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Posted on Wed May 18th, 2022 @ 1:47am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Medical's Surgical Bay
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0200
320 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The limp barely breathing form of Lieutenant Selin was beamed into main medical and immediately moved to a surgical room. The room was soon bustling with medical personnel who began working on the young officer.

The main surgeon began to list her injuries.

* Chest cavity has been opened.
* The Pericardium sack has been cut twice.
* The Left lung has been deflated
* Right lung has been punctured.
* Rib cage cut and majority of her ribs were cracked
* Several cuts along the Trachea
* Diaphragm severed.
* Liver has been cut in half.
* Stomach has been cut and sewed closed
* Organs were moved about sloppily.

The surgeon sent the list out to the medical staff so that the CO and XO could be notified. Then they got to work.

Hours passed and as the night shift gave into the morning, the surgeon finished up and Kassandra Selin was moved to a private room, under heavy sedation and observation at 07:15.

At 07h30, the Surgeon sent a message to the CMO detailing the condition of the patient.

Patient: Kassandra Selin

Condition: Stable but Critical

* Chest cavity has been opened. - the cuts used were done with an obviously blunt instrument, meant to cause pain and suffering.
* The Pericardium sack has been cut twice. - repaired
* The Left lung has been deflated - reinflated and repaired
* Right lung has been punctured. - repaired
* Rib cage cut and majority of her ribs were cracked
* Several cuts along the Trachea - repaired
* Diaphragm severed.- repaired
* Liver has been cut in half. - Regrown
* Stomach has been cut and sewed closed - This has been redone due to the crappy actions of the so called doctors of the Ocampa.
* Infection in the pericardial sac - Antibiotic course commenced
* Organs were moved about sloppily. - Organs replaced in their proper places.

Patient is currently sedated and under observation in ICU Room 2.

Recommendation - Two weeks bed Rest, 4 weeks light duties.



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