you term it, is not a list I would wish on anyone." Elana replied. "but you are on my list.”

“Oh, am I?” He asked, playfully, his hands finding her hips as he drew her close to himself, his lips finding her with an almost-psychic ease. There was nothing left to say in response to what she had said except to kiss her.

Elana leaned into him as they kissed. She knew her family would have screaming fits, and indeed were, but her common sense was going out the window here and she quite liked it.

Lachlan's kisses became gradually more passionate until it seemed that the only result might be for them to strip down on the very spot. But just when it was at its most intense, he forced himself to pull back, his face turning into a strained smile.

"Let's have a drink. If we want to make some mistakes, we can always do so later." he said, turning quickly and grabbing his amber bottle and two glasses. He turned and walked toward the door which led to the den, only stopping briefly to look behind himself and motion her on with a nod of his head.

When they were in the room, he poured the glasses and extended one to her.

"Why don't you tell me about your day?" he asked, looking at her. "What did you do?"

She sat with the glass in her hands. "I went to the orphanage after meeting with my mother. I spent the day working on the books and co-ordinating with an events coordinator to do a fundraiser."

"A fundraiser?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. That was hardly work he expected a princess would be doing. In fact, with the help of her father, she could throw hundreds of millions of Imperial Crowns at the orphanage without making a dent in their wealth. Generally, it was commoners who needed to raise funds in that way.

"I am doing this without Father's financial help." Elana said with a smile. "I will be inviting politicians from all sides."

"Well, I can help, if you'd like." he said with a wink. "How much are you looking to raise?"

"The running costs for the Orphanage will come to 200,000 imperial crowns a year, once it is up and running. I have purchased the land next to it to be converted into a farm so they can raise their own food and vegetables and such as well as learning responsibility."

In the back of his mind, he understood that she was using her father's money at that very moment, though she said she didn't want to do so. He pushed it out of his mind; she was trying to become independent.

"That's not much." he said with a shrug, sipping his drink. "I could just give it to you."

She laughed softly. "No, I am doing this the right way. If we can raise enough for 2 years then I can look at adding more teachers, and I hope to be able to prevail on the Academy to send teachers as well."

"Why will you take my money in a fundraiser but not here?" he asked, wondering what she was thinking. "Is it just because it...doesn't feel right?"

"Because I want it to be all above board. I do not want the press to say "He only paid up because he is sleeping with her."

"Oh? And when were you planning on sleeping with me?" he asked her, suddenly giving her a flirtatious and somewhat cocky smile.

"You have yet to ask" she replied with a smirk.

"No, I just wanted to see that look on your face." he said, grabbing her hand gently and pulling her closer to him. "I'll help you with the orphanage, just as long as you sleep with me."

He was clearly joking, and his grin said it all.

"Oh no whatever should I do" she teased back grinning up at him. "Hmmm maybe I should.... or .... what would they say..."

"Just tell them I was too wild for you to resist." he said, placing a hand on her arm and chuckling. "You were seduced by my masculine charm. I'm sure they'll understand."

"Hmmm I am sure they would." Elana smiled and leaned against him.

"Or maybe you're the one who charmed me, huh?" he asked, putting his hands on her waist and pulling her down onto his lap.

"Hmm I think we charmed each other maybe?" she slid her arms around his neck as she settled into his lap.

Leaning forward, he kissed her again, this time resuming the same intensity as before. His hands found her dark hair and moved between her locks with hungry slowness. As she started to move on his lap, he could feel the heat beneath her dress, which excited him. Breaking the kiss, he looked at her, desire in his eyes.

"Nah, it was me." he said, joking without a smile, and kissed her again.

She gave a breathy laugh and slid her hands down his chest as they kissed. She was definitely warm beneath his hands as she pressed closer.

His fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, which he began to undue even as he continued to give kisses. Quickly, Elana began to help him with the buttons. Eventually, he let her take over the project and, instead, put his hands on her waist again.

Elana finished undoing his shirt and then pushed it off of his shoulders. gently she drew back, "A-are you..sure..?"

"You are falling under my spell." he said, ignoring her question and pulling at the straps of her dress. "You are getting very very horny."

"Hmm so I am" she smiled and let him push the straps down and the dress fell to her waist, leaving her in her push up bra.

With a hand, he quickly unclasped the bra from the back and watched with interest as it fell off of her breasts. The motion had been quick and smooth, more a surprise than a suspected thing. Laying his silliness and excitement aside, he looked her in the eyes then.

"Are you sure?"

She studied his face and nodded "Yes I am sure" she said softly. "I am very sure."

Without hesitation, he lifted her dress over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Now that she sat on him only in her panties, he kissed her again, his hands moving up her stomach to her breasts. He felt them gently, being sure to go slowly and to move in ways that were exciting and pleasurable.

"Good." he said, still moving his fingers.

Elana gave a soft breathy moan as he cupped her breasts. "oh.." she ran her own hands down his sides and slid her fingers along the edge of his pants.

He jerked slightly as her touch tickled a bit. Looking into her eyes, he moved his hands down her body and rested them in a place where he could play with the band of her panties. He enjoyed her hands moving lower as well and wondered to himself what might be next.

Elana watched his face and undid his belt carefully before undoing his pants and sliding her hand inside to tease.

"Mmm." he uttered, smiling as she watched her work him, beginning to harden at her touch.


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