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Check up

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2022 @ 2:07pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 1400
1005 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


Having collected John, Callie made her way to Sickbay for a check up for them both. As she entered she checked in with one of the nurses who came to greet her, taking a seat on a nearby biobed with her son next to her.

"Ah, Lieutenant Marshall."

Daniel walked up with a PADD he was reading to update himself on the current appointment.

"And, John as well, fantastic."

The PADD clattered to the top of his work station as he picked up a medical tricorder and pulled the probe piece off the top. Strangely it did not make any noise when he flipped it open but did not seem to be bothered by the fact.

"Who is first?"

Callie smiled as she greeted Daniel. “Feel free to do John first, I’m happy to wait.” She held up her fingers smiling as she watched her son as he gazed intently at her fingers as she wiggled them.

With a nod, Daniel moved the probe over the child and occasionally hit buttons to change settings and then continuing.

"Anything to add on current wellbeing? Difficulties sleeping, irritable digestion, that type of thing?"

Nothing too surprising for the child on cursory scans so he then switched out for a bone structure scanner and scanned some more. The child had some peculiarities for certain, given their gestation, but nothing particularly surprising given that information. He took some blood from the child and set it into a device to start processing the medication and additional supplements to make sure it worked as easily on them as possible.

Callie shook her head. “No, not really. He sleeps well, feeds very well. I’m trying to breastfeed but it’s not always proving easy. I will persevere though.”

With a nod and then the chime of the machine, Daniel turned away from the woman to retrieve the new cartridge and loaded the hypo. Being so small, he injected multiple times in several locations over the child's body and then gathered the tricorder once more to confirm the medicine was being accepted even if it would take some time to process through to the whole body.

"So, how are you settling in on the Rynall?" Attempting to make conversation to distract from the fact that he was now passing the tricorder probe over Callie herself.

“Pretty well actually” Callie offered a smile. “The Kazon certainly believe in luxury when it comes to the Captain’s Quarters. Just needs one or two tweaks here and there.” She wiggled her fingers entertaining her son. “Was there a problem with John? all those hypos you gave him?” She looked at Daniel worriedly.

"Nothing more than I would expect considering what you went through while carrying him. I simply needed to spread the injections so as not to overload his system in one area and make it easier. Pardon my assumptions, but you seem like your energy would be taxed even further if you had to deal with him fussing all night." Daniel frowned at the tricorder as it indicated a dangerously low white blood cell count as well as electrolytes. "You, on the other hand, are trying to recover yourself and tend to the child and it is pushing you too hard. I would strongly suggest using baby formula thirteen from the replicator for the time being."

A few commands into the hypo canister machine and then he loaded up the hypo and injected Callie under her jaw. It was primarily a gentle stimulant as well as a booster to help with her healing and alleviate some of the burden from her own body.

Callie nodded. “To be honest, I’ve been struggling trying to breastfeed anyway. I think it’d be best for John having bottle feeds, at least then I know he’s getting enough nutrition.” She smiled warmly. “Can I ask...will I still be able to have more children? Given the damage from the phage, and surgery I wasn’t sure.”

Daniel half frowned at the question and tilted his head as he looked between her and the tricorder readings. "I'll be perfect honest...I do not know at this point. I see no damage to your ovaries and eggs that would make them incapable. However, your blood work and overall physical recovery are still too far from baseline for me to say. I'd want to give your recovery another month or two before I gave you any more definitive answer than that."

Callie nodded. “I understand, I’m sorry if that was an awkward question.” She offered a warm smile. “You know what they say about therapists being the worse patients! That’s me all over. Before the Ocampa, I was only two months pregnant, next thing I know I’m six months and then the phage! It’s all been crazy!”

"Awkward?" Daniel shook his head. "Who else would you ask besides your doctor?" He returned the smile and then closed up his instruments. "For now though we are all done here. Make sure to schedule a follow up with a crewman on your way out. Unless you had any other questions?

Callie shook her head. “No more questions, thank you Doctor.” She smiled warmly as she stepped down off the biobed and gently lifted John up off it as well. “I appreciate you being honest with me.”

"That is what I'm here for. It is less pleasant if the news is negative though." Daniel motioned away from the bio bed and gave a smile. "I will see you in a few weeks then, unless something comes up."

Callie nodded. “A few weeks it ism hopefully nothing will come up between now and then.” With that she gave a polite nod and headed on her way.

Daniel turned and made his way to his office. There were projects to work on that he was anxious to get through before the end of his shift and there wasn't much time left of it at that.



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