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Love Tap

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 5:49am by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Cassiel's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 0630
1792 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure


It had been five days since the retaking of the Lovarr. Five days since his promise to have a conversation with Madeline after she had undermined him in front of Yana Petrova, but more egregiously she had saved Andrei from certain death at the hands of one of the Kazon rebels. Even after all that Andrei had done, she had saved him. It didn’t sit well with him and he wanted answers. He wanted answers days ago but Captain Petrov had decided to have her forgo her normal duties and instead focus completely on bringing the Lovarr to heel which she had done with frankly alarming efficiency and brutality that he would not have thought she had in her to inflict. He wasn’t dwelling on it though and simply wrote it off to the fact she was an officer proving a point to those who had risen up against their Terran masters.

A point that would resound with slaves old and new for quite a long time, he imagined.

Through the grapevine, he had heard Madeline had finally returned to the Vengeance and had headed to her quarters early before his shift so that she couldn’t flee again. It felt like that was what she was doing; she knew he was quite displeased after all. He stopped outside of her quarters and hit the chime.

“Computer, who is outside?” Madeline mumbled from her bed and pulled the blanket up over her head.

”Lieutenant Christoph Ivers.” The computer replied pleasantly.

“Of course it is.” She groaned and pulled the blanket down, sitting up in her bed and rubbing her face. “Come in.” Throwing the sheets back, she paused to take a sip of water and run her fingers through her hair a few times before getting out of bed. She pulled on the silky black robe hanging at the end of her bed and walked out to the main living area where she found Christoph standing with his arms across his chest.

Patience. Focus.

“Good morning, Christoph.” Madeline greeted, giving him a wide berth and looking at him warily.

“Madeline.” He greeted cooly. “It’s time for that talk.”

“Christoph, I’m exhausted.” She protested and placed a hand on her face, rubbing at her cheek.

“I don’t care.” His voice was firm as he moved toward her, his arms remaining over his chest as he stopped close to her, but didn’t invade her personal space yet. “It has been five days. I want to talk to you. Me. You will make time.” He stepped closer, now taking up her space.

Madeline wilted immediately as Christoph stepped up to her, wrapping her arms around herself in a defensive posture. Being tired and still drowsy was a boon to her in this moment, keeping her docile where her anger would have normally flared. “Alright.” Her voice was submissive in its acceptance of his terms.

“I’ve told you things, Madeline. Things that I have told no one else because I trust you.” Christoph began and held his ground in front of her. His eyes were cold, disappointed as he looked down at her. She didn’t meet his gaze. It made him feel powerful. “We promised to have each other’s backs, didn’t we? What does that mean to you, exactly?”

Madeline murmured something which he didn’t hear and he grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look up at him. She was waking up more now and her anger was starting to rouse in her core. “It means we will protect each other.”

“So with that in mind, why in the name of any and all the gods did you save Andrei on the Lovarr? I know it was you. I watched you do it.” He squeezed her chin in his fingers, his anger becoming more pronounced on his face. Madeline reached up and grabbed his wrist to pull his hand away and as she did so, he noticed an unfamiliar ruby ring on her finger. He grabbed her hand and pulled it toward him harshly.

“What is this?” He demanded.

Madeline just looked at the ring for a moment, having forgotten she had put it on before she had “soothed” herself to sleep only a few hours before. She had a decision to make. She could lie, it wouldn’t be that hard, but her curiosity now got the better of her given he was already on edge about Andrei.

“It was a gift.” She pulled her hand from his.

“From who?” Christoph grabbed her by her upper arms. This woman was supposed to be his.

While Madeline was very aware of the likely consequence of what she was about to say, she had to work to keep her face in the reluctant, uncomfortable expression it was currently wearing and not allow it to bloom into a smirk. “Lieutenant Petrov gave it to me in thanks for saving his life on Zapara IV.”

Christoph was silent then, he held her gaze and felt his body going hot with anger and rage, though the bulk of it was not at Madeline. Yes, he was furious with her, but now he could see it. Andrei was manipulating Madeline, trying to draw her away and undoubtedly bed her as he had promised to do on the Lovarr. His jaw worked a moment before he finally spoke. “You stupid little girl.” He half laughed, half growled at her. “Don’t you see what he’s doing? He is trying to turn you against me. You are supposed to have my back, Madeline. Me, not Andrei Petrov. You are mine.” Christoph pulled her against her then, staring down into her eyes imperiously.

“Christoph, please,” Madeline began softly, “it isn’t like that at all. I mean, maybe from him, but not from me. You told me I should try to be better at socializing and Andrei is still extremely popular with the people in our department. You know that.” She placed her hands on his chest to push herself back slightly though he still held her by the arms.

“He and his Kazon dogs nearly killed me, Madeline. Humiliated me. You should have let him die. Both times you should have let him die. For me. How could you be so stupid?” Christoph released her arms and looked disgusted.

Now, a measured amount of anger appeared on Madeline’s face. “Stop calling me stupid, Christoph. I’m not. I’m just trying to do my job and do it well. Andrei is a Terran. We are alone out here in the Delta Quadrant. There are barely even a hundred fifty full blooded Terrans on this ship anymore and in case you forgot, we have a long journey home that many of us won’t see the end of. He didn’t kill you, and your pride being hurt isn’t a valid reason for me to see him dead. Get over yourse-”

The word was cut off and became a startled yelp as pain radiated through her cheek. She stumbled from where she stood though caught herself on the cabinet where she stored her alcohol. The sudden daze wore off quickly and she felt a surge of hate and anger that she immediately shoved back down, instead she called the flash of the memory from the first time she had ever been hit in this manner, and tears sprang to her eyes. Her hand went up to her bloody cheek, her tearful gaze on Christoph as he adjusted the signet ring that had cut into her skin when he had backhanded her.

Christoph looked at Madeline, seeing the shock on her face as the blood rolled down her cheek. He could hear Andrei’s voice in the back of his head threatening to have him killed… and then fuck his “girlfriend”. His eyes moved down her body and he saw her robe was now hanging open. He’d been waiting long enough. He approached her, his expression cold and vacant.

“Christoph?” Madeline questioned, frowning and cowering slightly as he approached her with a disconnected but determined look on his face… a hungry look. She knew that look. She didn’t have time to move as he grabbed the black camisole she was wearing and started to tear it off her body. “Christoph!” She yelled to no avail. Quickly, she shifted her body back and up onto her cabinet, bringing her legs up and forcing them both into Christoph’s chest to knock him away, As he stumbled back and hit the floor, she wore a wild and conflicted expression.

Half of her screamed kill, the other half screamed flee. She gritted her teeth against them both and tried to focus on calm. A rash decision would do her no good.

As Christoph hit the floor, he was suddenly shaken out of the hateful anger that had claimed him. He sat up and shook his head, briefly looking confused and then looked up to see Madeline sitting on her cabinet with her chest bare under her robe and her camisole in his hand. “Gods…” He breathed out, his face dropping in shock and sorrow. “Oh Maddie…” He stood from the floor. “No no no… Maddie, I’m so sorry. Please.” Tears sprang to his eyes as he started to walk toward her. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean it. I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry.” He reached toward her but stopped as she recoiled from him. “Maddie…”

“Get out.” Madeline commanded quietly but firmly.

“I’m sorry. Can we please just ta-”

“GET OUT!” She roared it now which actually made Christoph jump slightly. She watched as he frowned and dropped her camisole to the floor.

“I’m sorry, Madeline.” Christoph said with conviction but turned and left her quarters without argument.

Madeline remained where she was for a long moment and just breathed. That had nearly gone much more poorly than she had anticipated. His temper rivaled Andrei’s. Taking a slow, deep breath she finally slid from the cabinet and moved to pick up the camisole. She stared at the door for a time and then finally went back to her bedroom to tend to her still bleeding face. As she washed her hands, her ruby ring caught her attention and she considered it for a moment then looked past it to the dermal regenerator sitting on her sink. She could have fixed this, but another plan popped into her head.

She returned to her bed to lie down, relax, and breathe.

Very soon.



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