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Excuse for a Visit III

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 5:55am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 1130
1454 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Madeline made sure the orders were understood and walked after Andrei back through the horrific hallways toward his quarters. "So, what else do you have planned for your little doggie? Or do I have to wait and be surprised?" She asked with a note of amusement in her voice.

He grinned at how excited he was even as they passed by the grisly displayed in the corridor.

“It’s time I had a surprise for you.” Andrei said, his eyes forward. “I wonder though: if you were me, what would you do?”

"Mm... that is a good question." She considered it a moment and came to walk by his side. "Probably skin him little by little, honestly. The terror and pain that inflicts can hardly be beaten, and really if you're careful they can be kept alive indefinitely. Humiliate him most definitely. Pop his nails off. Take out his tongue. Probably gouge out his eyes so he can never see what's coming."

“Oh, but I want him to see.” He said with a grin, turning into his quarters again. “You didn’t happen to set aside a second pair of clothes for me, did you?” He asked jokingly.

Chuckling, Madeline walked in after him and moved past him. As she did so, she gave a light squeeze to his shoulder. “There are a few other options in case you didn’t like what I had set out.” She moved to the drawer to pull out his clothes for him since her hands were still clean. While she was in there, she began to pull out what appeared to be her own clothes as well.

"One might think we've moved in together." he said, watching her with a smile. He unbuttoned the shirt and then carelessly used it as a towel for his hands. Clothes were easily washed by slaves or recycled and replaced by the replicator. "You're doing my laundry and moving your stuff in. Is this the part where you walk around in my clothes?"

“Your shirts do look quite comfortable.” She noted, holding up one of his deep green shirts in front of her and then laying it over her chest. She ran her hand down it’s front and over her breasts. “Very soft material.”

"I prefer what would be underneath. I imagine that's soft too." he said with a grin, and then removed his patch, sitting it on the dresser, and taking a moment to adjust to the change in his vision as his "real world" connection was lost in a see of infrared, ultraviolet, and heat. He turned and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open and stripping in front of it, his face directed away from her and to the far wall. Then he turned on the water and jumped into the shower.

Though she was tempted to follow him in, she merely looked through the door as he undressed and once he jumped into the shower, she moved to take a seat so she could clean and sharpen the scalpel Andrei had used for his play time today. As she sat there, she began to hum quietly to herself. Though Andrei wouldn't be able to hear it while he was in the shower, the sound had a pleasant and rich quality even though it was just a hum. His shirt still sat over her chest but she didn't much care. Her mind wandered to him then, now... then. His weakness. It wouldn't do. Today seemed to be the first real step he had in regaining his strength. She was pleased.

When the shower was over, he stepped out of the shower and, taking a towel, dried off, before stepping out into the living space again, having wrapped it around his waist. He went over to the drawer again and pulled out a form-fitting black t-shirt and pulled it on. Then he dropped the towel and pulled on black underwear and stepped into a pair of blue jeans. he looked at her as he was buttoning it up.

"You have seen me naked a disproportionate amount. I think you're following me around just for that purpose, you sly devil." he said, walking over to her in the chair where she was sharpening the knife and leaning down, planting an unannounced kiss on her lips. "I might demand redress for the injustice."

"You're the one who keeps looking over his shoulder to make sure I'm watching." She smirked and dropped the sharpening stone down into her lap, freeing up her hand which she used to catch him by the cheek and coax him into another kiss, letting this one linger a moment before she released him.

"And you always are, you pervert." he said, looking up at her with amusement in his eyes. "What am I, a piece of meat to you?"

"No, darling, not a piece of meat. You are a whole slab." She replied with a grin and traced her finger down his cheek. "You like the way I look at you."

"You like the way I touch you." he said, his hand suddenly finding her waist even as he leaned over her. "And you like watching me cause a little pain too."

Madeline put the scalpel down on the table next to her as he leaned closer. While she might have toyed with it and him, he hadn't quite been separated long enough from his trauma for her to feel that it wasn't a risk. She held his gaze, her eyes steady and the smirk remaining to go along with it. As he looked at her, he would indeed see that her intimate areas were running slightly warmer than the normally would. "Mmm... true, though it is less about the pain, more about the power."

"You like when I have the power, do you?" he asked, kissing her again. His long black hair was wet, but he managed to keep it off of her. He smelled like body wash and shampoo, not having applied any additional colognes. But he was mostly happy not to smell like hospital anymore.

Her fingers slid up into his wet hair without hesitation as she returned his kiss. “Any woman who would say she doesn’t like a powerful man is either a liar or weak.” She pressed her forehead to his lightly. “I want to watch you tear them apart.”

"I'm going to do something so bad to them I won't let you watch." he answered, his eyes going sharp them even as he maintained his smile. "I'm going to make sure the Kazon remember what happened and know that they are nothing compared to us. I've become quite the patriot in the past week." he sighed and shrugged, casual and easy. "But in the end, you'll see a lesson in carnage even you might learn from. I have a far more vivid imagination than people give me credit for."

"Of that I have no doubt." Madeline's smile came easy and she kissed his forehead again. She sat back in the chair and continued to hold his gaze. "I think we could learn many things from each other if given the chance." Her head tilted slightly in invitation. While she was disappointed he didn't want to let her watch, she wasn't going to be angry with him. These animals were his to do with as he pleased. She had her fun already, it was his turn.

"I think so too." he said, leaning down and grazing his lips across her exposed neck. He kissed her there slowly and ran his tongue gradually along the skin until he reached her jaw. The hand he had on her waist remained stationary. He was in control and he wasn't escalating things seriously. He backed off, kissing her forehead now, but not before sneaking a peak at the meeting of her thighs to see if the temperature had changed. "I've got to go."

"I know." Madeline's tone was regretful. She noticed his eyes slide down to her legs and the corner of her lips turned up in a slight smirk. She was warmer. She wanted him, but like him, she was also quite in control of her desire and body. "Don't let your sister catch you."

"Are you kidding? This isn't my first time sneaking in through a window." he said, and then turned with something of a flourish and walked toward the door.

“Lovely to see you as always, Andrei.” Madeline called after him with a smile and watched him go. She would see that his orders were followed before she returned to the Vengeance, though perhaps she might spend a little longer in this space first.



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