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Skål II

Posted on Sat Aug 27th, 2022 @ 12:02am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sat Aug 27th, 2022 @ 12:02am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Cassiel's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 0340
2884 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure


She made herself comfortable again and relaxed as best she knew how to. She paid attention to how he moved his hands on her body and the attention that he paid to her. She quite enjoyed it. When he hit a particularly knotted area just below her shoulder blades, she drew in a sharp hiss of a breath and her body tensed. Andrei would be able to see with his right eye that the tension was of someone immediately ready to fight or lash out because of the pain, not flinch away or run scared. Madeline took a deep breath and put her head back down again.

“You can put on music or something if you’d like.” She offered, not really caring either way but found herself genuinely curious as to what he might pick.

“Computer, play Rachmaninov Symphony number 2, movement three. Thirty percent volume.” He ordered, and they were both treated to a climbing melody of strings that launched and flew with a most sublime grace and feeling. He closed his eyes, distracted, moving his fingers along her back for several seconds before he returned to the massage. He worked the area around where she had experienced pain to soften those muscles before going back, much more gently.

A slight smirk tugged at her lips at his choice and she relaxed further. She was exercising that strange and implicit trust they seemed to share by putting herself in this position before him. “I enjoy Rachmaninov too.” Madeline had noticed the way his fingers had drifted over her skin when the song began, it felt nice, but also almost distracted.

“Do you play music, Andrei?” She questioned though was already quite certain she knew the answer. Antonius’ taste for music and the arts was widely known and therefore the intelligent noble families made sure that their children could do something in that vein at least passably well.

"I dabble." he said, speaking with uncommon modesty. The truth was he was quite good and had won several awards as an adolescent, but bragging about such things never came off well. It was better to show. Always better to show. "I sing and play the strings; particularly violin. Was in the National Russian Philharmonic in grade school. Not sure how much of that had to do with me being the Lord's son."

Truth be told, he wasn't sure how much any of his successes had to do with being the Lord's son. That's what made him so irritated with his father. Like any heir, he knew the man had to die for him to come into his own.

He moved his hands down her back, massaging her back and waist. Many of the holds here were particularly intimate, but he didn't shy away, being sure to use both hands. Many people, especially women, found the grabbing from the waist and hips distracting. He smiled, not terribly worried about it.

"How about you?"

“Not for years.” Madeline replied evenly and remained focused in the moment but not to the expense of her enjoyment. His hands did feel wonderful. “I used to play piano decently enough, I suppose, but then I was… encouraged to spend my time on more useful pastimes.”

"Usefulness is a matter of context." he said, with a subtle lilt which matched the movement of the music. He moved his hands down to her left thigh next. Oiling the surface of her skin gently and then grabbing hold of it with both hands and working the muscles of her leg, front and back, with all of his strong fingers. "Battle tactics have little use in questions of love. And the ability to play the piano is more useful in a concert than the ability to massage competently. I like to find all people useful in their season. At least that's how I was raised."

As he massaged up her leg, he came to the part of her inner thigh closest to her womanhood and moved more slowly there, focusing on the area. His motion moved her left buttock, making it jiggle slightly, a show he watched with great interest. The right index finger moved against the skin on the outside of her labia.

"Oh, Mad Maddie. I've found where you hold all your tension." he said, grinning, and then he moved to repeat his process on the other leg, starting at the bottom.

Madeline was content to listen to his voice projected above her as he continued to work down her body. He was right, of course, but when it pertained specifically to her he was speaking with only a small part of her picture in mind which she knew was her own doing. Her mind started to wander but she was yanked back into the moment as she felt his finger tracing the outer lips of her sex through her shorts. Instantly it had an effect and he could see warmth starting to blossom between her legs and working up into her core.

“Well, that I’m not surprised by.” She noted with a chuckle, not dissuading his touch at this point.

"I learned this particular trick at the Academy." he said with some interest. "While others were studying for their stellar cartography midterms, a very nice employee at the academy gym taught me all their tricks. They said I was a quick study." he said, watching the warmth with his bionic eye. There was something extremely arousing for him about being able to see it work. When he made his way to the top of her other leg, he lingered in the same spot on the other side, as much for her pleasure as to slate his curiosity about how warmth things could get through the insulation of her thin shorts.

“I’m sure you were.” Amusement was in her voice though it ended in a soft sigh as his hand lingered. That warmth continued to radiate out into her body and settle into the areas on her body that she would likely find the most pleasure in being touched on. His eye offered him a simple road map to her body. The heat didn’t continue to grow though, seeming to level off in the moment as his hand simply lingered.

He noticed a warming around her neck, a flushing of her cheeks, and increased blood flow to the ears. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder gently, moving into` her neck. He lingered there for a while, his hardness against her side by her arm, and then he moved up to her ear which he nibbled and then licked the outside of shamelessly.

His right hand found her sex oh so subtly, but he didn't apply any pressure besides the most gentle movements about her lips.

"You know that incrementalism increases anticipation." he said, grinning, in her ear. "So, would you like me to finish the massage?"

If for even a moment Madeline thought he would be capable of finishing her without taking any for himself, she might have accepted, but she didn’t trust that. When he had started to tease her body again, the warmth inside of her became true heat. From a purely physical standpoint, she wanted him. It was written there plainly for Andrei to see. Despite her body’s insistence and desire, Madeline just gave another chuckle and shifted so she could look back at him. “Behave, Andrei.” She said with good humor in her voice.

"I'm innocent as a dove." he said, and finished by massaging muscles in her neck gently. When was done, he walked over and ordered another hot towel, draping it over her back. Any warmth he saw in her body was now completely obscured in a brighter sea of heat. "Drink plenty of water."

“Hm, yes I am quite thirsty.” She said in a tone that made it very obvious it was less about the water. Madeline relaxed under his hands, seeming to be quite satisfied with his efforts on her. She finally moved her arms, bringing them up and folding them under her head so she could rest on them. “I wonder what other hidden talents Andrei Petrov has.”

"You must discover them one at a time." Andrei said, sitting down next to her face on the floor. "And at the right time."

“Timing is key.” Madeline replied and looked into his eyes, holding his gaze. She knew what was owed, but she didn’t speak yet. No, she was just content to look at him and explore what she could see there. He did have such lovely eyes, even the new one. She allowed the silence to sit there and build to a mild tension before she smirked a small wicked expression.

“Do you really think I’m the daughter of a merchant?” She offered him his hint, still looking into his eyes as she wanted to watch him process that.

"No, you have the killer instinct. And I'm not just talking the sadism." he said, leaning in slightly with interest. "You wear a common mask. But underneath have a lady's bite. A lady's comfort. Like you were born into more than money."

“But who am I?” She posed the question in his mind for him, shifting her face slightly closer to his and holding his gaze. “If I told you that you can find out in… mmm… three days, would that make you happy?”

"You're someone who cannot be who you really are. An enemy of the Crown, perhaps? As for my happiness, it depends on what happens in three days." he said with a similar intensity. "What happens in three days?"

“It’s a surprise.” Madeline managed somehow to keep her expression from blooming in even further amusement and interest as she watched his mind work. It was a lovely thing.

"Is it a surprise I get to be a part of, or a surprise I have to wait for?" he asked, leaning in and stealing a kiss. He wanted all of her surprises.

Madeline returned his kiss and touched her fingertips to his cheek. “You can be a part of it, but you’ll have to do something you might not like to do.”

"Hmm.." he said, wondering. "What might that be?"

"You'll have to let me lead and come when you are called." It was on paper a very simple demand, but she would have been surprised if it was so simple to Andrei. It demanded trust.

"I can do that." he said with a look of certainty, his teeth now showing in a smile. "I take orders happily sometimes... from some people...once a year."

"And it's not even my birthday." Madeline laughed softly and leaned in close to kiss him again. when she broke it, her lips lingered against his for a moment longer. "I promise it will be worth it."

"I believe you." Andrei said, wanting more than a kiss.

Her lips moved to his forehead and she gave him a surprisingly tender kiss there, again lingering a moment before pulling back. With a smile, she picked up his glass of vodka and offered it to him then picked up her own once he had taken it. She slid an arm around his shoulders while he sat on the floor to simply hold him and have physical contact while she remained chest down on the couch. The steady rise and fall of the music didn't leave them in complete silence, but even if it had, it was comfortable at least to Madeline.

"Let him be the father he wants to be to you." She advised quietly after a few moments.

Andrei considered it, bringing the glass to his lips again.

“Maybe he’ll give me his ship, huh?” He asked, shrugging. “And he can retire to VIP quarters.”

"You never know, Andrei." She replied, her fingers brushing against his arm idly. "A guilty conscience will only supply so much... a loving father much more."

“Maybe you're right.” He said. “Otherwise he might end up making me Chief of Security.” He responded, raising an eyebrow, watching the contour of her back and her attractive bottom rising into the air under the tight shorts.

“I’d really rather you not take my job.” She smiled and kissed the side of his neck after taking a sip of her alcohol. The residue left a cool, tingling sensation on his neck.

“Well, maybe we’ll have to wrestle for it.” He said, making light and enjoying the feeling of just being near her. The subject matter was serious though. He had no idea where he was supposed to go. “Want to have a practice round?”

She laughed at that, shaking her head and smiling genuinely. “I think you just want an excuse to pin me down under you.” Andrei would win, they both knew it. Not that Maddie would go down easily, but Andrei had the size and weight on her and she would bet money on more grappling training.

“I’ve been studying martial art forms. Right now my focus is on Sambo, so my takedowns are getting downright impressive. I am going to need you to teach me how to throw a spear though, if you don’t mind.” He said, his words sounding more like an insistence than a question of a favor. That was Andrei. He looked at her again, his eyes lingering on her lightly tanned breasts where they were pressed underneath her, leaving only the shape of the mounds to draw his eyes. He looked for a while, not taking the time to be polite, and spoke as he did so. Since he was only wearing underwear himself, his persistent member jutted out and to the left under the fabric as if someone had stuck a banana down there for a joke. It sat there awkwardly, jumping at random intervals like a predator trying to scare its prey. His eyes drifted to hers. “Three days is a long time.”

“It will fly by.” Madeline assured him, an amused smile playing on her lips. He couldn’t be sure if she had just been watching him the whole time as he had been looking at her or if she had just been the one to bring her eyes back up first. “I’ll teach you to throw a spear if you teach me sword techniques… or sambo.” Her smile quirked into a smirk.

"Why not both, love?" he asked, and grabbed a lock of her hair, playing with it. "You've got a deal."

Madeline’s hair was quite soft as it slid in his fingers; shiny, healthy, thick - obviously she took care of her hair and it may have even been a point of pride for her. She smiled at Andrei and turned to kiss his wrist in an intimate fashion. The tip of her tongue traced along the vein in the middle and then she finally pulled back. “Then a deal it is, darling.”

"You enjoy my pain, don't you?" he asked, getting up on his knees. His manhood now pressed against the couch where he lay, though he wasn't paying attention to that. "Are you planning on finding a way to delay a few more weeks to see if you can make me cry?"

“I’d never enjoy your pain, Andrei.” While he had been joking, she gave him a serious answer and looked into his eyes. From all his right eye could see, her words were honest. “Three days. I promise.” Leaning in, she kissed him again, but this time lifted her torso a bit more to reveal more of the shape of her breasts without exposing them completely.

He chose to believe her, though he wasn't sure how much he could keep up with the patient-boy routine. It was becoming exhausting. He understood what was at stake though, so he simply smiled. The grin was a bit tense, but certainly not hostile. He kissed her back, but it was restrained. He stood up then, finished off his glass, and turned back to her, the comical tent in his underwear swinging back and forth as he turned.

"As you can see, I am in need of some physical activity." he said, looking down at her now, his grin more genuine. "Unless you want to stay up all night with me wrestling in bed or trading sword blows, I really must be going." he said in a smooth voice. He had noticed the movement of her breasts; a step beyond what he could take before he became quite forceful.

Madeline thought about getting up, but decided she had pressed enough and simply gave him a smile as she lay back down on the couch. “Lovely to see you as always, Andrei.” She gave him his farewell with a smile, her dark eyes full of promise. Just three more days.

Andrei responded with a smile, happier than when he'd come, and quickly pulled on his pants, shoes, and gray shirt. Then he went for the door, stealing one more glance at her almost completely naked form. He made a note to himself to see what headway had been made in research on time travel.



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