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Horsing Around

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2022 @ 5:33pm by Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:30pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China - Imperial mansion
Timeline: Date 2371-06-18 at 0930
770 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

“Horsing Around?”

The next morning, Maria left her post with a pile of PADDs and made a show of walking down the stairs with them to be delivered. It sent Gloria into overdrive and she stalked after the Aide.

Then the door behind Reece opened and Elana came out in jeans and a button down shirt.

Kyle turned slightly, taking a look at the Princess. While he knew she was beautiful, seeing her in more common clothing made her seem even more attractive in his mind. "You have about ten minutes to get out of the house and to the stables, m'Lady. One of my men is already there. The area is secure and safe for you to enjoy yourself. When you are ready to return, please let the guard with you there know, and we will get things set for your return trip."

“Thank you Captain Reece.” Elana said as she carried a pair of boots. “Backstairs it is” And she darted off down the hall to the servant stairs.

Kyle watched after her, his eyes moving to her firm bottom, before he caught himself and shook his head.

He took a moment, then composed himself and resumed his post, as if nothing had happened.

Just before the time limit was up, Maria walked briskly back up the stairs a smirk on her lips.

Seeing his partner in crime, Kyle gave her a quick nod, signalling that all was going according to plan. Now came the fun part, if that was a thing….dealing with the witch all day.

From below the sound of angry feet came. “Oh oh” Maria smirked “Do you think she found out the PADDS were children’s drawings from Her Highness’s orphanage?”

"Sounds like it," he replied, a slight smirk crossed his face, before fading when he became all business, hardening his eyes.

Gloria all but steamed up the stairs and walked up to Maria and began yelling “HOW DARE YOU WASTE THE EMPIRES TIME WITH SENDING CHILDISH DRAWINGS TO PEOPLE!”

Maria rolled her eyes. “They were from children at the orphanage to the donors the Princess organised,”

“STUPID GIRL THEY DON’T WANT SUCH THINGS!” Gloria snarled. “You are going to be sent packing so I suggest you prepare yourself! I am contacting the head of the Imperial household staff and You will be gone by days end you stupid girl!”

Maria sighed and stood. “Yes, yes so you say and yet, I am still here.”

Gloria raised a hand and struck Maria across the face “You will address me with the respect due my title. You are a commoner without a family.”

Maria merely raised her chin. “Yes I know, yet I am still here.”

"Her Highness has already warned you about attempting to harm her personal aide," his voice was low and full of warning. "If you do not wish this incident to be reported to Her Highness, after she comes out of her suite, I highly suggest that you find something to do elsewhere. Now."

Gloria sneered at him. “And I will be getting you replaced as well.” She spun on her heel and stalked off.

Maria sighed and sat down. “What a bitch”

Kyle nodded slowly as he watched the horrible woman storm away. "I'm not worried about her," he said as he glanced over to Maria. "You're protected by the Princess, I'm protected by something even more dangerous."

"Well i will protect the Princess as best I can as well." Maria said.

"As will I," Kyle replied honestly. "With my life, if needed."

"Hopefully that will not be needed." Maria said softly. "Is she safe?"

Kyle nodded and looked over at the young woman. "She is. She's brushing her horse right now."

Maria nodded and said “Should be fine for a few hours.”

"Yup. So long as the witch stays away," Kyle replied quietly.

Hours later Elana returned to her suite of rooms, looking like she had spent the day mucking out stalls. Which she had. She looked happy and flushed with fresh air.

Kyle's eyes brightened when he saw her return. Quickly he ushered both Elana and Maria into the Princess’s suite, then closed the door, as he heard the unmistakable approach of that horrid woman.

Gloria had thought she had spotted the Princess wandering the gardens. She crested the stairs and stared down the hall towards him. “Where is she?” she snapped.

As he did not answer to her in the slightest, Kyle rained silent, staring right back at her, unphased by her attitude.

Gloria snarled and stalked off in the opposite direction.



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