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Her Name Was Valaya

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:43pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 16 at 1700
3609 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Valaya was excited by the prospects of the coming evening. She had made sure that room service had left her suite spotless and that they had delivered extra towels and robes just in case. She didn't know where the evening was going to take her and the lovely Alxander and his friend Lena who she only hoped was as attractive as he had been. She had made herself look quite nice, she thought, putting on a long flowing dress that could easily be removed or maneuvered as needed. Her hair was down but pulled back from her attractive face. She had a tie around her wrist in case it needed to go back more. Wine was poured and waiting and soft, Vidiian string music filled the air as she sipped her own glass of wine and waited. She had never done anything quite like this before, but why not take the opportunity while she was here?

Back in Andrei’s room, he stood with a royal blue button up and a pair of black pants. He smelled wonderful, having sprinkled cologne he thought Valaya would like on. He was eager to get started, but was instead standing in the bedroom outside the bathroom tapping his food. He lifted his fist and banged on the door several times.

“Are you quite ready?” He asked, impatient and a bit surly.

"You have a mother and sister, you know it doesn't work like that!" Lyra called out in response as she finished fixing her hair and smoothed out her dress. She looked at herself in the mirror, it hugged every curve and for the first time in a long time, she actually looked like the station of her bloodline. She had styled her hair down and over her shoulder, not really having to mess with it too much thanks to the natural wave it had. Her make up was dark but tasteful, focusing on her lips and eyes and not caking anything on. The dress though, the dress she had let Andrei pick. It was a floor length blood red lace gown. The neckline was tasteful and modest, showing no cleavage, but the back scooped low. The slit in the side so she could walk was quite high on her thigh, but it wasn't dangerously so. Onto her finger she slid his ruby ring and finished with simple silver chains dangling from her pierced ears.

Finally, she opened the door and stepped out. "So impatient, darling."

Andrei’s eyes went up. If she had ever been to court as an adult and had looked like this, he would have made a beeline straight for her.

“So now is the part where I rip that dress off of your body, right?” He asked, looking her up and down hungrily.

"Later." She promised. "I'll have to stop by my room for a change of clothes." Pausing, she smirked at him and drew closer as if she were going to kiss him. "Though I'm starting to think I should just abandon my room and move everything here for the amount you like to strip me down naked and have fun with me."

“It would cut out the middle man.” He said with a grin. “But I warn you, I might start to get possessive.”

"Start, hm?" She challenged with a smirk, finally leaning up to kiss him. "If it is something you'd like, then I would be willing, but I won't invite myself."

“Then I, Andrei Petrov, rightful lord of everything, hereby invite you to pack up and move in my hotel because you’re here all the time anyway.” He said with a chuckle, kissing her and then turning to pick up his suit jacket.

“I really am.” She chuckled and curtsied. “Why thank you gracious lord of everything. I accept.” She watched him slide into his jacket and stepped up to smooth out and straighten the front for him. It was a small, intimate gesture, but one she did gladly. “You look quite nice. Maybe I won’t even cut you out of this suit later.”

“It’s difficult to find a good tailor in the Delta, Love.” He said, kissing her and then clearing his throat. “Now, are you ready or do you need to spend another hour in the bathroom curling your pubic hair or whatever it is you do?”

“Gods you are weird. I didn’t even take that long and we are going to be perfectly on time for your date.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Briefly and elegantly taking a seat, she slid on her strappy silver heels and grabbed the clutch which she had consolidated all of her tools into and stood again. She really did look quite regal, a strange contrast given what they were about to go and do… for the second time today.

"Yes yes, let's go." he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her a bit to get her on her feet. He smiled brightly, clearly joking. "Before I change my mind and have my way with you here."

Shaking her head, she stood and walked out of the room with him. With her heels on, she was nearly as tall as he was and walked step for step with him by his side. Despite living out of proper noble life, she carried herself with the ease, grace, and presence worthy of her name. They stepped into the lift and she ran her fingers up and down his arm slowly. “Are you looking forward to this?” She asked curiously.

"Eh." he said with a shrug. "I feel powerful. I see you smile. All in a good day's work."

“Mm…” She hummed an acknowledgment to that, though she did consider it for a moment. Something to be spoken of after. They were committed now. “I do enjoy it when you feel and look powerful.” She said and squeezed his hand as they stepped off the floor where Valaya’s room was located. “Makes me want to tear you out of that suit and have my way with you.”

"Madam, how dare you?" he asked in feigned shock as they closed in on the door. "I'm far too respectable."

He wrapped on the door politely three times and then stood, adopting that charming grin he wore so well.

"Sure you are." Lyra said, now shifting to stand behind Andrei and out of sight, though she took the opportunity to pinch his rear while he stood in front of her.

Inside, Valaya jumped slightly at the knock. Smoothing her hair and dress again, she finished and quickly poured herself another glass of wine then hastened to the door. She took a deep breath and opened it, her eyes level with Andrei's broad chest and then moving upward slowly. She blushed. "O-oh my. You look very handsome."

“And you look very beautiful.” Andrei said, stepping aside. “May I introduce my friend, Lena.”

He opened his hand to accept Lyra’s and brought her out as though she was on display.

Lyra placed her hand daintily into Andrei's like a lady of the court and stepped from around him with a subtle flourish. She put on a charming smile of her own and gave a slight curtsy for flair. "Hello, you must be Valaya. Alexander told me about you and I just couldn't resist coming to see such a beauty with my own eyes."

Valaya's face went bright red as she looked between the two gorgeous creatures in front of her. Her muddy brown eyes shifted back and forth and she swallowed. What god had bestowed such favor on her so suddenly? She hadn't lived an especially honest or good life, but she wasn't the worst woman in the world. These two though... they could fetch quite a nice sum in certain areas of employment. She wondered if they were interested. Her eyes ran over Andrei and then over Lyra, lingering there a little longer since she had seen the other woman less.

"You two are both... so beautiful." She said and reached out to touch Lyra's hair. "Such lovely hair." Her fingers slid down over Lyra's covered chest, bold in their touch. "Such lovely assets."

“Wait until you see the secret ones.” Andrei said, amused. “A private viewing would require you to invite us inside, however.”

“Oh! Oh of course. Please. I’m so sorry I was ah… distracted.” She took a few steps backward, looked to the two magnificent creatures before her, then turned to pick up the wine glasses she had poured for her guests. “Here. Do you two like wine?”

“Thank you.” Lyra purred out, her expression lusty but her body completely serene. As she took the wine glass, she brushed her fingers against Valaya’s and smirked as she watched the woman squirm.

“We’ve been looking forward to tonight all evening. I know it will be an exciting one for you.” Andrei said, taking the wine glass he was offered and sipping it. “I hope you’re sufficiently hydrated.”

“Hydrated? Ah… I’m sure I am?” Valaya questioned and looked up to Andrei, though was momentarily distracted by Lyra circling around her.

“You weren’t exaggerating when you said she was beautiful.” Lyra said and slid her fingers through Valaya’s red hair, touching the nape of the woman’s neck which got a visible reaction from the Vidiian woman. She smirked slightly. This was going to be quite entertaining.

“Th-thank you.” Valaya replied nervously, looking to Lyra and then back to Andrei. “So do you two… um… ever… are you two ever together just yourselves? Or just with others?”

“Questions questions, Valaya.” Andrei said, stepping up to her and leaning into her, kissing the map of her neck and then moving his mouth up to her ear. He spoke between nibbles. “Do you want to quiz us, or do you want to slip out of that dress; show us what we came to enjoy?”

His hand that wasn’t holding the wine glass found her bottom confidently and he gave a squeeze. He was leaning in, closing his eyes, and pretending she was Terran with all his light. Otherwise he might not be able to touch her and keep his dinner.

Lyra watched Andrei and took a sip of her wine, watching the exchange a moment without feeling threatened. There was no need. She put the wine down and reached out to grab hold of the zipper on Valaya’s dress, lowering it before the Vidiian even had a chance to answer either way. She brushed it down to expose the woman and ran a hand down Valaya’s bare back. “How lovely.”

Valaya blushed furiously, now sandwiched between the two Terrans with no idea what awaited her.

Andrei’s free hand met Lyra’s and he clasped it there for a while. The poor woman had no idea what she was up against. Then he turned, drank the wine down quickly, and sat it down on the nearest table.

“Now, my turn.” He said, and removed his suit jacket, casting it to the ground. Next he unbuttoned his shirt and threw that down as well, leaving him with pants and shoes but no top.

Lyra had held Andrei’s hand without protest, offering him something to ground himself. She had seen him in the market and was frankly surprised at the amount of touching he was doing with this woman. It was impressive that he could make himself focus so quickly after the Lovarr. Both women watched Andrei strip down. Valaya wore a look of lusty curiosity and trepidation while Lyra had an intense, knowing look of interest. Watching a man work his way out of a suit was a beautiful thing. Her attention was caught rather quickly by Valaya reaching a hand out to touch Andrei. Lyra caught the woman by the wrist and pulled her back against her body, whispering into her ear.

“What about me?” She asked the woman, her voice low and seductive as she spoke into Valaya’s ear.

“Oh…” Valaya let out something between a soft whimper and moan as Lyra handled her, her eyes went wide as she was spun around and ended up behind the tall woman, leaving Lyra in the middle as a buffer between Valaya and Andrei, though Valaya didn’t see this for what it was. Instead she reached up and unzipped Lyra’s dress just above her hips since the back was open. Reaching up, she slid the straps off Lyra’s shoulders and once Lyra had done her part in getting her arms out, the lacy red dress pooled on the floor around her feet leaving her in nothing but a pair of red lacy panties. “Oh heavens you are both so beautiful.” She began to run her hands up and down Lyra’s back slowly.

“Are you two… looking for work? In my business you could both earn so much money.”

Andrei recognized Lyra’s actions for what they were and smirked. She was protecting him from alien touch, probably motivated by a desire to make him comfortable and perhaps some desire he might not be touched by any woman at all. He smirked, stepping forward. Valaya’s offer getting the best of his curiosity. He stood next to Lyra, unbuttoning his pants slowly. As they fell to the floor, an outline of his manhood could be seen clearly in the rather tight briefs hanging sideways, straining the red fabric selected to match Lyra’s. He put his arm around Lyra, pulling her to his side, his fingers splaying across her belly.

“What line of work is that?” He asked, an eyebrow raised, his face unreadable.

Lyra leaned into Andrei, her free hand resting on his back and moving up and down his spine slowly. While his expression was unreadable, she allowed herself once of mild amusement as she finished her wine and set the glass down with the others.

“I work on procuring new blood for several of the most prestigious pleasure houses on Vidiia Prime.” Valaya replied and reached out to touch Lyra’s breast, her thumb pressing and rubbing at the younger woman’s nipple. Obviously she was slipping into some sort of business mode. “You would make… a lot of money.” She paused and looked up to Andrei. “So would you of course. Women are just more popular. I’m sure you, as a man, understand.”

“You can’t be serious.” Andrei said, his face morphing to match the genuine disgust he’d felt all along. “You really think we would do such work for a people like yours, or for anything for that matter?”

His face started to contort into an angry expression. He had released Lyra.

“I should have your tongue out for even thinking that, you disgusting little creature!”

"It was just a thought, if you aren't interested it-" Valaya began, completely distracted by Lyra's body until the mention of cutting out her tongue came up. She frowned and looked up to Andrei. "Dear Alxander, I did not mean to offend." Upon seeing the dark anger on Andrei's face, her frown became one of concern. "Ah I'm afraid I ruined the moment, then; perhaps it is best you leave with my apologies." She tried to smile and back away from Andrei, but bumped right into Lyra who immediately grabbed the woman by the wrists.

"Oh dear." Lyra chuckled darkly, bending to speak into Valaya's ear while her eyes cast upward to look at Andrei and the expression on his face. "I do believe you might be in trouble."

"Let me go!" Valaya demanded, struggling against Lyra's grip to no avail.

Andrei walked up and grabbed her by the jaw with his hand; hard. Hate was in his eyes.

"A Terran does not kneel or scrape before the scum of the universe. We would sooner lay waste to your entire civilization than to bed even one of you."

Lyra's eyes began to fill with a sadistic delight as she simply held Valaya, not letting her escape, but also not interfering with Andrei in whatever he wanted to do. She simply continued to look up at him, her eyes urging him. Kill her. Show her the might of the Terran.

Valaya tried to pull her face from Andrei's grip, tears filling her eyes. She tried to warble out another apology but couldn't really get anything coherent out.

Andrei rolled his eyes, the anger softening to a strong irritation. Then he released her jaw and stepped back, offering a small smile. A fake one.

"I forgive you." he said with false warmness. "Yet still, today is the day you die. Not because of who you are or what you said but...just because you're very unlucky."

"Please, I don't want to die! Let me go! I'll do anything! I won't tell a soul!" Valaya begged, falling to her knees in front of Andrei while Lyra still held her by the wrists. She was desperate, this was not what she had planned at all. The work could be dangerous, but not this dangerous. "I can give you money!"

Lyra had looked away from Andrei and instead down to the top of Valaya's head. Her expression was cool, but otherwise unreadable. He had lost his nerve and she wouldn't deny that it was disappointing. Still, she supposed this wasn't for everyone in the end. Perhaps this would be the first and last time they would engage in such a thing, but at least it had been an experience. An educational one at that.

"Oh calm down, Valaya, it's not so bad." he said, smiling and stepping toward her. "The begging is gratifying but, isn't it a bit pathetic?"

He placed his hands on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes, a devilish smile crossing his face.

"It will all be over soon." he said, and then he grasped her neck with both hands. It was quick and already his grip was quite tight, yet it was getting tighter. As he choked her, he gritted his teeth in a tense smile. He lifted her up slowly by her neck, inch by inch until he was suspending her off of her feet.

Valaya's eyes went wide and she tried to scream, but no sound left her. She was suddenly aware of her hands being under her control She lifted them up and started to try and claw and pry Andrei's hands from her neck, though with her short nails and comparative weakness, there was really nothing she could do. She looked to Andrei with pleading eyes, though when that got her nowhere she tried to look to Lyra who had moved up behind Andrei. When all she saw was a dark mirth there at her situation, she began to cry.

Lyra slid her arms around Andrei's middle and rested her chin on his shoulder, shifting to kiss along it with gentle, encouraging kisses now and then. She let him have this moment, simply enjoying it in a supportive role.

Andrei drank in that look in Valaya's eyes as she begged and pleaded for her life without words. After several seconds, a sickening snap could be heard between his hands, and Valaya went limp. He tossed her onto the floor and gazed down at her lifeless body in disgust.

"And that is where they belong." Lyra spoke softly but firmly into his ear. Always the devil on his shoulder. She kissed the soft skin under his ear gently and squeezed his body in her arms just slightly, wanting him to feel and know she was the one there with him in this moment.

He reached back and found her side with his hand, a small smile on his face. He turned his head as he experienced the sensations from her kiss.

"And we don't even have as much of a cleanup here." he added, turning to her then and kissing her, their naked torsos making warm contact. He knew exactly who was here with him.

Lyra returned his kiss slowly, passionately, pressing her body to his for just a moment. When she pulled back, she looked down at Valaya's body like it was a pile of offensive trash; that was exactly what it was after all. She opened her clutch to pull out another disk and sphere like she had used earlier in the day for the clean up. She took off the earrings Valaya was wearing and then activated the disk device. While she was bent, she scooped up her dress and Andrei's clothes. She activated the sphere and moved into the bedroom knowing he would follow. They dressed and waited a few moments before wandering back out.

"Well then, I do believe we are due to swing by my room and gather up my things so I can move in with you." She teased and moved to pick up the device; the only evidence of Valaya left was the discarded dress where she had crumpled to the floor.

"You just can't wait to officially share my bed, right Lovely Lyra?" he asked with a silly wiggle of his brows. "And my clothes, if I ever let you dress at all."

"Oh I don't know, I think you quite enjoyed seeing me wearing your clothes. You should see me in a button up though." She said and touched the shirt he was wearing. "I make it look even sexier than you do."

"I bet. As long as it's open." he said, leading her toward the door. "Let's go."



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