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Sudden Arrival

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 9:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Deck 3 Marshall Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1430
1248 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie was scared, more like terrified as she huddled up on the sofa listening to the sounds of what was happening outside in the corridor. She could feel the terror that the crew was feeling. She’d been keeping quiet so as not to alert anyone that she was in the room, she had a phaser at hand incase it was needed she just hoped it wouldn’t be.

For a moment all went quiet before there was a curdled scream and cry from the corridor outside the door, moments later one of the security personnel practically fell through her door blood pouring from a wound on his neck. It was like something from a horror movie! He motioned to her whilst trying to stem the bleeding.

“GO! Get...out!!” He waved her toward the corridor. “They’re...coming! GO!!”

Callie was almost out of the door when she was ambushed, something horrid sinking it’s teeth into her arm leaving a bleeding bite mark. Pulling her phaser she took aim point blank before backing back into her quarters and closing the door. Entering the bedroom she pulled the first aid kit and sterilized the bite before a sudden pain made her bend double. Before she knew it she was standing in a puddle of wet, shooting pains in her stomach telling her something was very wrong.

In a panic she went to hit her comm badge but it wasn’t there. Closing her eyes she put everything she had into sending a telepathic message, hoping he’d receive and understand it << Troy... HELP ME!! >>

Troy received Callie's plea for help in his head. He turned to Ivan, a look of desperation on his face. "Captain, Callie has been attacked by one of these...things. I request permission to leave the bridge."

“Granted, Commander. Your family needs you.” Ivan said and gestured for the man to depart.

Yana had only left the Marshall's quarters ten minutes before all hell broke loose. Initially, she held out in her own quarters just down the hall. It was safe in there, it seemed, and she saw no reason to leave. It was at the point when she realized Callie was likely still down the hall, alone and pregnant, that she rushed for the door. Hurrying down the corridor, she moved quickly toward the nearby cabin. She noticed the security officer on the ground wrapping a part of his uniform around his wound and, nearby, a horrible stinking creature.

"What's going on? Where's Lieutenant Marshall?" she asked clearly, no fear in her voice.

The man indicated the door without saying a word. Yana stepped over him with out hesitation and rang the chime.

"Callie. It's me! Open up." she called, and then she heard a creaking sound not far down the corridor.

Callie heard the door chime, no zombie was going to ring the chime. Heading for the door she had to stop part way as pains in her stomach made her stop, hearing Yana’s voice she pushed on, she got to the door just in time to let Yana through. “Quickly!” She motioned Yana inside.

Yana did so, moving in quickly and sealing the door behind her. She immediately saw the wet carpet and the look in Callie's eyes.

“Thank Heavens you’re here!!” Callie offered a small sigh of relief. “I’m in labour Yana! My son isn’t due yet...” She looked at the older woman with fear written all over her face.

"Oh..." Yana said, and then gave a reassuring nod. "It's going to be okay, Callie. Don't worry. Where's Troy?"

“He’s...on the bridge!” She winced in pain everything hurt thanks to the phage, her joints were on fire, and it was adding to her labour pains. “I need him Mrs Petrova! Please!!”

“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Yana said, touching her shoulder. “We need to get you down on the bed in your room now.”

Callie nodded, the pain she was in due to the phage infection wasn’t getting any better, add her labour pains, and Callie was wishing she was in Sickbay. She held onto Yana for support, all she could do was hope Troy would make it to her soon.

Eritrea had been setting been putting in the final touches on her personal space in Yeoman Quarters when Troy contacted her. She was down an adjacent corridor and arrived at the Marshall's quarters in less than half a minute and keyed in the door code Troy had provided. She quickly found Yana and Callie. "Commander Marshall sent me to help. He should be here in a minute or two."

Callie breathed a sigh of relief knowing Troy would soon be with her. A few moments later she cried out in pain as labour pains kicked in again, her whole body was wracked with pain. As the labour pains went over again she offered Eritrea a brief smile. “Th...thank you Eritrea.”

Eritrea nodded as she crouched next to Callie across from Yana. "Shhh. Save your strength." She looked at Yana. "How can I help?"

Three hours later, Callie was still in the throws of Labour. It had been grueling at terrible every step of the way. While Yana certainly had experience, she was no doctor, and her deficit in knowledge was getting clearer and clearer as time went on. When this was done, they would need to get to Sickbay right away. Callie, for her part, had probably been in more pain in the past 3 hours than she had suffered in her life and Yana was struggling to keep her conscious. Pregnancy plus the phage equaled so much screaming her voice was now close to being gone.

“Callie, love, I need you to stay conscious and push. I know it hurts. I know.” Yana said, her voice comforting but sure.

Callie was clinging onto Troy’s hand, for the last few hours she’d been squeezing the life out of it, but her grip was starting to loosen as she got weaker. “I’m...trying!!!” Her voice was barely a whisper as she replied, her whole body felt like it was on fire wracking pain everywhere.

Yana watched as Callie struggled, her own eyes focused at the meeting of the half-Betazoid’s thighs to the place which was most private to her. She saw a bulging and an opening of the woman’s lips, and then the appearance of light skin.

“I can see the head!” She exclaimed, gently touching Callie’s knee. “Don’t give up, darling. Give me some good pushing now. You’re almost done.”

Hearing that her son was almost there Callie put the last of her strength into one long, loud scream and push.

Yana pulled the baby out completely, wrapping it in a towel as it screamed. She noticed that it was a boy, but when she checked for normal signs of health, she paused. His skin was strange and bubbling in some places and his screams were unnatural; pained and terrible. She looked up with dark eyes.

“We need to get to Sickbay right away.”

Troy handed Eritrea his phaser. "You cover us as we get Callie and our baby to Sickbay." He turned to Yana. "Madame Petrov, will you carry our son please?"

“Of course.” She said, holding the screaming child. “Lead the way.”

Troy lifted Callie into his arms and the group departed the quarters for Sickbay.


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