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One More Pass

Posted on Sun Aug 28th, 2022 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Mission Day 9 at 1530
1615 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

The past five days had seen Christoph quite disconnected from himself and his usual easygoing, charming self. He hadn't even gone down to the little pleasure oasis they were currently in orbit over. His thoughts had been consumed by his last encounter with Madeline. He had hit her. He had... he took a deep breath against that particular thread of thought and focused on what was in his hands. He read through the PADD first and a slight smile formed on his face.


Though I am not ready to forgive you for putting your hands on me, I've realized you were right with what you said and I'm sorry. I know you are on night shift tonight, but let's make a plan to talk tomorrow evening after my shift. Maybe we can go down to the resort after. Let me know when might be a good time for you, but for now enjoy this gift. I thought you might like it.


He looked to the simple black box on his desk and opened it. Inside was a sheathed sword which he picked up and inspected. The blade was slightly curved but seemed well balanced, the grip wasn't to his particular taste but he could learn to like it and it would be fine for display either way. He unsheathed it, the blade sharp and glinting in the light. A lovely and thoughtful gift, really. He wondered where she had gotten it, but it didn't remain. He was far too distracted by the fact she wanted to meet again after everything. He sheathed the sword and closed the box, putting the PADD in his pocket as he finally stood to leave the Security Office. He exited the room without really looking where he was going and made his usual turn, though immediately ran right into someone jogging down the hallway. He stumbled back slightly but caught himself and immediately put on a smile.

"Sorry about th-" He stopped as he finally looked at who he had run into and saw none other than Andrei Petrov standing before him. "Hm."

Andrei had been jogging the ship deck by deck as he had been doing daily. Since he was released from Sickbay and had no official billet, he spent his days training and strengthening where he had before filled it with work and play. He was building his body into a machine; what he intended to use it for was a mystery. He was lost in his thoughts as he had often been when he collided with Christoph in the corridor.

He lifted his eyebrows but didn’t greet the other man. He did stop though.

“Christoph. Long time no see.” He said, breathing heavily.

“Andrei.” Christoph nodded though his gaze was wary. He shifted the box he was holding to be under his arm, unbeknownst to him, the box would be familiar to Andrei. “Just running in circles on the deck?”

"Just running in circles on the ship." Andrei answered, his eyes wandering down and noticing the box in Christoph's arm. His gaze lingered there for a few moments as he recognized it instantly as his. When he looked up, he suppressed the look of curious amusement that was creeping onto his face, but not completely. "It's important for an Imperial Soldier to stay at peak physical condition. I've never been stronger or faster in my life."

Christoph noticed the creeping expression and quirked a brow. “Well, that’s good to hear coming from you. Everyone was so very worried the Kazon had broken you.”

"Yes, they were." Andrei said, grinning, his green bionic eye telescoping slightly as he looked over Christoph's heat signature. "I had so many well-wishers I could barely get a moment to myself. A bunch of people you'd never expect came and spent some quality time with me. Isn't that nice?"

Looking at Christoph, Andrei would be able to tell the man was on edge by the slightly warmer than average body temperature he was displaying. "Yeah, sure. Too bad it was because you got your ass handed to you by your own slaves." He scoffed slightly.

"Or maybe it's because they like to ride me like a prize horse." Andrei said, unshaken. He was finding himself again. He wasn't so sensitive anymore. "Do you think it could be that, Christoph? Do you think maybe it's because they like that filled-up feeling?" he stepped toward Christoph and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I had your team to clean up the mess while I was recovering."

Christoph brushed Andrei's hand away. "I heard they aren't the only ones who liked to ride you like a prize horse." He smirked and rolled his shoulders. "Did all your Kazon pets have fun with you? Or just a few of them?"

"Would you like me to beat you to death this time, or shall we just stop at pleasantries?" Andrei said, still quite calm, though his eyes were edging on dangerous. "I've done some terrible...monstrous things lately, and, if I'm to be honest, I'd like to do more."

Something in Andrei's genuine eye changed at that. He wasn't exaggerating. Inside his heart, he wanted to kill again. It was like an itch that he knew would feel so good to scratch.

"You're a wonderful candidate for many reasons. The biggest one is that you don't learn lessons."

"I learn plenty of lessons. Just not from you." Christoph chuckled and shifted the box under his arm a bit. "I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?"

"I have learned to take slaves more seriously." Andrei said, looking at the man closely. "You, however, are a worm. I know it and so do you. I think Maddie knows it too, if you don't mind me saying."

“I do, actually. Not that you care. Stay away from her, Andrei. I know you’ve been trying to get her on your side by preying on her social insecurities. That’s low even for you.” Christoph noted and shook his head.

Andrei laughed then, not being able to stop it. It was a deep laugh, low and mirthful, and then it grew higher and went on for the better part of twenty seconds, followed by a series of chuckles that would overlap Christoph's next sentence.

“Right, right. I forgot. Nothing is too low for Andrei Petrov.” Christoph rolled his eyes as Andrei laughed. “It’s not going to work though. She’s mine. Too bad for you.”

"No no, Christoph. It's a joke." Andrei said, his air still wavering as he recovered from the laughter. "You don't get it, I know. You never will really; the punchline will come too late for you to really hear it. But, I assure you. It's very very funny."

Andrei stretched his neck then for a few seconds and took a deep breath, seeming calm and collected; unbothered by Christoph's jabs.

"Have you had sex with her yet?" Andrei said. "I mean, she's got to be an amazing lay to have you wrapped around her finger like this."

Andrei was mocking him in part, but in reality he was probing for information. Madeline had told him she hadn't, but he wanted to make sure.

"Wrapped around her finger? You think I'd allow that?" Now he was getting angry and Andrei's right eye could see it, unknown to Christoph. "Its really none of your business who I sleep with. You'll just have to keep dreaming of what's between my Maddie's long legs."

"Oh my Gods, you haven't touched her, have you? She hasn't even let you!" Andrei asked, laughing again before he received an answer. Then he shook his head and backed up, starting to leave. "You are pathetic, Christoph. I should have taught you more when you were licking my boots."

"She has a beauty mark right here." He replied and tapped at the side of his chest where Maddie's breast would be. "Shaped like a tiny heart. It's actually quite cute."

"Yes, that's true." Andrei said, smiling still. "And a nice neat trim...down there." Andrei shrugged then. "But hey, maybe that's just a guess."

"A wrong guess." Christoph replied with feigned confidence as Andrei backed away. "Keep dreaming, Andrei. I'm sure you'll piece together something passable in that little mind of yours. I'll enjoy the real thing."

Andrei didn't respond, but instead started into a jog again. In the next few seconds he was gone, leaving Christoph with his own thoughts.

Christoph watched Andrei jog off with a fury and deep hatred in his eyes. He was going to have to find a way to get rid of him. Captain’s son or not, he was dangerous not only to Christoph and Madeline, but to everyone else on the ship. People like Andrei Petrov were at their best when they were cold in the ground. His hand clenched hard around the box and it gave a creak of protest. What troubled him was how he had known about that mark on Maddie’s body. Had he… forced her to do something? She wouldn’t have willingly shown him. He hit the bulkhead with his fist and let out a growl. He would have to see if he could coax Maddie into talking to him about it. She likely wasn’t saying anything given Andrei’s position as the son of the captain. Andrei had enough enemies that his loss wouldn’t be unpopular.

Madeline would surely help him. After everything. She had said he was right after all. His jaw set with his decision.

He was going to kill Andrei Petrov.


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