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A Change in Seating

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 3:06am by Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Cael Maz

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Crew Mess, Deck 2
Timeline: MD 1, 10:30 Hours
1331 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Mika loved studying and reading far more than she enjoyed socializing, yet she found that having people sitting around in the background helped her more than it hindered her. There was something about organic background noise, the din of pans being washed, the rabble of people talking, that focused her mind like nothing else. Organic Chemistry was kicking her ass a bit, but it had done that when she was busy with in person classes at the Academy. Finally, her time to take a break had come. She turned off her PADD screen and thought for a moment about what she might want to drink.

Cael was still in his own little world as he strolled in, "What you know about rollin' down in the deep? When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze, When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion, yeah. I feel like an astronaut in the ocean, ayy" He sang quietly to himself as he looked around. Wow, the place was rather busy with people arriving at the ship for prelaunch checks. Something about a busy ship always struck a chord with Cael. He grew up on it but with the past few years of special forces, the ground is where he felt safe. But that is not what destiny had in store for him.

Mika slipped her PADD into her bag with a relaxed motion and, in that moment, decided she wanted a glass of sibten, hot and sweet. She stood from her seat, her bag still on her back, and left the table seemingly empty. The standard issue women's uniform showed much more skin than the mens', so she and many others like her were often cold. A warm drink would help with that issue.

Maz scanned with his Caels eyes and spotted an open table. "Ahh just in luck." he said as he began to make his way over toward the seat. His order could be placed with one of the many slaves working. That was something that still was taking getting used to was slaves. Not his cup of tea but Terran empire seemed like the wise choice to go. He doubted anyone else would take him as serious as they had.

Mika returned through the crowd of people, her hot mug being carried carefully in her hands. Her eyes fell on several people between the replicator and her seat and noticed many of those eyes, particularly the male ones, looking back at her with interest. The only male she took interest in at the moment though was the one who had stolen her table. She paused near the table watching the Trill.

“Oh, uhm… sorry, you must not have known this was my table.” She said, still cradling the hot drink. She kicked herself Internally for apologizing; she was far too polite for the Imperial Fleet. “I mean, that’s okay. You can have it.”

"Oh, this is yours?" Cael said motioning to the seat he was sitting in, "Then I shall relinquish it to its rightful owner." He said as he began to stand, "Fair is fair." As the slave arrived he stole the drink off the serving plater and said, "You may go now." to the slave who promptly departed.

“Oh no, sir. Please, take it. It’s not a problem at all. I can just study…in my quarters.” She said, the idea coming to her through the tension she was feeling. Ever timid by nature, she was the polar opposite of her brother. He was brash and bold, she was subdued and uncertain. He was often cruel and she was sometimes too kind for her own good. She offered a tense smile and then began to turn toward the exit.

"What are you studying?" Cael asked after a few seconds of thought. He had to tread lightly for two reasons, he could feel the eyes on him for one, and for two most people aboard still considered him an outcast despite his contributions to the vessel. But no risk no reward and basically, fuck them for hating him.

Pausing in her departure, she turned her attention back to the Trill man who was also wearing science blues.

"Medicine, sir." she said, still standing behind the chair she had once inhabited. "I'm just finishing my senior year here, it seems...Captain's orders. And you....are you a science officer or do you work in discipline inspection?"

"Science department. Lieutenant Cael Maz." He said in a normal flat tone before taking a drink from his glass. "Medicine, now that is a field I have not touched in centuries beyond the basic triage." He said with a faint hint of a smile darting across his face as he recalled one of Maz's former hosts.

She furrowed her brow, not understanding what he meant. She assumed, therefore, that he was exaggerating about his timetables. "Sir? You used to be a doctor?"

"Once upon a time, yes. Frena Maz was the name then. Way back around something like 1985 or so." Cael said turning his head to show his Trill marks. "Long lifetime." He then motioned toward a table that had opened up nearby that had two free seats. "Care to join me, Miss...?"

“Petrona. Mika Petrona.” She said, confused at what the man was talking about. Part of her held some concern that he wasn’t firing on all cylinders, but she decided this was probably a safe enough place to meet with someone who was questionably weird without coming to harm. “And sure, I can join you for a while, sir.”

"Ahhh an honor." Cael said with a bow before pulling out a seat for her. "Take it you have never met a Trill before?" he asked quietly before moving over toward his seat and taking a nearby slave by the arm, abet gently, "One sweet tea, iced." He said holding back on the 'please' that almost leaked out of his mouth.

Mika used the cup she held to warm her hands, shrugging.

"Of course I've met Trill. Just...there's something different about you." she said, seeming to try to read the man to find out what it was.

"I am a hard nut to crack." Cael offered up. "Why medicine? Why not...I don't know...tactical or weapons specialist?" He said trying to ascertain why anyone does medical in such a harsh universe.

Mika tried to suppress her smile; she was always trying to do that. She didn't want people to see her weakness; her compassion.

"Some people work with weapons and ships, some people work with people." she said, completely avoiding the truth of the question, "if everyone spent their time blowing things up and fighting, who would there be to put people back together again?"

Cael nodded as he took the drink that arrived from the tray and shoed the slave away. "Makes sense to me. Then again, I'm not quite from here, so I am still getting the proverbial feel of the place."

"What do you mean?" Mika asked, quirking a brow. "As an Imperial Officer, you can't be new to the Empire, right?"

"My skills and my knowledge made me invaluable to the Imperial Fleet. I am, as you say, new to the whole thing. Been here just under two years." Cael started taking another drink of his tea. "I come from a different universe." he admitted to her.

Mika looked at the man with a suspicious expression, seeming to think he was playing a joke on her. She frowned, not liking feeling made a fool of.

"Of course you are..." she said, then she looked at the watch on her wrist. "Well, if you'll excuse me, sir, I've really got to get this assignment finished in my quarters."

"See you around." Cael said with a raise of his glass and a smile. He was used to such a reaction. Serves him well for people to think him a loony.


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