
New Roles

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2022 @ 11:42am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Marshall Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0630
526 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

With breakfast almost ready Callie finished putting on her new department uniform, it seemed odd not to be wearing her Ops colours anymore. However this was a transfer she’d asked for, and she wasn’t going to let Petrov down. Giving herself another once over she took a deep breath, and headed into the living area to go eat her breakfast.

“Morning handsome” Callie smiled as she kissed Troy on the cheek. “You do look good in that uniform. Command suits you, Actually I haven’t said how proud I am, this promotion is well deserved. Just promise me you’ll be careful? Both you and Johnathan are in prime positions now.”

Troy glanced down at his red trimmed uniform and smiled as he looked back up at his wife. "It definitely feels different. Though...I will be providing close oversight for the Security and Tactical Department until the Captain decides on a new Chief of Security." He gave Callie an appreciative once over and grinned. "You look ravishing in your new uniform as well Lieutenant." He winked at her. "Remind me to do so once we're back here tonight."

Callie nodded happily before taking a moment, she was starting to experience false labour pains which were proving to be an inconvenience to say the least. “If labour is going to be worse than this, I’m seriously not looking forward to it!”

Troy gave Callie a concerned look before gesturing to the easy chair in the communal area. "Take a seat and relax for a while before your first appointment." He stepped over and placed a hand on her belly. "Our little warrior will be here in two to three weeks."

Callie nodded as she took a seat. “Possibly, there’s leeway of a few more weeks given that I’m half Betazoid. It’s just a case of waiting for this little man to make up his mind when he’s ready.” She offered a smile. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. If I have any worries I’ll give Sickbay a call.”

Troy bent down and kissed Callie before gently caressing her cheek. "You be sure to do that if anything happens." He glanced at the wall clock. "I have a half shift in the Security before going to the Bridge. See you later?"

Callie nodded as she gently placed her hand on his. “Of course. I have a pile of reports to go through, but I’ll be on the bridge later.”

Troy swung by the replicator to grab a go cup and heading for the door. He paused in the doorway and glanced at her. "I love you Callie Marshall."

Callie’s smile practically shone. “I love you too Troy Marshall, I always will. Now go be the First Officer you were born to be.”

Troy nodded at the woman he loved before crossing the threshold all way. The door whooshing shut leaving Callie to prepare for her first appointment of the morning.

Watching Troy go Callie gently patted her rounded stomach, maybe it would be a good idea to drop into Sickbay before her morning shift started.



