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An Announcement

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2022 @ 3:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 2000
1362 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Karen had asked Eritrea and Troy to join her first and then had asked Andrei and the Captain to stop by a few minutes later. She still wanted to speak to the principals first. She didn't like things feeling like such a production. Perhaps she should have kicked it to the CMO with so much command staff involved? But then Eritrea had been her patient. She checked a few things on her console in the ACMO's office as she waited for Troy and Eritrea to arrive.

Troy arrived at Sickbay first. He appeared a bit anxious for the request from Karen to meet with her and wondered if there was a problem with Callie's pregnancy. She was due to give birth any day know and he was understandably concerned. He spoke briefly to the Hospital Corpsman on duty. "I'm here to see Doctor Lamont."

The Corpsman nodded and stepped away to inform Karen of the XO's arrival.

"Send him in," she said.

Troy entered the office to find Karen and the former slave Eritrea already seated in chairs. He quirked an eyebrow at Eritrea's presence before addressing Karen. "I can wait outside if you're still in the middle of a consultation."

Eritrea glanced at Troy with what could only be described as a curious expression. She knew what was about to be revealed would be a bit of a shock to the man.

"No, this is the same matter," Karen said. "Please have a seat."

Troy took the offered seat across from Karen. He glanced over at Eritrea with a curious expression before returning his gaze to Karen. "What medical issue would require the executive officer of the Vengeance and a yeoman from the Lovarr to be present for?"

"This doesn't have to do with your duties as executive officer," Karen said. "It concerns you in a personal capacity." She paused for a moment and then plunged on with it. "I did a thorough exam of Yeoman Eritrea recently in preparation for her promotion and transfer. Her full genetic profile was not on file. Some doctors are lax with slaves. However, when I examined her, the computer automatically cross-referenced it and, well, you and she almost certainly share a father."

Eritrea silently studied Troy's expression for some hint as to what his reaction would be. Would he explode in anger, deny the truth, or simply accept what Karen said.

Troy blinked several times as Karen spoke. He turned his gaze slowly to the former slave. "What planet are you from and how old are you...yeoman.?"

Eritrea met Troy's gaze. "I was born on the planet of Elas a little over 18 years ago."

Troy nodded slowly as he looked away. His father had served in the occupation forces before the planet fell to a Klingon invasion. He turned to Karen. "You are absolutely sure of this Doctor Lamont?"

"Unless your father had a genetic duplicate who left no record in our systems, the margin of era is less than a trillionth of a percent," Karen answered precisely.

Troy turned to Eritrea. "I gather your mother's name was Amberle."

Eritrea nodded, not daring to say a word at this point. The expression on Troy's face was unreadable.

"I once overheard my father speak of your mother in an argument my parents had upon his return to Earth." Troy's words came out softly.

Eritrea took a deep breath. "What would your parents be arguing about. It's a well established fact that Terrans often take native women and use them as comfort woman."

Troy nodded. "True, but evidently my father fell in love with your mother."

The two spoke about Troy's father and Eritrea's mother for several minutes prior to the arrival of Ivan and Andrei in the Sickbay area.

Karen let them talk. "At Eritrea's request, I've also asked your commanding officers here to be informed of this new information."

Troy looked from Karen to Eritrea and back before nodding. "Understandable."

The Captain and Andrei happened to arrive at the same time, having shared in the corridor that neither of them had any idea what the meeting was about.

"I hope this is important." Ivan said, rubbing his eye. "Naps don't come easy for me and I was in the middle of one."

Karen paused as she stepped out of the office. She did worry herself that this was a bit more of a production than was really called for. "It's important to the patient," she said, which was the truth.

"Patient? What patient?" Andrei asked with an annoyed expression. It wasn't directed at Karen, of course, but rather at his lack of certainty.

Karen turned and beckoning for Troy and Eritrea to join her from the office.

Troy and Eritrea exited Karen's office together.

“Alright, so what’s this all about?”Andrei asked, his large arms folded over his chest. When his eyes landed in Eritrea, he was really curious what was going on.

Eritrea turned to Ivan Andrei. "Sirs. Doctor Lamont has discovered that Lieutenant Commander Marshall and I are half siblings. I felt it prudent that our respective Commanding Officer’s be informed."

Andrei looked at Eritrea, his jaw set. He had come to the conclusion that allowing this woman into his bed had been a mistake days ago, but this was the icing on the cake. He frowned, irritation building in him. He controlled it though.

"It's nice to find family. Good for you." he said, though his eyes narrowed. "I recently learned that Elasians women have a special ability with their tears to woo men and make them infatuated. Perhaps your mother used this trait on your father, Eritrea."

Eritrea nodded. "Lieutenant Petrov is correct. Tears of Elasian woman do cause humanoid males to fall in love with them." She looked at Andrei. "Tears of a half Elasian woman only act as an aphrodisiac for several hours, a day at most before the affects wear off though."

Andrei balled his fists, restraining his anger as much as he could. He turned to look at his father.

"I think Petty Officer Ohmsford would be happier and better placed back here on the Vengeance, Captain." he said simply.

Ivan wasn't a fool. he knew whay Eritrea had been requested on Lovarr. He had been hesitant. As the only woman there, she was quite vulnerable. Now that Andrei had changed his mind, he might rethink things.

"Commander? Petty Officer?" Ivan asked, looking to Troy and Eritrea. "What say you?"

Troy nodded. "Perhaps it would be best." He glanced at Eritrea for her response.

Eritrea frowned at the suggestion of a transfer back to the ship she had been a slave on for so long. "I would prefer to remain aboard the Lovarr. My Captain is in need of a capable administrative assistant and his mentoring has been invaluable in learning what skills to develop in service to the Empire.

“That’s not in the best interest of Eritrea. The Lovarr is not safe for her, seeing as she’s a woman.” Andrei said, eyeing her. “It’s getting less safe every single day.”

Karen couldn't quite hide a flash of worry at that but she forced it down and was all professionalism once more. She didn't say anything. She had nothing to add to this personnel conversation beyond what she had already certified, that Eritrea was fit for duty.

The Captain sighed. A lot of family was being discovered aboard. “Eritrea will be assigned as a Secknd Yeoman in our command department for now. We’ll figure this out in the coming days.” He said and then turned to his XO. “Congratulations on finding your sister, Commander. Family is a wonderful thing.”

"Thank you Captain." Was this really a wonderful thing, he wasn't sure yet. Troy nodded to each of them. "Excuse me, I am going to inform my wife she has a sister-in-law." He departed Sickbay hastily.

Andrei turned to Karen then.

“If there’s nothing else, Doctor…”

Karen gave Andrei a small, soft smile. "That's all for now, Lieutenant."

Andrei say the smile, but he was quite irritated, so he didn't return it. Instead, he just turned and walked out.


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