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New Ship, New Orders

Posted on Sat Aug 27th, 2022 @ 6:24pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 1400
1162 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy waited on the Vengeance bridge outside the Ready Room door. He had been summoned to discuss how integration of the new ship would proceed. He had already assumed temporary command of the vessel and was actually quite impressed with her capabilities. Tactical systems were more powerful than the Kazon vessels and the medical and science facilities rivaled even those of the Vengeance.

Inside, Ivan was already standing, so he walked to the door and opened it.

“Hello, Commander. Please come in.” He said, stepping back and making room for Marshall to walk in.

Troy entered and extended a hand to Ivan. "Good to see you have made a full recovery from the Phage sir. You look ready to build an Empire in this wilderness we find ourselves in."

“Yes. A daunting task, but we’re just the fleet for it.” Ivan said, shaking the hand of his technical XO. “Speaking of the Fleet, how do you find it over on the Rynall?”

Troy gave a shrug tempered with a slight nod. "The Rynall has more sophisticated technology than the Kazon design vessels. Especially in regards to the medical facilities. I would say those rival Imperial facilities if not surpass them."

"She's a great steal as far as our Fleet Vessels go. I know that I've heard a few officers express jealousy that you were placed in charge at first. They hope they'll get the permanent spot there, but I need someone there whom I trust and who has experience with command. There isn't alot of that around, so you're up." Ivan said, folding his arms under his barrel chest. "What do you think about staying on Rynall on permanent assignment?"

Troy's eyes widened at the unexpected offer to take command of the Rynall. He took a deep breath as he considered the offer a moment before asking a question. "Sir, I am honored you would consider me for this. Would I be allowed to move my family with me?"

“Callie will remain Discipline Inspection Chief here, but she is free to keep quarters with you on Rynall and beam over for her duty shifts or babysitters as she sees fit.” Ivan answered having thought of the question himself.

Troy understood the need for Callie to remain in her new position as Discipline Inspector. He gave a moments thought to what happened to Andrei. "I would like to have some junior officers reassigned. I feel it necessary to unfortunate occurrence."

Ivan nodded he very-much understood the need for that.

"Draw up a small list and I will consider it. Unfortunately it can't be many. You know already that the Vidiian slaves are no Kazon and the legend of what is happening on Lovarr is already on the lips of every slave. Yana suggests that you rotate your slaves over to the Lovarr for a full tour. Apparently it is...extremely gruesome...the kind of thing one sees in their nightmares thereafter. That experience will be taught to each of them and their children, and it will keep them from trying something different."

Ivan paced just a bit, his mind shifting. "the new security measures punish put slaves on a tyrannical regiment of loyalty and duty. Your slaves won't even be aloud to gather unless they are family at work save when you are there. Unfortunately our resources are limited. We have limited Terran personnel and can't truly spread them out through the Fleet. Remember, as Yana would say: it isn't enough to put an agonizer around their necks; we must also make them slaves in their minds as we have for the ones on Vengeance."

Troy nodded. He had an idea of who he would like to transfer already in mind. "I would like to have Ensign Pulmer for flight control, Ensign Nazar to head up engineering and operations, Ensign Rosen for Medical, Warrant Officer Ocara for Sciences. I would also like to offer Tuli her freedom in exchange for enlistment to serve as my yeoman. The only other billet I would want to fill would be XO. My candidate list for that is rather limited, but my preference would be Lieutenant Ivers."

Ivan shook his head with some sadness. He knew he was leaving the man in an uncomfortable spot, but he simply couldn’t give him all that he was asking for.

“You will have to lean on your most competent and trustworthy slaves aboard ship to lead departments as on the others. The Security Department, as you know, has had enough leadership turnover and moving Ivers would only compound that.” Ivan paused, considering. “Why would you not request Eritrea as your Yeoman?”

Troy sighed. "Captain, I need officers I can count on to properly run the Rynall. Nazar, Rosen and Ocara are essential to assist in understanding the Vidiian Sciences and Technology. I could have Pulmer double down as Flight Control and XO, he is a certified bridge officer. In regards to wanting Tuli over Eritrea. I will not be seen by the crew as allowing nepotism to color my decisions."

"The way I have?" Ivan asked, grinning slightly. There was no tension in his response. He knew what he was doing and so did everyone else.

Troy gave a half-hearted chuckle. "I didn't say that sir. Honestly, I really don't know anything about her other than she was a slave granted her freedom to serve as yeoman for your son.

“And your sister.” The Captain responded. “That’s important. But, if you don’t want her I won’t force the issue. She’s experienced and I’m sure I can make use of her here.”

Troy sighed. He had heard the errant rumors about Andrei and Eritrea. He gave a half shrug. "I am sure she will prove way or someone."

"I see. We'll keep her on as a secondary yeoman here. Whomever is the next XO can work closely with her. She's good at that work and I see no need to move her; especially now that she's free." Ivan said with a reasoned nod. "I'm sure we can work out the other personnel matters in the future. Be sure to submit daily written reports of ship activity to Yana and keep in mind that, in the coming days, we will be rotating slaves between every slave ship except Vengeance on a monthly basis. They will find it impossible to settle in and even more difficult to make and maintain relationships. It should keep things safer for you and everyone else."

Troy gave a nod. Rotating slaves would keep them always a bit disoriented he thought. "I appreciate your foresight in preventing further slave uprisings. Do you have anything else for me?"

“That’s all, Commander.” Ivan said with a self-assured expression. “Dismissed.”

Troy came to attention and rendered the Terran Imperial salute. "Glory to the Empire." He then executed an about face and departed the Ready Room.


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